Expert Details
Flow Measurement and Metering

ID: 107992
Pennsylvania, USA
WATER METERING; REMOTE METER READING. Expert has designed five different types of residential water meters for both North American and international markets. He has also designed and put into production larger meters designed for commercial, industrial, and special markets (irrigation, submetering, and water flooding) using a variety of metering technologies. In a special subcategory of utility metering (water, gas, and electric), he has experience in the mechanical aspects of both semi-automated utility meter reading systems and fully automated systems called automatic meter reading. These systems involve hand held data collection computers as well as mainframe computers connected to utility meter communication systems (either telephone, CATV, radio, or powerline) to read utility meters without conventional manual meter readers.
BUSINESS PLANNING; MARKET DEVELOPMENT. Utilizing his knowledge of the water industry, Expert has prepared complete business plans for small, start-up companies to divisions of Fortune 100 conglomerates with companies based in the US and in several foreign countries. He has assisted companies in market development projects from the market launch of new products through the process of establishing promotional strategies and advertising or communication programs.
DIRECT HEAT DRYERS; FLUID BED DRYERS; FLASH DRYERS; ROTARY KILN DRYERS. Expert is also doing contract management work in the area of direct heat dryers used in the chemical industry, including fertilizers, paint pigments, foodstuffs, and minerals. His experience has been confined to managing the design, production, and commissioning of the fluid bed, flash, and rotary kiln types of direct heat dryers.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1983 | Degree: MBA | Subject: | Institution: University of Pittsburgh |
Year: 1963 | Degree: BS | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: Carnegie Mellon University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1989 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Independent Consultant | Department: Flow measurement and Metering |
Responsibilities:His work includes gas meters, multiphase flow meters, and open channel flowmeters. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1963 to 1989 | Employer: Rockwell International, Water Meter Business Segment | Title: | Department: Water Meter Business Segment |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to 1989 | Employer: BTR Water Measurement | Title: Director of Technology | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1988 | Employer: Rockwell M&FC Division | Title: Manager of Engineering | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1963 to 1976 | Employer: WF Rockwell Research and Development Center | Title: Senior Development Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Career Accomplishments
Professional Appointments |
Expert serves on many industry voluntary standards committees that promote water meter standards and specifications for North America. In conjunction with this effort, he was on the AWWA Research Foundation Meter Advisory Committee, was Vice Chairman of the AWWA Positive Displacement Water Meter Committee, was a member of the ASSE Backflow Preventer Standards Committee, and was a Director of the WWEMA Trade Association. He is currently the Chairman of the AWWA Rate Type Flowmeter Committee, Chairman of the Remote Meter Reading Subcommittee, and the AWWA Liaison Representative to the Automatic Meter Reading Association (AMRA) Communications Subcommittee. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert has lectured nationally and internationally and has published a dozen papers on meter testing, sizing, selecting and installing flowmeters. He holds four U.S. patents in the areas of metering, flow conditioning, and meter accessories. One of his patents, concerning a plastic meter connection, was named the Industrial Product of the Year in 1984 by the Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE). |
Fields of Expertise
direct dryer, energy-efficient metering, flowmeter, flowmetering, fluid flow measurement, water meter, flow measurement standard, liquid metering, water flow, American Water Works Association, multiphase flowmetering, custody transfer, magnetic flowmeter, flowmetering technology, rotary kiln, rotary dryer, fluidized bed drying, flowmeter calibration, metering, backflow prevention, new product development, multiphase flow measurement, energy-efficient fluid bed dryer, energy-efficient direct-heat dryer, water management, open-channel flow, energy-efficient water metering, metering instrument, mixed flow, velocity-type flowmeter, liquid flow measurement, gas meter, gas flow measurement, fuel meter, flow measurement code