Expert Details
Drilling & Completion Engineering

ID: 735749
Louisiana, USA
Expert has worked in the well construction side of the oil and gas industry since 1992. He spent the bulk of his career in well construction as an M/LWD engineer and was promoted to directional driller, then to directional drilling supervisor in deep water off the coast of West Africa in Angola. He was part of a team which set a drilling distance record on the tension leg platform (TLP)-A, HUN-137 for Exxon Mobile. Expert was promoted and placed by Halliburton Energy Service (HES) to a technical support, modeling, and analysis position in-house with Chevron Gulf of Mexico Business Units (GOMBU) in Covington & Lafayette Louisiana. Because of his long history of success in the many projects he completed throughout the Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia, and other exotic locations around the world. His experience working with different cultures and experience levels made him a perfect fit for technical support and modeling and analyzing oil and natural gas wells for Chevron. He directly worked on and supported over 100 projects. This led him to work on a complex, classic high temperature high pressure (HTHP) well. Expert was able to support engineers in the Lafayette GOMBU office in completing well design and making adjustments as the well was being drilled due to his first-hand experience working in the Gulf of Thailand and his technical knowledge of WellCAT.
He is an oil and gas industry professional offering an extensive career of managing and executing projects throughout the Middle East, Southern Asia, West Africa, and the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Successful track record of drilling and completion modeling and analysis, executing complicated directional drilling projects with Halliburton at Chevron GOM, ESSO/ExxonMobil in Angola, Range Resources and Knox Energy in the Northeast US, KPO and Agip in Akzai, Kazakhstan, UNOCAL/Chevron on shore and offshore Thailand & Cambodia and Gulf of Thailand. He has expertise in managing directional drilling and MWD/LWD teams and assets on shore and off shore.
Expert is a trained and certified directional drilling supervisor, M/LWD engineer, and D&C modeling and analyzing engineer. Expert received an MVP award his first year for the sheer volume of projects he supported and his willingness to go outside of his comfort zone to support D&C staff at Chevron’s GOMBU. He maintained up to date continual learning relevant to his post with HES. He applied this experience and knowledge by co-writing a technical paper published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE-184355-MS. The technical paper was featured at the Society of Petroleum Engineers International Conference and Exhibition held in Lagos, Nigeria in 2016.
Expert went into the oil and gas industry because he of his genuine desire to continue in the legacy of his father, a commercial diver, and grandfather a geologist. His entrance into the oil and gas industry was like his father, a commercial diver. He had a successful 3 years in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea in demolition and construction. At this stage he was offered a position in the Middle East where he took advantage of the networking environment that Dubai UAE offered and began in exploration and drilling of oil and gas as an M/LWD engineer. At his first M/LWD job, he was placed on a rig that suffered a blow-out when the entire drill string was blown out of the hole and surrounded the rig. Expert jumped in to his new position after others had refused to work on the rig out of safety concerns even though the new rig was set back over a mile away. Expert was part of the team that drilled the relief well, and successfully capped the blown well. Through this experience, he saw first-hand the devastation and danger that the industry can bring and while safety for his crew and equipment has always been paramount to his performance, he is even more vigilant now.
The romance of desolate locations, strenuous rig life, and long weeks away from civilization made Expert take a hard look at what he was doing for a living. He saw the impact, on a micro and macro level, that his hard work effected every part of society - from the gasoline put into cars and trucks, to the everyday plastics and microprocessor boards used in all computers. He knows the sacrifices are worth his contributions to his fellow man. Expert understands that he might be on an exotic location hundreds of miles from his family and civilization, but ensuring the steady stream of crude oil and natural gas to communities around the world make his career worth it.
Expert is an expert engineer in D&C modeling and analyzing with extensive practical knowledge and experience in directional drilling and M/LWD engineering. He has worked in a variety of drilling environments from the high speed drilling with HTHP in the Gulf of Thailand to the laboriously slow drilling in the Sana Desert of Oman and everything in between. He was selected by Halliburton to apply his practical expertise by modeling different D&C scenarios and analyzing their predicted outcomes. Over 100 projects were completed successfully using Landmark’s advanced engineering software, WellCAT; as well as Landmark’s base drilling engineering software; StressCheck, CasingSeat, and Compass. His expertise is memorialized by co-writing a technical paper published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and was selected by the program committee to be a featured lecture at an International Conference and Exhibition for the Oil and Gas Industry in Lagos, Nigeria in 2016. Further, he takes the time and effort to share his knowledge with engineers he’s collaborating with by creating step by step power points to enhance SOPs. He is an effective verbal and written communicator with strengths in motivating, training, and developing staff from diverse cultures, various economic, and educational back grounds to accomplish goals large or small.
