Expert Details
Firearms Functioning, Design, Manufacturing; History & Identification, Gunsmithing, Ballistics, Ammunition, Airguns

ID: 726564
Florida, USA
Testified in State and Federal Courts, patent, liability, and criminal cases.
Books have been cited as "Best Evidence"
Qualified in firearms functioning, firearms technology, firearms history, firearms identification, and ballistics (interior, exterior, terminal and reconstructive)
Advocate for improving weapons detection systems since 1982
Firearms Technology:
Technical Advisor, Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners
"Principal Investigator" for US Navy Polymer Case Ammunition Project (2 issued US Patents)
"Principal Investigator" for US Army Ceramic Gun Barrel Project (Pending US Patents)
Technical Director of research, development, toolmaking, and production for a company that specialized in products for the Defense and Armaments industries.
Other related experiences:
Expert first learned to program while he was a student at the Univ. of Florida. He was trained at that time in Fortran and wrote engineering programs on card decks. Since then he has learned modern programming languages and has written successful commercial programs since the mid-1980s.
He has performed programming and led teams of programmers to create boxed retail commercial software for software publishers. Application OS includes Windows, Pocket PC, Palm, Linux, as well as custom programming for dedicated devices. He created and maintained e-commerce sites and coordinated Ebay and Amazon sites for mail-order companies. He currently volunteers his time to work with the DMOZ Project, OpenUsability Project, and Project.
Expert was the Director of Publishing Administration for a major publisher of budget software, and was also in charge of government sales for them. Part of his duties involved working with mass-market retailers, from sales and support to custom manufacturing. In his tenure, Expert performed programming, proposed and carried through new projects, and, using virtual space, coordinated multinational programming teams with members located as far away as India and Russia.
Expert now serves in two prestigious capacities at a research and development company located on the campus of a university in Florida. Under Expert’s technical leadership, they have commercialized a range of products ranging from those manufactured using his mold making technology, to food products manufactured with their proprietary sweetener and software.
Expert created the concept of a new office productivity software, using an Open Source business model, started the project, led the development team, conducted negotiations for product distribution, recruited team members, and brought the product to market.
Expert created a start-up plastics manufacturing company that evolved into a leading regional injection molding, engineering, and mold-making company. Manufacturing technologies included: design engineering, toolmaking, injection molding, thermoset molding, thermoset composite forming, thermoplastic composite fabrication, assembly, and packaging. He invented and led the development of novel patent-pending mold-making technologies. Widely known in the jewelry and dental manufacturing community as a provider of polypropylene “waxes” for lost wax (investment) casting. Added a "paperless" engineering and toolmaking protocol that integrated 3DCAD/CAE/CAM with Quality Assurance and Marketing. Negotiated and consummated the sale of the company to a public company.
Independent Jewelry Dealer and Appraiser:
Performed several thousand gem identifications and jewelry appraisals in Central Florida for both retail clients and business customers.
Retail dealer of fine gems and precious metal jewelry, specializing in diamonds. Expert’s largest single retail sale was $350,000.00. As a dealer, he believes in turnover, and in creating non-standard markets for rare jewelry, such as donations, charity auctions, high-value trades, and similar “out of the store” sales.
Wholesale dealer of semi-precious gems to the trade with contacts in the world's major gem centers.
He works with jewelry designers and manufacturers to create new styles for the retail mass market. In this capacity, Expert uses his manufacturing experience to revise designs and materials for manufacturability, and cost control.
One of his many issued patents is for diamond manufacturing.
Expert was the Technical Director of a plastics research, development, toolmaking, and production molding company that specialized in products for the Defense and Armaments industries and was responsible for the direction of all R&D performed by the company, as well as responsibility for manufacturing technology, and new product development.
Precision embedded devices in both solid and flexible media were a specialty and were designed and made f's clients. This type of production included firearm grips and stocks with add-in as well as integral mechanical or electrical components. For the U.S. military, Expert and company produced precision optics/laser sight mounts with tolerances of .00025” in 40% carbon-filled high-temperature resin.
