Expert Details
Food Technology, Nutraceuticals, and Cereal Grain Processing, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Nano Technology, etc.

ID: 108338
Wisconsin, USA
Expert is a cereal scientist and grain technologist of international repute. He has worked extensively with corn, sorghum, and wheat.
An internationally known expert in process and plant design of dry and wet corn milling plants, Expert has a total of 25 years of direct experience in the areas of wet and dry corn milling. For example, he is under contract with A.E. Saley, American Maize, and Cargill, Inc., working to create new products and improve process efficiency in wet corn milling. He is knowledgeable of corn quality, entire milling process, and product utilization. He can answer questions on research, QA/QC, and regulatory compliance issues as well as the food, brewing, pharmaceutical, and industrial use of corn grits, corn meal, corn flour, corn cones, acid modified flours, and pregelatinized corn flour.
Expert has expert knowledge of the manufacturing, fortification, and marketing of corn flour and instant masa. He has been part-owner of a related facility and knows all existing and many potential uses of both products.
Having once privatized a wheat flour mill in Ethiopia, Expert knows a great deal about capital costs, process specification and design, and wheat flour use.
Expert is an expert in the development of bread and other baked products. He is deeply familiar with the chemistry of bakery ingredients and the baking process. The new bakery products he has developed include bread, pizza, pasta products, chips, cakes, muffins, bagels, pretzels, cookies, and crackers.
Expert has expert knowledge of both wheat flour and corn tortilla formulation, manufacturing, and equipment layout. He is familiar with plants in Mexico and the USA.
Expert is familiar with RTE cereal manufacturing at Kalbee (in Japan) and Kellogg, Post/Philip Morris, and General Mills. He is especially knowledgeable of the corn-based cold cereals, having given seminars in six different countries on this topic.
Expert has developed a formula and process for bread sticks. As part of an on-site consulting relationship, Expert has formulated fried pasta, a multigrain chip, and two snack dips. He has developed formulations for breakfast cereal, low-fat extruded chips, snack pellets, ethnic foods (oriental), and a filled (co-extruded) snack. He has also developed frozen novelties, ice cream, yogurt, and microwavable snacks for various clients.
Expert has extensive knowledge of food product extrusion. He has worked with the production of masa, pasta, corn chips, corn flakes, and texturized vegetable protein. He can answer questions on process control in extrusion and has authored three different articles in Cereal Foods World. He has excellent knowledge of die design and the creation of shaped foods, with a mastery of the underlying food chemistry.
Expert has expert knowledge of the design, function, and maintenance of screws for various food product applications. He has worked with breakfast cereals, snack foods, pet foods, masa manufacturing, pregelatinized corn flour and corn starches, using both twin and single screws.
With internationally-known expertise in the end use of starch, Expert has studied modified starch, maltodextrins, and corn sweeteners in foods and beverages. His expertise includes knowledge of industrial uses.
A noted expert in the dielectric properties of food ingredients, Expert has worked in the design and development of microwavable foods. His insights have been published in a book, as well as the Journal of Food Science, Cereal Foods World (four articles), and in single client reports.
Expert prepared a special status report to food company executives on nutraceuticals. He has expert knowledge of the underlying chemistry, FDA/USDA regulations, and product formulation possibilities. He can advise on current commercial practices in nutraceutical manufacturing and marketing.
Expert has prepared six single-client market research studies in the areas of food biotechnology, pet food markets, global food business, ascorbic acid production, chemicals from corn, and biodegradable plastics.
Expert is familiar with the creation of transgenic corn and other crops and the use of recombinant DNA organisms for new foods and food ingredients. He has specialized in production of chemicals from corn (and other renewable resources) for biodegradable plastics and food ingredient applications such as citric acid, lysine, and lactic acid.
Expert has a large database on food and drug interactions, health maintenance, and disease control by diet and dietary profile management.
Expert is experienced with the nutrition labeling of all food products, having consulted on-site with four different clients.
Expert has first-hand experience with citric acid and lactic acid manufacturing from corn flour and/or starch. He is very familiar with their food and beverage applications.
Over the last 18 years of his consulting practice Expert has specialised in food-related market research and business planning. He has above-average knowledge of sector-by-sector food industry performance and business basics. He is an attendee of Harvard's Agribusiness program. He has prepared six business plans for various clients.
As an expert in the snack and baked goods subsector, Expert has had to design both single and double (two stage) baking powders from scratch. One of them is sold in Malaysia. He has employed the differential volume expansion concept in designing three-D snack products.
Expert notes that barley is now a food cereal. Expert is also currently working on the production of beta-glucan concentrate from barley.