He's demonstrated effective communication and leadership skills while providing safety conscious service and expertise on a multitude of projects to positively contribute to Halliburton’s safety record, bottom line, and reputation.
Core skills include:
• Fluency in Landmark’s engineering tools for drilling and completion modeling and analysis; WellPLAN, StressCheck, CasingSeat and Compass directional drilling software.
• Fluency in Landmark’s advanced engineering modeling and analysis software WellCAT for planning, execution, and post well analysis.
• Conventional directional drilling and RSS drilling with GeoPilot (series 7600 & 9600) GeoSpan and GeoTap with LWD packages; Sexta Combo, Penta Combo, Quad Combo, and MRIL technology.
• Experience in BHA and MWD/LWD design.
• Proficient in generating a variety of professional reports for HES management, clients and governmental authorities.
• Working with and leading multinational teams
• Knowledge and use of Microsoft Office bundle.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2006 | Degree: Continuing | Subject: Geo Science | Institution: Southeastern Louisiana University |
Year: 1992 | Degree: Certification | Subject: Commercial Diver | Institution: The Ocean Corporation |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2013 to 2015 | Employer: Halliburton | Title: Drilling & Completion Engineer | Department: Consulting and Management |
Responsibilities:In house drilling and completion engineer for Gulf of Mexico Business Units (GOMBU) in Covington and Lafayette Louisiana.Base Engineering: Support Chevron's engineering needs and methodologies based on knowledge and experience while primarily utilizing Landmark's base drilling engineering tools; COMPASS, StressCheck, CasingSeat, and WellPlan applications. Primary activities across well phases included planning, execution, and post well analysis. Advanced Engineering: Advanced drilling engineering to Chevron's drilling and completion engineering teams with planning, execution, and post well analysis and optimization. Supporting the needs and methodologies with practical knowledge and experience while utilizing landmark's advanced drilling engineering tool, WellCAT. Base and advanced engineering support and development at Covington and Lafayette GOMBU locations. Participate in morning meeting and offer solutions to operational set backs or potential issues. Liaise with engineering teams and transfer knowledge for improved well bore design; pre and post stages of well construction. • Completed 30 WellCAT modeling and analysis projects; multiple completion operations with casing design, liner selection & tubular selection in shelf water, deep water, and ultra-deep water GOM projects. • Completed 35 WellPLAN modeling and sensitivity analysis; BHA design, T&D analysis, fluids analysis and optimization. • Completed 20 Compass design projects; Plotting and anti-collision analysis, developing well placement and well paths with optimization. Utilizing broom charts for torque and drag analysis while drilling in multiple sections in complex wells. • Completed 28 StressCheck projects; designing and analyzing casing strings, liner selection, and tubing strings with accessories. • Developed standard operating procedures (SOP) for D&C operations E.G. Predicting movement and stress on tubulars during Scale Remediation Operations using computer modeling and step by step software training. • Liaison for training, engineering, and technical support for D&C engineers and use of Landmark’s software. • Develop (write and produce) and present modeling and analysis conclusion’s |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2010 to 2013 | Employer: Halliburton | Title: Directional Drilling Supervisor | Department: Sperry Drilling |
Responsibilities:• Utilized Landmark’s Compass and Insite software including MaxBHA for “on line” drilling through multiple targets in complex wells with anti-collision obstacles from sea floor to total depth.Did not suffer any nonproductive time or stuck conditions while drilling in Angola. • Drilled with GeoPilot (Series 7600 & 9600), GeoSpan and GeoTap drilling equipment. Experienced with GeoPilots made up with LHS, EDL stab’s, and slick bodies for vertical, kickoff, build, hold, or drop sections. • Completed multiple deep water spudding operations; release and drill ahead, jetting 36” casing in water depths 3000 feet plus. • Drilled with complex MWD/LWD BHA’s including; Sexta Combo, Penta Combo, Quad Combo including cutting edge technology MRIL and nuke tools. • Wells drilled and their details from Angola’s ultra-deep waters can be provided upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to 2010 | Employer: Halliburton | Title: Directional Drilling Supervisor | Department: Sperry Drilling |
Responsibilities:• Created and led a positive team environment in isolated locations with intermittent communication and sub-freezing temperatures that successfully faced the challenge of horizontal drilling along thin shale seams.• Utilized Compass software for drilling, projections, daily reports and end of well (EOW) reports. • Utilized drilling tools: PDM motors (primarily 4-3/4”), subs, gyro subs, JARS, and their placement in the BHA. EM MWD tools used for directional surveys. • Did not suffer any nonproductive time or stuck conditions while drilling in Northeast USA • Personally drilled with air, N2, and foam. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2008 to 2008 | Employer: Halliburton | Title: MWD Engineer (Consultant) | Department: Sperry Drilling |
