Energy-Efficient Buildings
ID: 107673
California, USA
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ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS AND SYSTEMS; ENERGY ECONOMICS FOR BUILDINGS; ENERGY-EFFICIENT WATER HEATING. Most of Expert's career since 1974 has involved the analysis, development, design, and monitoring of energy-saving technologies for buildings. This work has included key systems for improving the building "envelope" (foundations, floors, walls, roofs, windows), heating and cooling systems, and water heating systems. While his concentration has been on residential construction, he also has expertise in non-residential building construction and energy systems. Expert has completed "energy-efficiency measure" (EEM) packaging projects, which includes assembling full sets of EEM's for sample buildings, for major electric utilities.
RESIDENTIAL HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS. Residential heat pumps have been a primary focus of Expert's work since 1975. This work has included detailed hourly simulation of conventional and advanced heat pumps, development of a three-function thermal storage unit now manufactured by Phoenix Heat Pump Systems, development and monitoring of an off-peak solar-assisted heat pump system, design of ground-coupled "Geo Exchange" heat pump systems, evaluation of heat pump control strategies and thermostats, monitoring of advanced variable-speed and multi-function heat pumps, and evaluation of innovative combined appliance heat pumps, including water heating and refrigeration features.
RADIANT HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS; SURFACE SPACE COOLING SYSTEM. Radiant surface space conditioning systems have been one of Expert's major professional interests since 1980. Relevant activities in this area include extensive monitoring of radiant heating systems, development of two patented radiant heating and cooling systems for raised floor construction, design of radiant heating and cooling systems for more than 40 residential and commercial buildings, development and presentation of radiant heating workshops in more than 30 cities across North America, and organization of the Hydronic Radiant Heating Association, which merged with the Hydronics Institute in 1989.
COMBINED ROOFING AND COOLING SYSTEMS. Development of combined roofing/cooling systems for dry climate commercial buildings has been one of Expert's primary work areas since 1982. These systems, now coming into use, use the roof surface to discharge heat to the cool night sky, storing chilled water for subsequent use to cool the building. Funding from the California Energy Commission assisted him with development of WhiteCap, a system variation now marketed by Roof Science Corporation of Davis, California. WhiteCap has recently received additional funding under the U.S. Energy-Related Inventions Program.
SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS. Expert's career focused upon solar heating systems from 1974 through 1983, with reduced but continuing involvement since that time. A major goal of his solar work has been to integrate solar collection and storage components with the building, to reduce costs and visual impact. His work with "attic collectors" and "membrane-lined storage" systems has led to the installation of many innovative, low cost systems, and has included the design of more than 600 solar-heated homes and commercial buildings. In addition, he has managed the development of an advanced "freezable thermosiphon" solar water heater, under contract with the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (HREL) and the California Energy Commission.