Expert has licensed three beverage compositions. He knows the formulation schemes and ingredient and process chemistry. He has served as a legal expert in two court cases.
Expert has prepared three state-of-the-art reports on food additives and has written extensively on the topic in his newsletter titled Food Business Opportunities.
Expert has designed two cereal bar formulations with high calcium incorporation. He has expert knowledge of sources, formulation, and fortified food sensory testing.
Expert created a patent pending shelf-stable and no-fat tortilla formulation for Mexican Accent of New Berlin, Wisconsin (1995-1996). He has created twelve products, redesigned six processes, and helped install four manufacturing plants. He secured two U.S. patents on corn bran hydrocolloid. He created a technology manual on cornstarch products and defined the use of specialty starches in microwavable foods for American Maize Products Co. (now Cerestar USA, 1989-91).Expert created a technology manual and interacted with contract manufacturers on food packaging for Beatrice/Aunt Nellie's Farm Kitchens. He prepared a citric acid technology digest. He publishes special reports on market research and technology assessment and has helped prepare initial patent applications. He has worked with plant engineering firms, investment bankers, patent attorneys, and trade associations on various occasions. Expert is a known global expert in food business intelligence, intellectual property management, patent exchange, technology resourcing and deployment, and knowledge management.
1. Nutrients, Mitochondria and human Health: Global consulting in chronic disease management.
2. Highly Viscous Cellulosic hydrocolloid from Corn Bran: Designed plant, commercialized product, secured two patents, and directed R&D and applications
3. Corn Bran Hemicellulose as Gum Acacia Substitute: Developed a process (Patent Pending) while at Z Trim Holdings, Inc.
4. Role of Functional Food Ingredients in design of food gels, emulsions, and foams: This area represents my IP works related to foods as Soft Condensed matter and self-assembly thereof.
5. Role of Food Ingredients for designing food compositions and products (coatings, gravies, sauce, pie and pizza crust, and multicomponent dinners) for microwaveability in general, controlled rate of heating, browning, and drying based on their dielectric properties.
6. Nutrigenomics and Therapeutic Functional Foods: I am a firm believer in diet-disease connection and, therefore, in Nutritional Therapeutics for controlling chronic diseases of cancer, cardiovascular systems, diabetes, digestive system, immunity modulation, osteoporosis, and health and wellness in general. Expertise in this area evolved over 15 years by intensive research and project works for multinational clients.
7. Oat and Yeast Beta-Glucans: Directed comparative applications R&D and advised on Process and product specification for commercialization ( DKSH, Universal Foods/Sensient Technologies, Conagra).
8. Cosmeceutical and Therapeutic applications of milk and cereal grain peptides: Disease specific functional foods (casein phospho-peptides, branched chain amino acid peptides, soy sauce ad traditional fermented foods).
9. Process Design and product Formulation: Customized premixes and retail products- emulsifier and stabilizer blends, health and nutrition bars, cereals, snacks, and probiotic foods.
10. Core competence centers around commercialization of novel process and product technologies. Currently focused on using corn protein zein in stable food emulsions, dips, and salad dressings. Have worked with gasohol producers of DDG and corn protein.