Responsibilities:• Utilized INSITE 6.4 software for MWD for pre run, run, and post run information gathering and distribution for Directional Gamma and resistivity applications.• Built and repaired pulsars 350 & 650 and 1200 MWD systems. • Provided logistics for MWD and Directional teams. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to 2007 | Employer: Halliburton | Title: MWD Engineer (Consultant) | Department: Sperry Drilling |
Responsibilities:• Utilized INSITE 6.4 software for MWD for pre run, run, and post run information gathering and distribution to client and Sperry office.• Built, programmed, and repaired pulsers for 350 & 650 and 1200 MWD systems. • HTHP and anti-collision issues on most wells. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2006 | Employer: Halliburton | Title: Surface Data Logger | Department: Sperry Drilling |
Responsibilities:• Responsible for collection and analyzing of formation cuttings and for accurate running of all hardware and software including; Insite 6.3, building and printing logs, monitoring well for control for both critical and normal drilling operations.• Ensure all daily reports are accurate and sent in a timely manner to client, Sperry office, geologist, and petro physicist. • This was a temporary position until an MWD position was available which I took in Thailand. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2002 | Employer: Baker Hughes Inteq | Title: M/LWD Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:UAE, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia & Persian Gulf / Lafayette, LA• Responsible for building, programming, and running of both collar and probe MWD tools. • Setting up of all surface hardware including software installation and use of multiple programs, all MSS 1, 2, and 3 programs. • Design and install rig floor and cabin sensors and computers with associated cables and interface components. • All necessary requirements fulfilled in use with MSS3 on the job training. • Ensure timely and correct reports and logs for the client and local offices. • Provide clear and efficient communication between BHI and the client. Horizontal and vertical drilling as second directional driller. • Proficient with all tools associated with MWD and directional drilling. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 1997 | Employer: Total Safety, Inc. | Title: Lead Safety Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Dubai & Abu Dhabi, UAE• Responsible for the coordinating the training of the drill crews and the service personnel in safety matters. • Monitor, maintain, and install electronic H2S monitors and sensors. • Design and install breathing loop system for all H2S hazardous areas. • Train personal in search and rescue and basic firefighting techniques. • Initiate safety meetings and review of safety techniques and safety investigations and reports. • Liaison for on-site crews to central office. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1992 to 1995 | Employer: Cal-Dive International | Title: Commercial & Demolition Diver | Department: |
Responsibilities:Gulf of Mexico/Aberdeen, Scotland• Perform varying tasks of underwater construction including demolition, repair, removal, and construction. • Insure all dive and surface equipment rigged up in safe and efficient manner and functioning. • Manage and maintain records of transportation, hazardous materials, explosives and equipment for client and Cal-Dive. • Initiate and manage repairs for all diving and surface equipment and gear. • Ensure and train tenders and divers concerning new dive and dive related systems and techniques including safety concerns. • Explosive removal of offshore installations from sea bed to tow-barge in GOM. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to 1992 | Employer: US Navy on board USS Nassau | Title: Boatswains mate 3rd Class | Department: |
Responsibilities:• Lead underway and in port watch team including; Helm, Lee helm, fore and aft lookouts and quarterdeck.• Direct and lead teams for underway replenishment and refueling at sea. • Manage and maintain deck dept. spaces including preventative maintenance systems (PMS) in upper vehicle stowage. • Number one nozzle man in forward repair locker (firefighting duties). • Training petty officer for all of Deck dept. on board USS Nassau for enlisted personal. • Honorably discharged after serving in Desert Storm and Desert Shield campaigns in combat role. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1988 to 1992 | Agency: United States Navy | Role: Boatswains Mate 3rd Class on board USS Nassua LHA-4 | Description: Honorably discharged combat veteran of Desert Shield and Desert Storm campaigns; Responsible and lead underway watch teams (BMOW) as well as in-port watch teams (POOW). Responsible for number 2 repair locker. Responsible for 11 inch number one line handling station. Amphibious Operations; Lower Vehicle staging area responsible for disembarking and embarking 400-800 combat Marines with equipment and supplies. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1995 to 1995 | Country / Region: Aberdeen, Scotland | Summary: Diver/Tender - perform a variety of underwater construction; demolition, repair, removal, and construction. Responsible for dive and surface equipment, logistics of materials and personnel, and maintaining training. |
Years: 1995 to 1997 | Country / Region: Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Summary: Safety Officer - Responsible for maintaining safety records for all crews and service hands on location or on board vessels. Coordinating safety apparatus and training crews to use of safety equipment. |
