Expert Details
Electronic Equipment, Microcontroller, DSP, Interfacing, VOIP, RF communication, Software (VB/ VC++)

ID: 723789
Binary digit is known as "bit" in short form which is the smallest element in digital electronics. 8 bits together become a byte. Memory IC's are known to be in the capacity of bits (Kilo bits or megabits or some times kilo bytes o megabytes)
An innovative concept for wireless communication especially for mobile as well as computer. One can copy the data from his/her moblie to other's mobile using bluetooth with too much ease.
"Burn in" phrase is related to EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read only Memory). or ROM or CD. Once you need to store the data in some ROM media, you need to burn in the media. Burn in is a process specially designed for each device such that it does not affect the standard function of the device but stores the data from host to the device permanantly. EEPROM can be re burn in only after erasing but ROM can not be re burn in.
For broadcast communication CDMA ( Code division multiple access) is the standard protocol.
Expert has developed communication softwares for communicating between a micro controler based board and computer. Few applications like data processor, etc. store the data inside the EEPROM's in itself. When connected to computer through RS 232 port, the communication software receives the data from the data processor. The communication softwares for moving message display, token number, QMS (Queue Magament System), etc. also have been developed by him.
Expert has worked on communication system comprising of a host unit and communicator. For example, he has developed a synchronous clock which has a Master clock and no. of Slave clocks (up to 64). The communication system for it takes care for displaying the same time on all Master and Slave clocks at any time.
A computer stores evrything in it in terms of a computer file. Depending upon the type of its usage, the exension of the file can be made as .bat, .sys, .jpg, .c, .frm,. cdr, .hex, etc. files.
More than one computer can talk to each other using a computer netweok. It can be a LAN (Local Area Netok) o WAN (Wide Area Network). Expert has developed many softwares to work on computer networks. His software for QMS (Queue Management System) has different utilities like TOKEN ISSUE (running on token issuing machine), TOKEN SERVER (Controlling the token flow and managing the database with the times storing), TOKEN CLIENT (running on each client (node) machine), TOKEN HIGHER AUTHORITY (running on higher authority person' machine), TOKEN CUTOMIZE (to decide the service allocations to clients), TOKEN REPORT (to prepare report datewise, sevice wise and terminal wise for management to decide the efficiency of each executive), etc.
Expert has made control system for OEM. The need was to control different valves for milk shake machine as well as Ice cream making machine. Depending upon the curent drawn by the dazor and final product (ice cream temperature) the Electronic board makes compressor and Hot Gas Valve on or off to keep the temperature of ice cream same as set point (normally -4.0 degrees C).
Expert has developed projects for data communication like IR remote control, Data logger for capturing data from data processor, etc.
Expert has developed QMS (Queue Management System) using database management system. The project was developed in Visual Basic with backend MS-Access. For this project he has developed software to work on a computer network. His software for QMS (Queue Management System) has different utilities like TOKEN ISSUE (running on token issuing machine), TOKEN SERVER (Controlling the token flow and managing the database with the times storing), TOKEN CLIENT (running on each client (node) machine), TOKEN HIGHER AUTHORITY (running on higher authority person' machine), TOKEN CUTOMIZE (to decide the service allocations to clients), TOKEN REPORT (to prepare report date-wise, service-wise and terminal-wise for management to decide the efficiency of each executive) etc. The TOKEN ISSUE application issues the token to a customer where the token number is auto incremented and type of service and arrival time is also printed in the token. This information is stored in the token database file (token.mdb) for further use of TOKEN SERVER. Whenever a token client sends a request to the TOKEN SERVER for allotting him a next token, the TOKEN SERVER analyses the queue and type of services of all the tokens. The first available token (for whom the client has been given the permission to serve that service) is allotted to him. All timings related to token like entry time, waiting time, access time, etc., as well as the terminals which are accessed, the tokens are stored in the database token.mdb for further analyses using TOKEN REPORT application.
Expert is currently working on density measurement.
Automatic Milk FAT measuring machine developed by Expert is based on controlling the switching of DC motor for sucking and taking out the milk sample. Here, mechanical devices like Motors are controlled Electronically using Tansistors for noiseless operation. He has also worked on Servo and synchronous motors to be controlled by Electronic circuits.
During development and production Expert has always been keen to get in depth ciruit testing. He tests the circuits with theoritical fundamentals. He has tested and developed many Electronic Boards containing MOSFET, TRIAC, TRANSISTORS, IGBT, RELAY, etc. in addition to IC, Capacitors, Resistors, etc.
Expert is always interested in finding a fault in Electronic Board. Many times applying his theorhetical fundamentals, he has solved the basic faults like a short in PCB track, component failure, loose connection, or dry solder.
Expert has made many products in manufacturing after developing. For manufacturing he has developed many test zigs and test setups along with test reports and test procedures. User manuals for the products have also been prepared for all the products.
Measurement of Electronic components are normally done by multimeters or special meters like frequency meters, DB meters, etc. An oscilloscope helps someone to measure the signal perfectly in the circuit also.
