Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Environmental and Aquatic Chemistry; Metal-Organic Interactions; Surface Reactions; Kinetics

ID: 723302 Maryland, USA

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The field of aquatic chemistry begins with a focus on the speciation of solutes in aqueous solution (i.e. protonation level, complex formation with protons, hydroxide ions, metal ions, and ligands) and with pathways and rates of reaction. It now has been extended to include speciation and chemical reactions at solid/water interfaces. Expert's research focuses on metal-organic interactions: (i) how naturally-occurring and anthropogenic organic compounds influence the speciation, solid-water partitioning, and chemical reactions of metallic elements; and (ii) how natural concentrations of dissolved metal ions and loadings of metal (hydr)oxide solid phases influence the speciation, solid-water partitioning, and chemical reactions of naturally-occurring and anthropogenic organic compounds. Regarding speciation work, Expert's group has been developing capillary electrophoresis as an analytical tool. His group has extensive experience with the homogeneous solution reactions of industrial chelating agents and agricultural chemicals. Expert also has extensive experience with biochemicals exuded by organisms into soil and sediment interstitial waters. As far as solid/water interfaces are concerned, Expert has extensive experience regarding pathways and rates of oxidation-reduction, complex formation, and catalysis reactions involving (hydr)oxides of the first row transition metals and aluminum. Expert's work is primarily laboratory-based. He also has extensive experience with the quantitative treatment of equilibrium speciation and reaction kinetics using computer-based programs.

"Estimating Dermal Exposure to Chromium in Contaminated Lands: Pertinent (Bio)geochemistry", Rifkin and Associates (1997)."Manganese and Iron Deposition in Power Plant Cooling Water Systems", Public Service Electric & Gas Corporation, Newark, Newark New Jersey (1986-1987).


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1983 Degree: Ph.D. Subject: Environmental Engineering Science Institution: California Institute of Technology
Year: 1981 Degree: M.S. Subject: Environmental Engineering Science Institution: California Institute of Technology
Year: 1978 Degree: B.S. Subject: Chemistry Institution: University of Maryland at College Park

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1983 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Professor Department: Dept. of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Whiting School of Engineering
Research and teaching

Government Experience

Years Agency Role Description
Years: 1991 to 1991 Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Role: Description: He spent 4.5 months performing sabbatical research at the EPA's Ecosystems Research Division

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 1985 to 2006 Country / Region: Switzerland Summary: He has made numerous research-related trips to the Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG) in Dubendorf, Switzerland, including a 2.5 month say in 1991.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
American Chemical Society, Divisions of Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry; The Geochemical Society; The Soil Science Society of America; The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Professional Appointments
Guest Editor, Environmental Science & Technology J.J. Morgan Feitschrift Issue (February 1, 2002)
Awards / Recognition
Guest Professorship, Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany (1999)
Publications and Patents Summary
He has published 44 peer-reviewed journal articles and 14 book chapters

Fields of Expertise

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