11. Starch production and applications technologies are matters of my core competence.
12. Formulation of stabilizer-emulsifier blends for yogurt, non-dairy milk, Indian sweets, ice milk, ice cream, and premium ice cream. Self-assembly of gels, foams, and emulsions is the fundamental premise behind these applications.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1970 | Degree: Ph.D. | Subject: Food Science/Biochemical Engineering | Institution: University of Illinois-Urbana |
Year: 1963 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Dairy Technology | Institution: Agra University (Agra, India) |
Year: 1961 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Agricultural Engineering | Institution: Gorakhpur University (India) |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2018 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior Advisor to Management | Department: |
Responsibilities:Production of prebiotic hemicellulose, trade named BioFiber Gum, Cellulose gelling hydrocolloid trade named MFC and MFO, and an industrial binder composition in making as a blend of lignin polyphenol, hemicellulose A, Protein Digest, and minor carbohydrate materials. BioFiber Gum, a super emulsifying and encapsulating agent, is a novel and patented, pound for pound replacement of Gum Arabic. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2010 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:A Global Food Business Consulting CompanyDedicated to consulting in the areas of food business and Food Technology: ingredient technology, product & process development, market research, market development, and commercialization. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to 2011 | Employer: ZTrim Holdings | Title: Executive Vice President | Department: Manufacturing and Technology |
Responsibilities:It is public company dedicated to adding value to waste from primary agricultural processing, dry corn milling in particular. Joined the company in 2004 as a full time employee, reduced an exclusively licensed USDA patent to routine production of a hydrocolloid from corn bran. Retired at the end of 2011 from position of Executive Vice President Technology and Manufacturing. Was responsible for process, product, and product commercialization. Started own consulting company- stayed as relatively inactive business but now devote full time to creating breakthrough food technologies, to consulting in the areas of food business and food technology deployment, and to evaluating intellectual property portfolios. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 2000 | Employer: Self Employed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Advises, consults, trains, and manages a group of 16 associates in four countries. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1974 to 1994 | Employer: Krause Milling Co. | Title: Corporate Manager/Vice President | Department: R&D, Tech. Svc, & Engineering |
Responsibilities:He managed the Food Technology, Process Engineering, and Technical Service departments. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1970 to 1974 | Employer: Land O'Lakes | Title: Associate Director of Research | Department: Research Seeds |
Responsibilities:Managed the research and fermentation operations. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1964 to 1970 | Employer: University of Illinois-Urbana | Title: Research Assistant/Post Doctoral Fellow | Department: |
Responsibilities:He conducted research in dairy chemistry and biochemistry. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1963 to 1972 | Employer: National Dairy Research Institute, India | Title: Assistant QC In Charge | Department: |
Responsibilities:He managed the quality control operations. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1976 to 2003 | Agency: USDA, FDA, FAS, and USAID | Role: Retained Expert | Description: Expert has done market development and commodity sale promotion, and program/project management. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: to Present | Country / Region: Brazil, Latin America and Mexico | Summary: Expert was involved with the privatization of the Mexican Government's (MINSA/MICONSA/CONASUPO) instant masa/corn flour production facilities (a 1,500 MT/day operation). He advised the U.S. Agency for International Development on post-harvest technology of cereal grains and legumes. |
Years: to Present | Country / Region: India | Summary: He evaluated projects on soy foods for the U.S. Agency for International Development/Winrock International and advised the U.S. Feed Grains Council on corn and barley markets in India.He consulted with Nagarjuna chemicals and Fertilizers, Universal Starch, and Sukhjit Starch. |
Years: to Present | Country / Region: Europe, Middle East, Asia | Summary: Expert advised clients in former East Germany, Turkey, Ethiopia, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Singapore, and China on behalf of the U.S. Feed Grains Council as to market promotion of corn, sorghum, and barley. |
Years: to Present | Country / Region: Pacific Rim | Summary: He advised clients on process improvements for dry and wet corn milling in Korea. He conducted market research on breakfast and snack foods in Japan. He advised clients in Taiwan on the food uses of starch, corn masa production, and snack food extrusion. He conducted market research on food and industrial uses of wet corn milled products in Malaysia. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a life member of the Council of Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) and a member of American Chemical Society, the Institute of Food Technologists, the American Association of Cereal Chemists, the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the American Association of Oil Chemists. |
Professional Appointments |
Congressional Liaison, Institute of Food Technology’s Research Committee, Chairman, Technical Board, American Corn Miller’s Federation, Washington, D.C., Industry Member USDA’s NC-51, Panelist at Harvard’s Agriculture and Biotechnology Program, Member, Advisory Panel, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Corner stone Member, Council of Agricultural Science and Technology, Retained consultant on Renewable resources, US grains Council, Washington, D.C. and Business Planning Advisor to Universal Foods, Milwaukee, WI and Pinahs Co., Waukesha, WI. Advisor and consultant for General Mills Inc. and Unilever Brazil. Member Board of Directors: Z Trim Holdings, Inc, Mundelein, IL, USA Matrix Specialties, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Civic Involvements: Chairman, Food Technology Transfer Foundation Chairman of Appropriate Technology Foundation, Phulawaria, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. |
