Expert Details
Environmental Consulting - Industrial Wastewater & Process & Hazardous wastes

ID: 722893
Georgia, USA
Expert has designed and used air strippers in the treatment of groundwater and for oxidation. He is familiar with both the theory and practice of stripping.
Expert has written a book on "Practical Wastewater Treatment" which includes several chapters on biological wastewater treatment and have designed, built, evaluated and consulted on biological wastewater treatment plants, including industrial plants.
Expert has remediated several sites with bioremediation and natural attenuation. Expert has written a book on "Remediaton of Petroleum Contaminated Sites," and have consulted in several countries in remediation activities and investigations.
Expert has treated soils contaminated with everything from lead,chrome, copper and arsenic, to, simple organics, petroleum, PCB's and nuclear wastes. Expert has used a variety of treatment options including bioremediation for organics, soil washing, and thermal treatment.
Expert has designed, built, and used DAF systems. A number of years ago, he was involved in developing electrolytic flotation systems for commercial applications in wastewater treatment. His recent book includes a chapter on DAF systems and their alternatives and applications.
As a consulting engineer, Expert has designed and evaluated drinking water systems, including performing pressure loss and distribution and demand loss calculations on their piping networks, and have worked with and consulted with industrial firms which have drinking water problems.
Expert has designed and supervised installation and operation of disinfection systems, including chlorination, ozonation, and UV systems for various clients, both municipal and industrial. His recent book includes extensive materials on disinfection alternatives.
Drinking water purification can be accomplished in a number of ways, including filtration, chemical treatment, and softening. Expert has worked with all 3 types of treatments, and have taught courses on drinking water purification.
Expert is an expert on drinking water treatment. His recent book includes several chapters on techniques which are applicable to drinking water treatment.
Expert knows his way around the environment and have been a working Environmental Engineer for the past 40 years. He makes his living as a consultant on environmental matters, including air, water, solid waste, hazardous waste, biologial and conventional water treatment, and even some evaluation of human interactions with the environment.
Expert has performed well over 100 environmental audits and have written articles on the need for integrity and the problems with the environmental auditing industry. Expert has several other consultants who regularly call upon me for their environmental audits. Expert has performed risk assessments and taught courses in the subject area of environmental assessment and auditing. Expert has audited chemical facilities as well as commerical facilities.
Expert has been a working environmental engineer for 40 years, and have a small but successful conslting business in the environmental field. Expert has worked on forensic problems, environmental fraud problems, environmental contamination and health effects, and designed a host of systems for environmental control, and modeled environmental systems using commercial software.
Expert has worked closely with attorneys and other parties to provide environmental forensic data which in some cases resulted in bringing in third parties into the lawsuits with solid evidence. Expert has also provided evidence of environmental fraud and provided documentary proof of contamination and causes of environmental contamination.
Expert has written several environmental impact assessments and have successfully addressed the principal objections of the regulatory community to the possible areas of concern. The impact assessments have generally been for smaller and private companies, and not large governmental projects.
Expert is an expert on environmental remediation and has written a book on remediation of petroleum contaminated sites, and performed remediation on a variety of sites containing everything from PCB's, and chlorinated organics, to metals and nuclear materials. His work has included fixation and stabilization as well as bioremediation and thermal treatment and soil washing.
Expert regularly writes environmental risk assessment statements for one of his clients, a large Georgia School District, whenever they purchase property to build a new school site. Expert has worked in environmental risk assessment for a number of years and set up a team to evaluate environmental risk and data gathering in Ecuador.
Expert has taught environmental safety and the OSHA 24 and 40 hour courses. Expert has lectured on environmental safety in handling chemicals and packaging materials for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Expert has published articles and designed samplers and measuring deviced for environmental compliance and research purposes.One of his articles is considered a classic in Chemical Engineering.
Over the years Expert has performed several hundred environmental site assessments for a variety of institutional and commercial clients. Expert has also set up the course which taught the subject of Environmental Assessment at the Environmental Institute in Marietta, GA. Expert has written widely on the subject as well. Expert has been called in on a number of sites to evaluate the potential environmental impact of certain operations and practices. In some instances, Expert has been called in to perform work on evaluation of environmental damage from uncontrolled runoff and constrution operations.
Expert is an expert at groundwater treatment. Expert has designed a number of groundwater treatment facilities both for drinking water and contamianted water (pump and treat systems). Expert has consulted with industries regarding their treatment or lack thereof for drinking water supply within industrial facilities, supplying recommendations and design of systems where required.