Years: 1997 to 1998 | Country / Region: Muscat, Oman | Summary: M/LWD Engineer - Responsible for building, programming, and running collar and probe tools. Further produced end of well logs (EOW) for distribution to client and management. |
Years: 1998 to 1999 | Country / Region: Saudi Arabia | Summary: M/LWD Engineer - Responsible for building, programming, and running collar and probe tools. Further produced end of well logs (EOW) for distribution to client and management. Coordinate logistics for crews and equipment. |
Years: 1999 to 2000 | Country / Region: Doha, Qutar | Summary: M/LWD Engineer - Responsible for building, programming, and running collar and probe tools. Further produced end of well logs (EOW) for distribution to client and management. Coordinate logistics for crews and equipment. Act as second directional driller as situations presented themselves. |
Years: 2000 to 2002 | Country / Region: Dubai & Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | Summary: M/LWD Engineer - Training new MWD engineer's primary role and responsible for building, programming, and running collar and probe tools. Further produced end of well logs (EOW) for distribution to client and management. Coordinate logistics for crews and equipment. Act as second directional driller as situations presented themselves. |
Years: 2007 to 2007 | Country / Region: Thailand - Gulf of Thailand | Summary: M/LWD Engineer -Utilized INSITE 6.4 software for MWD for pre run, run, and post run information gathering and distribution to client and Sperry office. Produce and distribute logs. Built, programmed, and repaired pulsers for 350 & 650 and 1200 MWD systems. HTHP and anti-collision issues on most wells. Extremely fast drilling enviroment. |
Years: 2008 to 2008 | Country / Region: Aksai, Kazakhstan | Summary: M/LWD Engineer - Utilized INSITE 6.4 software for MWD for pre run, run, and post run information gathering and distribution for Directional Gamma and resistivity log applications. Built and repaired pulsars 350 & 650 and 1200 MWD systems. Provided logistics for MWD and Directional teams. |
Years: 2010 to 2013 | Country / Region: Angola - deep water | Summary: Directional Drilling Supervisor - • Utilized Landmark’s Compass and Insite software including MaxBHA for “on line” drilling through multiple targets in complex wells with anti-collision obstacles from sea floor to total depth. o Did not suffer any nonproductive time or stuck conditions while drilling in Angola. • Drilled with GeoPilot (Series 7600 & 9600), GeoSpan and GeoTap drilling equipment. Experienced with GeoPilots made up with LHS, EDL stab’s, and slick bodies for vertical, kickoff, build, hold, or drop sections. • Completed multiple deep water spudding operations; release and drill ahead, jetting 36” casing in water depths 3000 feet plus. • Drilled with complex MWD/LWD BHA’s including; Sexta Combo, Penta Combo, Quad Combo including cutting edge technology MRIL and nuke tools. • Wells drilled and their details from Angola’s ultra-deep waters can be provided upon request. |
Career Accomplishments
Publications and Patents Summary |
Brief Overview on publication: Scale-squeeze remediation has been used extensively for removing scale from production strings in offshore and deepwater environments. During scale remediation treatments, the affected tubulars undergo displacement and stress that can affect the effective seal length and integrity of the completion system. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
- Trained drilling and completion engineers of Chevron how to maneuver through Landmark's drilling and completion software applications. - Trained junior directional drillers on the fundamentals of Geo-pilot RSS and associated equipment and software. - Trained Junior M/LWD engineers on rig protocols as well as MWD tools, procedures, and software. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Write, compile, and present analysis on pre and post well outcomes. Give power point presentations on variety of drilling and completion subjects for novice and professional. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Spanish | Fundamental - speaking, reading, and writing |
Fields of Expertise
Oil and Gas Engineering, Directional Drilling engineering, Drilling Optimization, Design Engineer, Completion Consultant, Completion Engineer, Drilling software, Completion software, Advanced Drilling Software, Landmark Drilling Software, WellCAT, WellPlan, StressCheck, COMPASS, Drilling Performance, Directional Drilling, Rotary Steerable Systems, RSS, Torque and Drag, MWD, LWD, Well Consultant, Safety officer, Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA), Casing Design, High Temperature High Pressure (HTHP), Well Logging, Equipment Modeling, Drilling Engineer, Drilling Exploration, Directional Survey, Well Planning Engineer, Well Design, petroleum, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Deep Water Drilling, Deep Water Completions, Ultra Deep Water, Pipe Selection, Drill Motors, Drill Bits, Drilling with Radiation, drilling fluids, Surface Data Logging, Complex Drilling Environments, Modeling Software, Effective Communication Skills, Effective Leadership Skills, International Projects, Domestic Projects, Company Man, Directional Drilling Supervisor, US Navy, Combat Veteran, Well Planning, Well Execution, Post Well Analysis, Oil and Gas Technical Support