Awards / Recognition |
Expert attained First Rank at the Gorakhpur University in Faculty of Agriculture and First Rank in Dairy Technology at the Agra University. He placed Second in an ADSA (American Dairy Science Association) research contest while at University of Illinois, Urbana. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert has prepared six patent applications and is highly experienced in conducting patent searches, tracking, proprietary technologies, and interfacing with patent councilors. Publications: 25 Books: 3 Book Chapters: 4 Recent Patents: 3 At least 7 reports to corporate and trade group clients An article on Zein for low cost salad dressing in Cereal Foods World. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert is a leading food business intelligence expert and market researcher. He has worked as an expert witness for the law firm French, Kezeles, and Kominiarek, P.C. of Chicago. He has also worked as a third-party expert for the International Finance Corporation/World Bank in Washington, D.C., on six different occasions related to privatization and loans for new ventures. Have worked with 200 companies and 15 technical associations in 17 countries. |
Training / Seminars |
He trained technical staff of Kraft, Nabisco, Heinz, Ore-Ida, and Weight Watchers, all on the topic of microwavable foods. He has conducted twelve technology seminars for the U.S. Feed Grains Council, Washington, D.C. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has experience locating vendors of corn bran hydrocolloid Ztrim, cassia gum, guar gum; corn flour, specialty corn starches, meal, and grits; food flavors; reaction flavors; and dry malt products for food and beverage. |
Marketing Experience |
He has experience marketing hydrocolloids, corn grits, meal, and flour to breakfast and snack food manufacturers. He has marketed guar gum, a hydrocolloid used in food and pharmaceutical products and many industrial applications. He has also worked with specialty blends of emulsifiers, preservatives, and baking powder. He is a grains, legumes, hydrocolloid, and emulsion specialist. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Major Speeches: 1. State of Corn dry milling Industry, Amer.Association of Cereal Chemists 2. Chemical Modification of food Proteins, American Chemical Society 3. Mycotoxins in corn, American Association of Cereal Chemists 4. Z Trim Fat Substitute from Corn Bran, Northern Regional Research Center 5. A Highly Functional Hydrocolloid from Corn Bran, US Grains Council 6. New Developments in starch Modification, US Grains Council 7. Immortal Mitochondria 8. Our Foods, Our genes, Our style Expert has assisted in six privatization projects and has advised the International Finance Corporation/World Bank on four international food business loan proposals. He has been retained by eight companies and two trade groups as a retained advisor/consultant during the last 18 years of his consulting practice. Expert has conducted ten market research projects on the Chinese market regarding three distinct food categories. Expert P. Expert, a food sciences expert with an in-depth training and learning in fundamental biochemistry and molecular biology, has served corporate America and food companies on the globe in major sectors of cereal grains milling and milled products utilization, masa processing and hispanic foods, starch processing, utilization of waste lignocellulosics from primary agricultural processing, fermented foods, hydrocolloids and emulsions, production of specialty food ingredients, and production of cold cereals and snacks by extrusion and microwave and radiation technologies. He has an innate ability to see through product and process design problems for today's globalized food and beverage markets. He has first hand experience in product development, manufacturing and marketing around the world in countries of South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Canada. Conagra, Cargil, Tate and Lyle, Kraft, Heinz, Sigma Alimentos, US Food Grains Council, US Foreign Agricultural Service, World Bank's Financial corporation, and many legal firms have been his major clients. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Hindi | Expert is fluent in Hindi. |
Urdu | He is fluent in Urdu. |
Spanish | Expert has a basic level of understanding of Spanish, and can read and write the language. |
French | He has an operational knowledge of, and can read and write, French. |
Fields of Expertise
cereal grain processing, cereal processing, cereal crop, corn milling, corn wet milling, corn meal, corn bran, corn research, corn flour, flour milling, roller process flour milling, wheat flour, wheat milling, baked food product, corn tortilla, ready-to-eat cereal, snack food product development, snack chip, corn chip, food product extruder, snack food extruding, food extrusion, food extrusion screw, modified starch, microwavable food product, nutraceutical, food marketing, food biotechnology, dietary allowance, dietary supplement, nutrition labeling, nutritional label, citric acid, lactic acid, food industry, baking powder, barley, beverage processing, butylated hydroxyanisole, food preservative, calcium fortification, convenience food development, food engineering, sugarless ingredient, market research, food formulation, food surfactant, cereal science, cereal grain, dairy microbiology, food additive, snack food, extrusion screw, plant biotechnology, nutrition, grain milling, infant nutrition, ice cream, fruit juice, food regulation, food technology, food staling, food rheology, food preservation, food ingredient, food emulsifier, food chemistry, food antimicrobial additive, flavor, dextrin, corn, beverage, international development, baking technology, Chinese marketing, consumer demographics, European market research, post-harvest technology, microwave popcorn, food product market survey, breakfast cereal industry, carbonated beverage, off-flavor, competitive intelligence, food product development, wild rice processing, calcium stearate, dehulling, indirect food additive, food-borne pathogen, food-borne bacteria control, sports nutrition, food lipid oxidation, gluten, wheat protein, human nutrition, 1-octanol, barley milling, rice milling, agribusiness, pediatric cereal processing, parenteral nutrition, cereal chemistry, biotechnology market research, vitaminology, food product quality improvement, health food