Expert's work on hazardous wastes and its treatment goes back to the early 1970's, well before the Love Canal and other environmental problems. In the 1980's, he went to work for Hooker Chemical and worked on the Love Canal and Love Canal West, dealing with hazardous and chemcial wastes and exposures of all types.
Expert has over 20 years in dealing with the disposal of hazardous wastes. Expert has participated in the development of a device for highly hazardous waste disposal and have supervised cleanup and disposal of hazardous wastes and designed hazardous waste storage and disposal facilitites and landfills.
Expert has provided industrial clients with advice on hazardous waste disposal and management. In some instances Expert has re-engineered the process to help avoid the generation of the wastes. In other instances, Expert has found alternative uses and substituted materials to avoid hazardous waste creation. Expert has written widely on the subject of hazardous wastes, including articles on PCB's back in the mid 1970's, and disposal techniques.
In October 2006 Expert's book was published. It is a summary of industrial and practical experience in the field of industrial wastewater treatment. Expert has been consulting in Industrial Wastewater Treatment for almost all of his professional career, and it is his interest. Expert has designed and buit commercial and industrial wastewater treatment facilities, and seen both good and bad ones. Expert regularly is called upon as a reference by some of his professonal colleagues.
Expert has worked on all types of soil remediation including biological remediation, assisted natural attenuation, thermal treatment, soil washing, encapsulation, chemical treatment, and cementing to incorporate metals. Expert knows the subject very well and has a good working knowledge in the field. Expert has even designed a barrier system for leaking underground (Nuclear Waste) storage tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Richland, Washington.
As kid growing up, Expert worked with his dad who designed and built swimming pools. He learned both disinfection technology and practical applications of swimming pool water treatment. Control of algae, and aquatic growths and treatment to remove noxious substances, and to keep the pool clean and disinfected for sanitary purposes.
Expert has worked with water and wastewater for most of his professional career. Expert has treated everything from sewage to industrial wastes, to process wastes, to recycle streams. Wastes have included nitro-parrafins, phenols, chlorinated solvents, oils, sludges, metal finishing wastes, trucking wastes, and just about any combination of waste products one can name. For those wastes, Expert has designed and built facilities, supervised and operated the facilities, and attained compliance with local and national and international regulations. Expert has modeled waste waters and wastes on schools, industries, and commercial developments.
Expert was a wastewater treatment engineer. Expert has the combination of chemical industry experience and civil and chemical engineering so that he understands the processes which generate wastewater, and helps clients treat their wastewater or modify their process to stop the wastewater generation.
Expert treats water, all types of water: clean water to clean it up further; dirty water and wastewater to purify it for re-use and recycling; sanitary wastes to clean them up for discharge; and groundwater to clean it up for drinking or for industrial uses. Expert has used filters, membranes, activated sludge units, chemical treatment units, flotation, precipitation, and other types of treatment for cleaning up various types of waters to meet customer demands.
Consulting with various legal firms on projects to provide technical services which enabled the clients to win their cases. Examples include:1) New York Harbor - damage to a barge from mis-calculated and directed design of a submerged heat diffuser. 2) Litigation Support for Environmental Fraud suit in Sytek versus Siemens. 3) Litigation support for a developer who had a contract problem which caused flooding of 65 Jeep Cherokees in a parking area downstream. Expert's work included reviewing the previous testimony and opening a new line of inquiry and calculation to enable "Act of GOD" defense, and bring in additional parties who helped defray plaintiff's expenses. Expert was hired as an expert witness in Aguinda vs. Texaco in Ecuador. The case involves a claim of the native Ecuadorian Peoples against Texaco for failure to properly dispose of or remediate their drilling and other wastes and causing damage to the people of Ecuador. He also set up, organized, and led the initial investigation of the Plaintiff's technical case against Texaco in Ecuador, working under Ecuadorian Law (Napoleonic Code).Principal Investigator of a contaminant problem in Dothan Alabama where the residents of a new house were suffering from chemical exposure to formaldehyde from a buried slit trench where a local funeral home had dumped waste embalming fluid into a slit trench. The house was later built on part of the slit trench. Ongoing case: Case involves releases by Velsicol to a stream which flooded a predominantly black residential district of several hundred homes. Provided testimony regarding cleanup and waste disposal of Chemdyne Nuclear Services, in Hamilton, Ohio.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1966 | Degree: BS | Subject: Environmental Engineering | Institution: U of Illinois |
Year: 1967 | Degree: MS | Subject: Environmental Engineering | Institution: W. Va. Univ. |