Expert’s novel utilizations of technology developed for rapid prototyping and rapid mold making have led to the development of precision in-situ reverse engineering by which objects can be modeled and analyzed non-destructively in their functional environment. Applications include examining prosthetic implants for wear or damage or measuring projectile fragments, without having to remove the objects from the body. The scanned 3D image of the object can produce 3D stereolithography models as accurate as .001”, and computer virtual solid models may achieve even greater accuracy.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1971 | Degree: None | Subject: Electrical Engineering | Institution: University of Florida |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1974 to 1974 | Employer: Seminole Community College | Title: Instructor | Department: |
Responsibilities:Instructor in law enforcement- gunsmithing and ballistics. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1973 to 1976 | Employer: Casselberry, FL Police Dept. | Title: Police Armorer and Range Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1970 to 1971 | Employer: Santa Fe Communiy College | Title: Instructor | Department: |
Responsibilities:Instructor in law enforcement- gunsmithing and ballistics. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Member of ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals) |
Licenses / Certifications |
Certified instructor: rifle, pistol, shotgun marksmanship; police combat firearms; FL. Licensed firearms instructor. Expert was first licensed by the U.S. Treasury Dept. while an engineering student at the U of FL in 1970, and has been a designer, dealer, manufacturer consultant, and writer since then. In 1974, he entered the collectible arms trade, in 1976 registered as an arms exporter with the U.S. State Dept., and in 1978 started making polymer arms components and tooling. He invented armaments, detection systems, and tooling systems, made OEM and replacement gun parts, grips for over 1000 guns, and was an OEM maker of grips, stocks, components, and did engineering and design. Expert was a supplier for S&W, Colt, Marlin, Savage, Kimber, and many others. He also held tours of his plant to show FDLE Firearms Examiners how parts are made. |
Professional Appointments |
He was an Editor of R.Fringe Publishers, Inc., a software publisher and held a prestigious position within (undisclosed) Speaker's Bureau. He was also a software reviewer for that organization. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert has written over a dozen books published by Random House and Crown and has developed a database on firearms makers, subcontractors, markings on firearms, and small arms from around the world. This has been used for books, H.P. White Labs, and the FAA. He has worked on FAA's firearms metallurgical analysis project. Presented technical papers at the Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiner (AFTE), Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), the International Counter-Terrorism conferences, and others. Expert invented a polymer gun, and holds patents that encompass action design, recoil control, gas flow, feed mechanism design, materials utilization, barrel design, ergonomics as well as manufacturing automation techniques. He currently holds four U.S. patents on polymer guns. He is also the inventor of a high-pressure polymer cased ammunition and served as the principal investigator for the U.S. Department of Defense project to develop this ammunition for military use. Expert has two issued U.S. patents for this ammunition. As the inventor of plastic-cased ammo, he is familiar with materials engineering and interior ballistics. Expert invented ceramic machine gun barrels. Materials include ceramics, self-reinforced thermoplastics, thermoset resins, and advanced composites. These patent-pending barrels have a new type of rifling, and he worked with others to evaluate the unique engraving on the bullets and establish identification characteristics. This was presented to AFTE. He is the inventor of the process that makes precision plastic injection molds. The process is so accurate that it can duplicate the microscopic pits that form the data on CD and DVD disks. NCT can make a 3D mirror image and produce molds quickly and inexpensively. His experience in the plastics industry also has given him a background in the manufacturing of software, computer hardware, and packaging. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert was invited to testify to the US Congress twice, and other governmental bodies, civic groups, and debated this on live national television. Worked with Sen. to define detection standards, which led to a law incorporating Expert’s ideas, put into motion in 1988. |
Marketing Experience |
Lecturer on advanced gun systems, and the future of armament technology. Expert has appeared on national TV and radio, as well as CBC and BBS. Expert was also well known to computer industry professionals as the co-host of a weekly radio show about the computer industry that was heard nationwide. He is currently the East Coast Editor of a radio news gathering organization specializing in the computer industry. |
Fields of Expertise
aeroballistics, aerodynamic drag, ammunition, ballistic pendulum, ballistic projectile, ballistic trajectory, ballistics, body armor, borescope, bullet-proof clothing, criminal firearm, exterior ballistics, firearm, firearm construction, forensics, grip, gun, gun action, gun propellant, gunsight, handgun, interior ballistics, ordnance science, penetration mechanics, police weapon, projectile, recoil testing, ricochet, rifle, seating (distance), shotgun, terminal ballistics, trajectory, velocity measurement, weapon, weaponry gun, weapons system, computer software, diamond, diamond single crystal, gem synthesis, single crystal growth, moldmaking, plastic injection molding computer modeling, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, solid modeling, SolidWorks, AutoCAD DWG output, composite material science, advanced pc system, CAD file, personal computer-based computer-aided engineering, computer-aided engineering software, computer-aided manufacturing design, jewelry, spinel, technical illustration software, ceramic component manufacturing, synthetic gem, natural gem, synthetic crystal, semiprecious, turquoise, drafting software, finite element analysis software, gemology, gemstone colorimetry, mechanical design automation, topaz, computer file, ceramic material manufacturing, carat, design-for-quality, finite element modeling, computer-aided optimum design, CCD camera, munitions demilitarization, die (device), color measurement, color difference measurement, assembly machine design, application software, polymer science, human factors, graphics primitive, gem, computer graphics science, computer-aided manufacturing, computer-aided engineering, computer-aided geometric design, spline representations, armor, ordnance system, knife, graphic arts, design engineering, amethyst, computer system, crystallography, ruby, garnet, sapphire, metrology, geometric modeling, finite element analysis, computer integrated manufacturing, computer-aided design and drafting, manufacturing automation, AutoCAD