Expert Details
Food Processing, Food Safety, Food Hygiene, Food Business Advice

ID: 729602
Outstanding experience in developing, planning and implementing of food safety programmes (EC Countries, EC Candidate Countries, potential EC Candidate Countries, CIS-Countries, Germany);
Multiple experience in reviewing and implementing EU food standards and regulations for food industries (EU Hygiene package, EFSA documents and guidelines, GHP, GMP, HACCP, ISO 9000/22000);
Excellent knowledge of international and EC food safety regulations ( CAC, FAO, EC Reg. 852, 853, 854 etc.) and related veterinary principles;
Expertise in evaluation and law drafting of food safety regulations (livestock, meat markets, meat and dairy products, veterinary rules, standardisation, metrology and market surveillance);
Drafting ToR for food safety projects according PRAG-procurement rules;
Assessment of food inspection procedures in laboratories and food plants, development of veterinary inspection procedures;
Policy advice in the field of food safety policy (EC IPARD);
Business-planning and management advice for SME in developing countries;
12 years hands-on experience in evaluation and supervision of meat processing facilities, hygiene and safety of food of animal origin;
Detailed knowledge of slaughterhouse/ meat industry equipment incl. waste management;
Lecturing experience on international and EU food safety regulations (CAC, FAO, EC Hygiene package, GHP, GMP, HACCP and ISO 9000/22000);
Multiple experience with international donor programmes (PHARE, TACIS, IPARD, GIZ, bilateral programmes);
Strong analytical capability, leadership skills and experience in co-operating with government bodies on all levels.
Location: Armenia
Client: EuropeAid / Tacis Programme / Agrer
Main project features: The project’s overall objective was to assist the Armenian Veterinary Services and Food Safety enforcement agencies to raise animal health and food safety standards and their enforcement
The specific objectives are:
• To improve the veterinary and food safety legal framework and its enforcement
• To improve the quality of veterinary and food safety controls carried out by the State Veterinary Inspectorate
• To improve the quality of veterinary and food safety controls carried out by the Central and regional laboratories
• To establish a safe chain of production for meat between slaughter and market.
Positions held: Food safety expert (Key expert)
Activities performed:
• Policy advice (standardisation, metrology and market surveillance);
• Drafting of Armenia’s food safety law, implementation of meat inspection procedures and hygiene rules (GMP, HACCP, EC Hygiene package, EFSA documents and guidelines, ISO 22000);
• Assessment of slaughter facilities, technical support for slaughter facilities, development of cold chain, training of meat inspectors (state sector) and meat processors (private sector) on international regulations (Codex alimentarius, Reg. 852, 853, 854, GMP, HACCP and ISO 22000, EFSA policy)
• Drafting ToR for follow-up projects
Location: Georgia
Client: GTZ / GFA-Agrar Hamburg
Main project features: The project main objective was to improve the profitability and competiveness of selected agri-businesses in remote areas of Georgia.
Specific objectives covered:
• Assessment of SME,
• business planning,
• management training,
• HACCP studies,
• food safety training
Positions held: Food safety expert
Activities performed:: Assessment of SMEs, business planning, management training, HACCP studies, food safety training for state meat inspectors (food standardisation, metrology, market surveillance etc.) and SME employees (GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000), evaluation of food safety regulations and drafting of food laws according EC food safety policy, policy advice
Location: Belarus
Client: AGEG Consultants GmbH / EuropeAid
Main project features: The assignment aimed at supporting the State Standardisation Body GOSSTANDART in drafting ToR for a EuropeAid project
Positions held: Team Leader
Activities performed:
• Interviews with state bodies and stakeholders
• Brief assessment of needs in the standardisation/certification/food inspection sector
• Co-ordination of drafts between client and ECD
• Drafting ToR for the project according PRAG-procurement rules and reporting
Location: Kosovo
Client: GFA - Agrar Hamburg, Germany / European Agency for Reconstruction
Main project features: The project aimed on elaboration of a sector study for the Kosova met processing secto .