Year: 1982 | Degree: MS not completed | Subject: Chemical Engineering | Institution: SUNY @ Buffalo |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:President and owner of environmental consulting shop. All types and phases of work, including high profile overseas projects(Corporate and industrial chemical and environmental engineering and consulting Expert's company was developed as an outgrowth of corporate consulting which Expert has been performing for clients; Is truly worldwide, in that it has performed consulting for organizations in Ghana (Africa), Germany, Romania, and Hungary. Expert's company also has clients of all sizes all over the United States. These clients are industries and other consulting firms. Expert's company is a full service industrial consulting firm which has capabilities in air pollution, water pollution, and solid and hazardous waste control as well as process engineering. Expert has recently provided technical advice to a group of insurance companies on processes involving the manufacture of explosives and the resultant environmental contamination. Some of the other areas of activity have included radioactive waste remediation activities in Richland, Washington; preparation of strategic response plans and remediation plans for bulk petroleum terminals; specialty remediation projects on petroleum and organic hazardous wastes contaminated sites, and expert witness and legal support activities. Expert is familiar with all aspects of chemical plant, petroleum and agricultural chemicals plants and their environmental challenges, including hazardous wastes work and regulatory cleanups. He has written extensively on subjects dealing with environmental control in the chemical and petroleum industries, and articles on hazardous wastes management, property transfer liabilities and assessments, and on a number of other environmental topics. Expert has also provided consulting services to a number of other large engineering firms, in environmental and specialty areas relating to cleanups and waste management. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 1987 | Employer: LAW ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES | Title: Process Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Various types of environmental and chemical projects(groundwater and wastewater, process design, environmental audits, remediation) |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1983 to 1985 | Employer: LOCKWOOD GREENE ENGINEERS | Title: Environmental Manager | Department: Environmental |
Responsibilities:Various Environmental and Chemical projects(Solid and hazardous waste business development) |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1983 | Employer: SELF-EMPLOYED | Title: Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Self Employed Consulting Engineer in Buffalo, NY area.(chemical process, wire and cable, rubber and other manufacturing industries) |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1979 to 1981 | Employer: HOOKER CHEMICALS | Title: Manager Water Programs | Department: Corporate Staff - Environmental Services |
Responsibilities:Responsible for Agriculatural Chemical Plant Compliance with Water Programs & Remediation & Air Pollution. Corporate oversight for all water issues & represented HCC to a number of Trade Associations |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1977 to 1979 | Employer: ALLIED CHEMICAL | Title: Senior Project Engineer | Department: Specialty Chemicals Division |
Responsibilities:Hands on responsiblity for environmental compliance for 6 chemical plants within the Division. Direct Supervisory Control & management of plant personnel & Environmental Services Department during plant closure. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1974 to 1976 | Employer: IMC CHEMICAL CO. | Title: Assistant to Environmental Director CSC | Department: Corporate |
Responsibilities:Assistant to Environmental Director during company acquisition. Responsible for plant compliance with environmental regulations & presentations to regulatory agencies. Supervised environmental staffs in Nitroparrafins Manufacture, Carbon Black, Bonded warehouse & solvents production, and explosives division. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1967 to 1974 | Employer: BUCHART-HORN ENGINEERS | Title: Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Design and engineering projects in DC, Pennsylvania, and New York. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1988 to 2004 | Agency: Agency for International Development | Role: Consultant/ Contractor | Description: Performed Initial Assessment of Feasiblity (Definition Mission) for USTDA on various projects in various countries, including, Romania, Hungary, Ghana, Venezuela, and Belarus |
Years: 1998 to 1999 | Agency: DOE- -Morgantown Energy Center | Role: Consultant/ Subcontractor | Description: Principal Author, Design of Circulating Air Barrier System and Cone Grouting System for Cold Tests at Hanford |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2005 to 2005 | Country / Region: Ukraine | Summary: Teacher and lecturer at the NATO Advanced Scientific Institute School on Phytoremediation of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biologically Contaminated Sites, Zhyomtyr, Ukrane, August, 2005 |
Years: 1997 to 2000 | Country / Region: Romania | Summary: Worked for Pepsi franchise performing environmental assessments, environmental consulting and some facility design for new bottling plants in 4 different locations in Romania |
Years: 1996 to 1999 | Country / Region: Venezuela | Summary: Performed several projects in Venezuela for The Trade and Development Agency. Projects included gas/wellhead collection, contaminated site cleanup, assessment of fleet repair and dock facilities, construction of new reformer and plant to make polyolefins, air pollution projects, and PCB disposal projects |
Years: 1998 to 1998 | Country / Region: Ghana | Summary: Evaluation of planned LPG gas tank manufacturing facility for country-wide conversion from charcoal for the expressed purpose of saving the sub-Saharan Rain Forest. Project was not economically feasible |
