Expert Details
Fluid and Thermal Science, Interfacial Fluid Flow

ID: 726410
Minnesota, USA
Expert has 15 year of experience performing research in computational fluid dynamics, with a focus on in compressible, interfacial flows. She has taught computational fluid dynamics and numerical analysis of partial differential equations at the graduate level. She has experience with finite difference and finite volume methods. She has implemented projection methods for incompressible flows. She has implemented volume-of-fluid methods for interfacial flows and is familiar with level set methods. She knows how to solve parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic partial differential equations numerically using both iterative and direct methods. She is familiar with the method of characteristics. She developed a method to simulate the dynamics of insoluble surfactant within a volume-of-fluid method.
Expert has over 15 years of experience performing fluid dynamics research, with an emphasis on computational, interfacial flow. She has taught fluid dynamics at the undergraduate and graduate levels. She has a nuanced understanding of the Navier Stokes equations, as well as the conservation of mass, momentum and energy, in general. She knows how to model internal and external flows.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2001 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology |
Year: 1990 | Degree: BS | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: University of Florida |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Vice President | Department: |
Responsibilities:As a project manager, led a team of reseachers; met project schedule and budget targets. Performed market, competitive, and technology assessments, as well as competitive intelligence. Identified and evaluated market opportunities for new technologies and products. Conducted conversational, in-depth interviews. Analyzed and synthesized primary and secondary research findings. Prepared and presented reports. Diagnosed client needs, developed appropriate methologies, and prepared proposals. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2007 | Employer: University of Minnesota | Title: Assistant Professor | Department: Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics |
Responsibilities:Performed research in computational fluid dynamics, focusing on surface tension effects. Published and presented research methodology and results. Taught courses in fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, aerospace propulsion, and dynamics. Supervised undergraduate and graduate student research. Wrote proposals; obtained and managed research funding. Engaged in service to department, university and research communities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 1993 | Employer: Westinghouse Electric Corporation | Title: Engineer | Department: Steam Turbine Engineering |
Responsibilities:Analyzed performance of steam cycle in conventional and combined cycle power plants. Optimized steam turbine blade path and other cycle components. |
Career Accomplishments
Awards / Recognition |
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2006. National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2005. 3M Corporation Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 2003. Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Scholarship, 1995-2000. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
She has several publications in technical journals. |
Fields of Expertise
multicomponent flow, thin liquid film-gas flow interaction, two-phase flow, interfacial tension, low surface tension, interfacial fluid mechanics, surfactant, liquid-gas flow, multiphase flow analysis, curvature, surface tension, fluid mechanics mathematical modeling, computational fluid dynamics, fluid mechanics modeling, finite-volume method, iterative method, Laplace equation, numerical analysis, numerical modeling, partial differential equation, wave equation, Eulerian equation, fluid dynamics, fluid flow, fluid mechanics, hydrostatic pressure, Navier-Stokes equation, viscous fluid flow, mass flow quantity, liquid state mechanics, pressure drop, fluid diffusion, dimensionless number, Newtonian flow, velocity profile, viscosity, density, heat convection, laminar flow, Reynolds number, heat flux, low surface tension, thermodynamic heat-transfer coefficient, gas diffusion, fluid compressibility, fluidics, gas property, critical speed, water spray, low viscosity, high viscosity, thermal expansion coefficient, coefficient of linear expansion, capillary action, critical flow, fluid compression, fluid line pressure drop, interfacial water, fluid channel, streamline flow, Poiseuille flow, meniscus, thermodynamic heat balance, Newtonian mechanics, isothermal process, gravity, computational heat transfer analysis, subsonic flow, supersonic flow, nonlinear mechanics, refrigeration thermodynamics, interfacial tension measurement, fluid flow transient, mathematical modeling, fluid boundary layer, thermodynamic property, multiphase flow measurement, thermodynamic open system, surface energy, fluid thermodynamic property, thermodynamic variable, thermodynamic process, internal fluid mechanics, external flow, non-Newtonian fluid flow, Bernoulli equation, vortex, two-phase heat transfer, thermodynamics, thermodynamic law, thermodynamic cycle, swirl flow, statics, Rankine cycle, pipe flow, physics modeling, multiphase heat transfer, mechanics, mass transport, liquid flow, kinetics, kinematics, internal flow, hydrostatics, hydromechanics, hydrodynamics, hydraulic jet, heat transfer, heat conduction, gas flow through a nozzle, gas flow, gas dynamics, forced convection, fluid flow measurement, equilibrium thermodynamics, entropy, enthalpy, energy conservation, dynamics, dynamic heat transfer, drag, capillary flow, bubble, Brayton cycle, Bernoulli theorem, air flow, aerodynamics, adiabatic process