Positions held: Food safety expert
Activities performed:
• Feasibility studies for two of Kosovos’ combined meat plants,
• sector study regarding the situation of livestock, food safety and meat industry,
• establishment of an example slaughter point,
• catalogue of urgent improvements with regards to food hygiene and veterinary measures at abattoirs
Location: Slovakia
Client: GFA - Agrar Hamburg, Germany / EC PHARE Programme
Main project features: The projects main objective was to support the Slovak MoA in the process of EU alignment
Positions held: Meat industry expert
Activities performed:
• Training on EU meat market regulations
• Advise to the Commodity Group Beef in drafting meat market regulations
• preparing a negotiation platform for Slovakia's accession to the EC.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1978 | Degree: MSc. | Subject: Food Processing | Institution: Technical University of Dresden, Germany |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2011 to 2011 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Food Industry Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:USAID Agribusiness Project Serbia: Meat Market Assessment Study (market structure, stakeholders, domestic market potential, export opportunities, constraints, SWOT analysis, recommendations). |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to 2010 | Employer: | Title: Team Leader | Department: |
Responsibilities:Belarus- CFC: SUPPORT TO QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE IN BELARUS ––FOOD SAFETY. fact finding and needs assessment of national food quality infrastructure, drafting ToR for the project according PRAG-procurement rules in co-operation with state standardisation body |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to 2009 | Employer: | Title: SME Training Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:Kosovo- KOSVET-IV: Vocational Education and Training in Kosovo: Training for employees and management of SME in food safety and related issues (HACCP, GMP, ISO 22000, traceability, personnel training etc.) |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to 2008 | Employer: | Title: Food Safety Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:Georgia- GTZ-Project: Improving the profitability of the agricultural sector in Georgia: Assessment of SME, business planning, management training, HACCP studies, food safety training for state meat inspectors (food standardisation, metrology, market surveillance etc.) and SME employees (GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000), evaluation of food safety regulations and drafting of food laws according EC food safety policy, policy advice. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2007 | Employer: | Title: Key Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:Armenia- TACIS-Project: Support to the Armenian MoA on food safety: policy advice (standardisation, metrology and market surveillance), reviewing and drafting of national food law, implementation of meat inspection procedures and hygiene rules (GMP, HACCP, EU Hygiene package, EFSA documents and guidelines, ISO 22000), Assessment and technical assistance for food processing facilities, technical assistance for improved cold chain, training of state food inspectors and food processors (private sector) on international regulations (Codex alimentarius, FAO, EC Reg. 852, 853, 854, GMP, HACCP and ISO 22000, EFSA policy), drafting ToR for follow-up projects |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to 2004 | Employer: | Title: Food Safety Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:Jordan- European Commission, Technical Assistance for the Jordanian Executive Privatisation Commission: Review of Privatisation Opportunities in Infrastructure Sectors, evaluation of SME and state meat enterprises |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2002 to 2003 | Employer: | Title: Meat Industry Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:Kosovo- GFA-Project: Beef market survey for Kosovo: market survey for the Kosova beef market (data sampling, computing, reporting). recommendations to improve overall food safety, advice for improving slaughter-facilities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2000 | Employer: | Title: Food Safety Expert | Department: |
Responsibilities:Kosovo- GFA-Project: Feasibility Study of the Agricultural Processing Sector in Kosovo: feasibility studies for two of Kosovo combined meat plants, sector study regarding the situation of livestock, food safety and meat industry, establishment of an example slaughter point, catalogue of urgent improvements with regards to food hygiene and veterinary measures at abattoirs. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2010 to 2010 | Country / Region: Albania | Summary: CFC: Ex-ante evaluation of the Albanian Rural Development Programme under IPARD 2012-2013: fact finding, needs assessment, document review, drafting recommendations to improve effectiveness and efficiency of RDP |
Years: 2009 to 2010 | Country / Region: Belarus | Summary: CFC: SUPPORT TO QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE IN BELARUS ––FOOD SAFETY. fact finding and needs assessment of national food quality infrastructure, drafting ToR for the project according PRAG-procurement rules in co-operation with state standardisation body |
Years: 2009 to Present | Country / Region: Kosovo | Summary: KOSVET-IV: Vocational Education and Training in Kosovo: Training for employees and management of SME in food safety and related issues (HACCP, GMP, ISO 22000, traceability, personnel training etc.) |
Years: 2007 to 2008 | Country / Region: Georgia | Summary: GTZ-Project: Improving the profitability of the agricultural sector in Georgia: Assessment of SME, business planning, management training, HACCP studies, food safety training for state meat inspectors (food standardisation, metrology, market surveillance etc.) and SME employees (GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000), evaluation of food safety regulations and drafting of food laws according EC food safety policy, policy advice |
Years: 2006 to 2007 | Country / Region: Armenia | Summary: TACIS-Project: Support to the Armenian MoA on food safety: policy advice (standardisation, metrology and market surveillance), reviewing and drafting of national food law, implementation of meat inspection procedures and hygiene rules (GMP, HACCP, EU Hygiene package, EFSA documents and guidelines, ISO 22000), Assessment and technical assistance for food processing facilities, technical assistance for improved cold chain, training of state food inspectors and food processors (private sector) on international regulations (Codex alimentarius, FAO, EC Reg. 852, 853, 854, GMP, HACCP and ISO 22000, EFSA policy), drafting ToR for follow-up projects |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
ISO 9000 training for TÜV, Germany. several trainings and workshops on food safety, meat markets etc. in various countries. |
Marketing Experience |
Food industry, meat industry. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | Fluent |
Russian | Fair understanding |
Fields of Expertise
food, food industry, food industry quality assurance, food industry quality control, food industry total quality management, food manufacturing ISO quality management, food processing, food processing equipment, food processing good manufacturing practice, food processing quality, food processing technology, food product quality control, food safety