Years: 1996 to 1996 | Country / Region: Hungary | Summary: Evaluation of Mol Rot refinery and the Hungarian National Refinery System as part of an AID assessment team. Environmental control was slated to be a minor part of the project, but environmental waste-water treatment and hazardous waste disposal and lack of air pollution control were emperiling the residents of nearby communities. As a result, the environmental evaluation became a major component of the report |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Membership: Water Environment Federation American Institute of Chemical Engineers |
Licenses / Certifications |
Current Professional Engineering Registration in Pennsylvania and Georgia. Previous Registration in IL, NY, TN, SC, NC, VA |
Professional Appointments |
Former Instructor, AM Inst. of Chemical Engineers,- 3 courses; Current Member, Industrial Wastes Advisory Board, WEF, and Reviewer for Water Environment Research Foundation; Treasurer, local chapter AIChE |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Two books on remediation techniques & many papers; Numerous articles in Chemical Engineering, and Water Environment and Technology, and Purdue Industrial Waste Confernece |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
See On-Site Consulting for description of the type of legal services provided. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert was an instructor for the Environmental Institute in Marietta, Georgia, where he help set up the program to train environmental assessors. Expert was an instructor for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and developed and taught a courses on "Practical Wastewater Treatment", "Hazardous Wastes", " Hazardous Materials", and "Solid Wastes". Courses were discontinued in 2004 when AIChE combined with ASME. |
Vendor Selection |
Have specified all types of chemical and environmental equipment. |
Marketing Experience |
Have run an effective marketing program for his business with targeted marketing rates on mass mailings as high as 10% responses. Also, he can prepare and make presentations for a variety of client/audiences, and can write successful proposals. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert also has a list of technical articles and publications which is substantial, including two books on environmental topics, and over 30 articles published in leading trade publications. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
German | Marginal- enough to survive and make basic purchases in Country. Below that of a first year student. |
Spanish | Spoken Spanish is mostly bits and pieces. Comprehension is significantly higher. Reading Spanish is the best of all. Able to decipher technical reports and some judicial reports and pleadings in Spanish with some difficulty. |
Fields of Expertise
activated-sludge process, air stripping, biological industrial wastewater treatment, bioremediation, contaminated soil treatment, dissolved air flotation, drinking water, drinking water disinfection, drinking water purification, drinking water treatment, environment, environmental site auditing, environmental engineering, environmental forensics, environmental impact assessment, environmental remediation, environmental risk assessment, environmental safety, environmental sampling, environmental site assessment, environment-related assessment, groundwater treatment, hazardous waste treatment, hazardous-waste disposal, hazardous-waste management, industrial wastewater treatment, soil remediation, swimming pool water treatment, wastewater, wastewater treatment engineering, water treatment, environmental investigation, remediation, sour water treatment, wastewater flocculation, heavy metal removal equipment, aqueous filtration, hazardous chemical transportation, environmental compliance, environmental immunochemical assay, biological treatment, municipal water, chemical waste disposal, water magnetic treatment, environmental science, chemical regulation, pulp-and-paper industry wastewater purification, environmental restoration, hazardous waste treatment noise reduction equipment, industrial water treatment, biochemical oxygen demand, closed cycling wastewater treatment, environmental technology, environmental management, drinking water quality standard, explosives soil remediation, flocculation process, combined hazardous waste treatment, hazardous-waste encapsulation, hazardous-waste cleanup, mobile hazardous waste treatment, sequential hazardous waste treatment, drinking water treatment waste disposal, drinking water inorganics control, municipal wastewater, chemical municipal wastewater treatment, cooling water treatment, aerobic municipal wastewater digestion, wastewater treatment, waste assessment, toxic substance contaminated water treatment, site remediation, hazardous waste precipitation process, hazardous waste land treatment, Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation, industrial wastewater, hazardous waste treatment facility design, floc, hazardous waste sediment treatment, granular activated carbon, hazardous waste, hazardous wastewater treatment system, hazardous waste treatment system, watershed evaluation, water softening, water purification, water ultrafiltration, hazardous waste surface impoundment, hazardous waste stabilization, point-of-use drinking water treatment, ozone water purification, hazardous waste neutralization, hazardous waste management incineration, in-situ groundwater treatment, habitat evaluation, hazardous waste fixation, drinking water filtration, environmental exposure assessment, electrodialysis, ecosystem assessment, drinking water distillation, boiler feedwater, anaerobic industrial wastewater digestion