Expert Details
Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Science Management
ID: 108102
Florida, USA
Expert focuses on the technology used in beverage systems as one of his specialties. In particular, he is knowledgeable of juice systems. This includes extraction techniques, enzyme systems, filtration technologies, haze formation, and juice stabilization systems. He has studied technologies such as complete fruit liquefaction, press designs, and novel "pasteurization" techniques. His past research projects have also ventured into the study of ultrafiltration, ceramic membranes, electroplasmolysis, pasteurization systems, and beverage packaging systems which include OPET and glass containers.
Expert has been asked to serve on corporate strategic planning boards. He is expected to help shed light on the process of efficiently directing research and developing systems to manage the results of research so that duplication and wasted time is minimized. His experience includes the first-hand management of research teams over many years. He has lectured on this subject to various corporations and holds a working knowledge of numerous approaches to research management. He has found that strategic planning for research-needs requires a unique blend of brainstorming and applied experimental design.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1981 | Degree: Ph.D. | Subject: Food Science | Institution: Michigan State University |
Year: 1978 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Food Science | Institution: Michigan State University |
Year: 1976 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Food Science | Institution: University of Massachusetts |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Dean for Research | Department: Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences |
Responsibilities:Expert is currently serving as Dean of Research & Director of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences (IFSA) for the Employer in Gainesville. Reporting to the Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Expert is responsible for administering and providing statewide leadership for research programs in agriculture, and natural resources, food, and human resources research programs across 16 academic departments. Additionally he directs and administers the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station including 13 research and education centers throughout the state. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to 2005 | Employer: Texas A&M University | Title: Director and Professor | Department: Institute of Food Science and Engineering |
Responsibilities:From 1999 to 2005, He was Director of the Institute of Food Science & Engineering at Texas A&M University. This Institute had seven centers of expertise involving over 170 faculty from all across Texas A&M, other Texas Universities, and Texas based USDA researchers. Expert was also the Director of the Food Protein Research & Development Center, a $2 million annual research and development arm of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station focused on the food and agricultural products areas including oil seeds and their by-products.. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Chairman | Department: Food Science and Technology |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Associate Professor | Department: Department of Food Science and Technology |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 2000 | Employer: Cornell University | Title: Director | Department: Cornell Institute of Food Science |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1999 | Employer: Cornell University | Title: Professor and Chairman | Department: Department of Food Science and Technology |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 1995 | Employer: Cornell University | Title: Interim Chair | Department: Department of Food Science and Technology |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 1995 | Employer: Cornell University | Title: Associate Director | Department: Institute of Food Science |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert lead the effort to build and create the Texas A&M University Electron Beam Food Research Facility, a 10 year - $10million research contract to create a “state of the science” research facility in partnership across academia, government and industry. In 2005, Expert was a Co-PI for the first monetizaton grant ever awarded by USDA to a university. Provided with over 2,500 mt of NFDM. Expert and co-workers converted through commercial sales the NFDM into $5 million dollars for project funding in Jakarta, Indonesia. |
Professional Appointments |
Expert is a Past President, 2002-2003 of the Institute of Food Technologists, a scientific society with 28,000 members and a $15 million dollar annual budget working in food science, technology and related professions in industry, academia and government. His term as president saw the launch and implementation of a new strategic plan noted for it’s unique and forward thinking implementation program. He has also served as a member of the board for the IFT Foundation; a non-profit foundation dedicated to the global community of food science. |
Fields of Expertise
food processing, fruit processing, vegetable processing, food science, apple, bean processing, food processing technology, fruit product, vegetable, fruit juice, fruit juice processing, apple juice, fruit juice quality, beverage, beverage system, computer network, Apple Macintosh, research management, strategic research planning, science management, small business, entrepreneurship, design of experiments, juice haze formation, grape storage, pear storage, cherry storage, apple storage, grape processing, pear processing, cherry processing, apple processing, food packaging material, food container, apple pectin, citrus fruit processing, wireless private branch exchange, AppleTalk, fruit storage, cranberry juice, Apple Macintosh computer network, food package, canned fruit product, management, productivity measurement (quantity), technology transfer, magnetic data storage material, computer-aided automation, pasteurizer, high-performance liquid chromatography, strategic planning, intranet, Internet, food engineering, membrane, enzymal food processing, food sterilization, Food and Drug Administration regulation, food microbiology, chemical kinetics, semisynthetic polymer, computer technology, computer, osmotic membrane, computer hardware, ultrafiltration, telecommuting, statistics, statistical data analysis, food shelf life testing, potato, pectin, pasteurization, organic acid, office automation, networking, network architecture, personal microcomputer, liquefaction, information science, hollow fiber technology, Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Laboratory Practice, gas chromatography, fruit, freezing, food technology, food storage, food starch chemistry, food sensory science, food processing optimization, food processing equipment, food preservation, food packaging process, food irradiation, food ingredient, food freezing, food drying, food color additive, food chemistry, food canning, food antioxidant, flocculating agent, dried fruit, distributed processing, desktop publishing, curve fitting, computer science, computer application process, citrus juice, citrus fruit product, blanching, acid