Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

Forensic Linguistics, Authorship Analysis, Data Science, Text Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

ID: 727236 Illinois, USA

Request Expert

He is an expert in the use of computers to identify document authorship by linguistic analysis. This includes such tasks as determining if a document has been plagiarized, identifying whether a given individual was the author of an anonymous document (authorship attribution), and identifying characteristics of a document's author (their sex, age, likely educational background, personality, etc.). The methods he has developed are applicable to civil investigations in areas such as copyright and intellectual property, as well as for criminal investigations where author authentication or attribution is needed to find or incriminate a suspect.

Expert's published research includes several influential results in this area. His work on determining author gender from writing style was the first to show clear differences between male and female writing in both formal and informal genres, and across multiple languages and time-periods. He has shown how certain aspects of personality are reliably indicated by certain patterns of word usage, obtaining more accurate results than competing approaches. A primary contribution of his research on stylistic text analysis, is a novel methodology for constructing meaningful features for authorship analysis (based on functional/semantic principles) which give better results than previous methods in many cases.

His research has also been instrumental in working to solidify the methodological bases of the fields of automated authorship attribution and computational linguistics, which heretofore were plagued by methodological inconsistencies and low standards of reproducibility. He was the first to give a clear theoretical explanation of the popular "Delta" method for authorship attribution, thus enabling better analysis of its reliability in different circumstances. He was the principal investigator of an NSF-funded project to solidify the methodological bases of the field of automated authorship attribution, and is currently co-PI of the NSF-funded followup effort to create a standardized corpus for research in the area.

Expert has over 20 years of research experience in diverse areas of artificial intelligence and machine learning. His published research includes work on active learning, ensemble learning, learning with prior knowledge, robotic navigation, visual place recognition, shallow parsing, sentiment analysis, computational stylistics, and authorship attribution.

Expert has published numerous papers in many areas of natural language processing and computational linguistics, including shallow parsing, sentiment analysis, computational stylistics, genre analysis, text classification, part-of-speech tagging, information extraction, information retrieval, morphological analysis and rhetorical analysis. He has consulted to industry on projects in legal document processing, information retrieval, and business intelligence.

Expert consulted for AOL Research (2006), providing new algorithms and technology for development of a prototype system to predict emerging trends in web search. The system could predict in advance many of the most popular web searches for the following day, as well as give meaningful explanations for why people suddenly became interested in them.
Expert consulted for Radcom, Ltd. (1998-99) in Tel-Aviv, Israel, helping develop novel proprietary technology more more efficient analysis of Internet protocol traffic.
From 1995 to 1998, Expert had a long-term consulting arrangement with Expert-Ease Development, Inc., now part of Thomson Reuters. His primary contribution was the development of the patented text mining algorithms that form the core of the company's flagship product, Deal Proof (available from Thomson West). He also helped with the design and development of many other aspects of that product. Expert consulted for Compassware Development, Inc. (1995-1997), an information retrieval software company in Jerusalem, Israel. He developed new methods for effective information retrieval, document clustering, and text mining, as part of the company's InfoMagnet enterprise content management system.

Research interests:
Natural language processing and computational linguistics, particularly metaphor
analysis, systemic functional linguistics, shallow parsing, and discourse structure.
Computational stylistics, including text categorization by writing style, gender issues in
linguistic expression, forensic linguistics, and sociolinguistics, with applications to
humanities scholarship, cybersecurity, and counterterrorism.
Data mining and machine learning from very large textual corpora, including intelligent
text retrieval, categorization, summarization, document search, and pattern
Scienti c methodology, epistemology, and ethics; the relationship between the logical,
statistical, cognitive, and social structures in science and reproducibility and
reliability of scienti c research and societal implications.
Digital humanities, particularly application of machine learning and natural language
processing to literary textual analysis and visualization.