Expert is doing rigid reliability test for all the electronic boards he develops or manufactures. Major reliability testing is related to the power fluctuations. If critical power tests have not been done, many circuits fail duing power fluctuations or spikes. Recently he had faced a problem that an Electronic Clock was displaying corrupted times in the lift. The reason found was that due to having same power line of lift motor and Electronic clock, the clock was getting RESET many times in a day, and as the power on RESET circuit was not designed properly. It was malfunctioning when clean power was available. He also does testing of worst case parameters like low voltage, extreme high voltage, phase reversal etc.
In case of any fault or sensor tripping, an Emergency Shutdown System is incorporated in UPS, Inverter, etc. along with an alarming indication (LED and buzzer). Shutdown could be due to overvoltage, under voltage, over current, low battery, over temperature, fan fail, etc.
Expert has worked on star-delta converter for three phase motors. He has also developed voltage regulators and dimmers using SCR and TRIAC to make an energy-efficient control system.
A matrix switch is used to reduce the number of lines from keyboard to the micro controller. Expert has developed matrix switch type keyboard for 2 X 2 to 6 X 6 keys. The rows are given signal fom the micro controller and coulumns are read in the micro controller. Depending upon the switch pressed, respective key code is received in the micro controller.
Membrane switch is used for easy operation. They are always a push to on type switch, so as soon as the user releases the membrane switch with spring action, the membrane switch comes out and opens the connection
Expert is working on piezoelectric sensor. It can be used to sense the distance, temperature, gap, and other critical parameters. Piezoelectric sensor is commonly used in Ultrasonic Vibrator.
Expert has used proximity switch for position sensor. When the motor is rotating an assembly, and we need to stop the assembly at some location, a position sensor must be used.
Relay is a widely used switching device. It has a coil which when energized, changes the normally open (NO) contact to CLOSED and normally closed (NC) contact to OPEN with respect to the common terminal. Relay coils are from 6V,12V,24V, 110V, 220V, 415 V etc. Current rating of Relay contact and coil voltage are main aspects in selecting the relay.
Relay has NO (Normally Open) and NC (Normally closed) contacts. When the relay coil is enerised, the NO contact changes over to NC and vice versa. The current raing of Relay is basicaly the current rating of contacts.
Sensor is a transducer which converts mechanical parameter into electronic signal. Many kinds of sensors like temperature sensor, proximity sensor, fire sensor, gas sensor, (water) TDS sensor, etc. are available and are used in different applications. Selection of the sensor and its proper usage adds to the reliability of the final product.
Expert has used RTD and thermocouple type temperature sensors. RTD type sensors are available in PT100, PT 1000. PT 100 sensor gives resistance of 100 ohms at 0 degree C and increases with a rise in temperature. A thermocouple type temperature sensor gives micro (or mili) volts in respect to to the temperature between its two terminals.
Thermostat is a Employer-switch to sense the temperature and cut off if temperature exceeds the set limit. It has been widely used in Heaters or Irons.
Toggle switch is used to select one of two (or more) signals. It is used manually for connecting signal A or signal B to common terminal C. SPDT or DPDT are commonly used toggle switches. Its application examples are AUTO/Manual, view voltage/current on a meter, view input/output voltage, view R phase voltage, Y phase voltage, etc.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1990 | Degree: MTech | Subject: Integrated Electronics and Cicuits | Institution: IIT Delhi, India |
Year: 1989 | Degree: BE (Bachlor of Engineering) | Subject: Electronics and Communications | Institution: L D College Of Engg,Ahmedabad,India |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Director | Department: R & D |
Responsibilities:He is guiding the team in R & D department. He is responsible for designing new concepts and design for newer products. He is in touch with servicing departments also if there is some technical issue to be solved. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 1993 | Employer: Gujarat Hi-Rel Controls Pvt Ltd | Title: Senior Engineer (R & D) | Department: R & D |
Responsibilities:He was assigned projects for developing mico controller based products like SVM AC (variable frequency) drive, Soft starter, UPS diagnostics, Ring frame drive etc. His responsibilities included circuit designing testing and developing firmware for the same. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | |
Hindi |
Fields of Expertise
analog output, binary digit, bluetooth, burn-in, code division multiple access, communication software, computer communication, digital communication, communication system, electronic communication equipment, computer file, computer network, control system, control system design, data control system, digital control system, engineering control computer system, data communication, database management system, density sensor, electromechanical control system, electronic circuit element testing, electronics fault testing, electronics testing, electronics manufacturing, electronics testing, electronics measurement, electronics testing, electronics reliability testing, emergency shutdown system, energy-efficient control system, matrix switch, membrane switch, piezoelectric sensor, position sensor, relay, relay contact, sensor, sensor technology, temperature sensor, thermostat, toggle switch, access control system, automatic train control system, data communication network, wireless communication, thermal sensor, acoustic sensor, infrared sensor, automatic electronics testing, advanced vehicle control system, advanced traffic-management system, liquid level sensor, data communication standard, solid-state switch, security system, proximity sensor, optical sensor, operating system, electronic data interchange