Expert has been consulting since 1995.
Forensic linguistics:
2018: Corporate civil arbitration authorship analysis case. Case ongoing.
2018: Public Defender Service for District of Columbia.
Murder case, involving validation of authorship analysis of short online texts. Provided evaluation and validation of text analytic methodologies.
2014: Patent infringement case dealing with network security technology, speci cally
scanning for byte signatures in a data stream. Case dismissed before nal report
2012: Evaluation of whether a company's e-discovery procedures comply with discovery
requirements. Case settled before nal report completed.
2011: Analysis of the authorship of text messages and emails as evidence of conspiracy
and murder. Exploratory analysis performed, but no reports or testimony required.
2010: Authorship analysis of text messages containing death threats. Preliminary report
submitted; full report and testimony not required.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1994 Degree: Ph.D. Subject: Computer Science Institution: Yale University
Year: 1991 Degree: MPhil Subject: Computer Science Institution: Yale University
Year: 1988 Degree: BS Subject: Applied Mathematics Institution: Carnegie-Mellon University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2002 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Associate Professor Department: Computer Science
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1999 to 2002 Employer: Jerusalem College of Technology Title: Assistant Professor Department: Computer Science
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1996 to 1999 Employer: Bar-Ilan University Title: Research Scientist Department: Mathematics and Computer Science
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1994 to 1996 Employer: Bar-Ilan University Title: Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department: Mathematics and Computer Scientists
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1988 to 1994 Employer: Yale University Title: Graduate Research Assistant Department: Computer Science
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1985 to 1988 Employer: Carnegie Mellon University Title: Research Programmer Department: Computer Science
Available upon request.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 1994 to 2002 Country / Region: Israel Summary: Expert lived and worked primarily in Israel from 1994 to 2002, in academic research and teaching positions as well as for a variety of consulting clients.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Fellow, British Computer Society (BCS);
Senior Member, IEEE;
Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); Association for the
Advancement of Arti cial Intelligence (AAAI); Association for Computational
Linguistics (ACL); International Association of Forensic Linguists (IAFL),
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Corporate Advisory Boards:
Knack (San Francisco; Israel); Sentisis (Madrid); Visual Process (Israel); AskWhai (Chicago).
Professional Appointments
Research Funding
Department of Energy: Deep-learning approaches for the analysis of synchrotron data of materials used in energy and environmental applications, Idaho National
Laboratory subcontract
IBM: Empirical Analysis of the Data Science Job Market
Intelligence Community Postdoc: Computational Cognitive Stylistics for Multi-Modal Identity Analytics
IARPA: Scalable Cross-Lingual Metaphor Identi cation and Conceptual Analysis
NIH/NLM SBIR: Automated matching of relevant research studies to patient records
for Evidence Based Medicine, Parity Computing, Inc. subcontract
NSF CISE/CRI: Community Resources for Authorship Attribution Research (joint
with Duquesne U.)
NSF CISE/CRI: Community Resources for Authorship Attribution Research: REU
Binational Science Foundation (BSF): Collaborative Proposal: Automated Text
Analytic Methods to Assess Psychological Attributes of Authors (joint with Bar-Ilan
University and University of Texas at Austin)
ARDA Challenge Workshop: Complex Document Information Processing (CDIP)
NSF CISE/CRI: Community Resources for Research in Automated Authorship
Attribution (joint with Rutgers U.)
IBM/EAS KDD Challenge: Meta-Learning and Computational Stylistics for
Authorship Entity Recognition
NSF CISE/EI: An Undergraduate CS Specialization in Knowledge Management
NSF CISE/EI: An Undergraduate CS Specialization in Knowledge Management
Systems: REU Supplement

Conference Organizing
 Cofounder: Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science;
Program Chair, 2006; Organizational Cochair, 2007; General Chair 2009.
 Program Cochair: Big Data Computing and Communications, Taiyuan, China,
 Program Cochair: Biennial Israeli Symposium on Foundations of Arti cial
Intelligence (BISFAI), 2007.
 Cochair, SIGIR 2006 Workshop | Stylistics for Text Retrieval in Practice, Seattle,
WA, August 2006.
 Workshop Chair: ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
2004 and 2005.
 Cochair, SIGIR 2005 Workshop | Textual Stylistics in Information Access,
Salvador, Brazil, August 2005.
 Cochair, AAAI 2004 Fall Symposium | Style and Meaning in Language, Art,
Music, and Design, Washington, DC, October 22-24, 2004.
 Special session organizer: \Intelligent Text Processing" at the Eighth International
Symposium on Arti cial Intelligence and Mathematics, January 2004.
 Chair, IJCAI-03 Workshop | Doing it With Style: Computational Approaches to
Style Analysis and Synthesis, Acapulco, MX, August 10, 2003.

Program Committees:
 NAACL/HLT: 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 2018
 BigCom 2018: Big Data Computing and Communications, Chicago, IL, 2018.
 Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Arti cial Intelligence, 2013.
 First Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, at NAACL 2013.
 International Workshop on Plagiarism Analysis, Authorship Identi cation, and
Near-Duplicate Detection, at CLEF 2011, 2012, and 2013.
 EMNLP-10: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2010.
 First International Workshop on Opinion Mining for Business Intelligence, 2010.
 SEPLN´09 Workshop PAN. Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship and Social
Software Misuse, 2009.
 Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2007.
 Association for Arti cial Intelligence, 2007.
 ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval,
Senior Program Committee, 2008.
 ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval,
2006, 2007.
 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, 2006{2009.
 International Workshop on Plagiarism Analysis, Authorship Identi cation, and
Near-Duplicate Detection, at ACM SIGIR 2007.
 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2006.
 International Conference on Human Language Technology { Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing, 2005.
 International Joint Conference on Arti cial Intelligence, Senior Program
Committee (poster track), Edinburgh, Scotland, July/August 2005.
 International Computational Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, Sydney,
Australia, July 2005.
 ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2004, 2005.
 Biennial Israeli Symposium on Foundations of Arti cial Intelligence, Ramat Gan,
Israel; 1999, 2005.
Awards / Recognition
Fellowships & Awards
 Fellow of the British Computer Society, elected
 Distinguished Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics, Aston University
 Senior Fellow, Brain Sciences Foundation (Providence, RI), 2011{present.
 Senior Fellow, Center for Advanced Defense Studies (Washington, DC).
 Israel Science Foundation New Immigrant Scientist Fellow (Bar-Ilan University,
 Computational Design Fellow, Center for Computational Design, Rutgers
 Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), CIES/USIEF
 Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellow (Yale University)
Publications and Patents Summary
He has 79 peer-reviewed publications and many others, and one patent. He is the editor of two current books: Computational Methods for Counterterrorism, and The Structure of Style.

Publication statisticsy:
Total citations: 8304
h-index: 38
Citations since 2014: 4019

 Founding Co-Chief Editor: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: Language and
Computation, Frontiers.
 Associate editor: Register Studies, John Benjamin.
 Guest editor: Special topic section of Journal of the American Society for
Information Sciences and Technology on Computational Analysis of Style
 Reviewing: Communications of the ACM, Computational Intelligence, Digital
Humanities Quarterly, Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, IEEE
Transactions on Internet Systems, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation,, Journal of
Arti cial Intelligence Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,
Journal of Machine Learning Research, Journal of the American Society for
Information Sciences and Technology, Literary and Linguistic Computing, Machine

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
Academic Experience
Employer, Chicago, IL.
2019{present: Chair (interim), Department of Computer Science
2013{present: Professor (tenured), Department of Computer Science
2013{present: Director and founder, Master of Data Science
Developed/directed new interdisciplinary degree program; grew program to over 60
students in four years; developed diverse industrial partnerships.
2002{2013: Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Computer Science
Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel.
1999{2002: Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
1999{2002: Research Aliate, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
1996{1999: Research Scientist, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
1994{1996: Fulbright Fellow, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
Summer 1998: Visiting Research Scientist, Center for Computational Design.
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Summer 1994: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Computer Science

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
Hebrew Expert speaks and reads Hebrew fluently as a non-native, and writes Hebrew with good facility.
Arabic Expert is familiar with the principles of Arabic grammar and orthography, and has published research on computational analysis of the language.

Fields of Expertise

Request Expert

Dev Tool:
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