Expert Details
Dairy Product & Process Development: Ricotta Processing, Bifido Products, Probiotics, WHEY, etc.

ID: 108130
Many of Expert's research initiatives have been commercialized by industry and sales of lactose-reduced milk (Lacteeze); bifido products (nutrient bars, tablets, soy yogurt) now exceed $20 million/yr. The technology for the continuous production of ricotta, casein, and tofu has been commercialized and sales on the ricotta are expected to exceed $20 million in the next five years. Aspects of his membrane technology work have been adopted by industry for the production of WPC and WPI. On-going research activities include the use of lactoperoxidase to control bacterial growth while processing in order to reduce heat-treatment and improve the functionality of whey protein ingredients.
RICOTTA PROCESSING. Expert developed a truly continuous process for the production of all types of ricotta (Italian, North American, or whole milk). The process provides exceptionally high product yield with high fat and heat regeneration of up to 77%. Hot-pack ricotta products have been demonstrated to have a shelf-life of 10-12 weeks. The first commercial prototype is fully operational and is performing beyond all expectations.
WHEY. Expert has worked at the producer, processor, and farm extension levels to develop an integrated program for feed and food uses of whey. He has developed processes for spray-drying acid whey and has extensive experience in the preparation of WPC and WPI.
PROBIOTICS; BIFIDOBACTERIUM. Expert has studied the use of Jerusalem artichoke flour in pig and chicken diets and has been awarded a Canadian and US patent for a process to prepare this flour. He has researched the metabolism of fructooligosaccharides by bifidobacteria and the effects of bifidogenic factors on intestinal pH in broilers. He has closely worked with industry and developed numerous bifido-containing products.
PORCINE IMMUNOGLOBULIN. Expert developed a continuous processing technique for the fractionation of a high-purity y-globulin fraction from porcine blood as a mechanism of rearing minimal-disease pigs. He used this y-globulin to rear neo-natal pigs for cardiac lipidosis induction trials.
Developed processing schemes for the production of sour cream and yogurt.Prepared publication on Multiple Component Pricing for dairy processors.Developed standards for 47 varieties of cheese for the Government of Canada (2003).Assessed the potential of the Ukrainian dairy industry to produce and good quality non-fat-dry-milk.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1973 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Food Science | Institution: Michigan State University |
Year: 1969 | Degree: MS | Subject: Food Science | Institution: Michigan State University |
Year: 1967 | Degree: BSA | Subject: Dairy Science | Institution: University of Guelph (Ontario) |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1973 to 1997 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Principal Research Scientist | Department: Research Branch |
Responsibilities:Food processing and quality improvement programs. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant | Department: (Undisclosed) |
Responsibilities:(Undisclosed) |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1973 to 1997 | Agency: Agic. Canada | Role: Scientist, Team Leader | Description: Expert served as head of the 'Food Safety Team' at the Centre of Food and Animal Research. His duties included research development, project evaluation, budget control, coordination of projects, liaison with the industrial sector, and commercialization of applied research. |
Years: 1967 to 1967 | Agency: Health Canada | Role: Food and Drug Officer | Description: Food Plant inspection, and enforcement of Food and Drug regulations. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a member of several professional organizations, including the International Dairy Federation, American Dairy Science Association, Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Institute of Food Technologists, Japan Bifidus Foundation. |
Professional Appointments |
Expert is an Adjunct Professor at U.Guelph, and U.British Columbia. He has past service on the Editorial Boards for: J. Dairy Sci., CIFST, and Int. Dairy J. |
Awards / Recognition |
Expert received the Dairy Research Foundation Award from the American Dairy Science Association in 19XX in recognition of technological contributions to the dairy industry. In 19XX, he won the William J. Eva Award of Excellence from the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology. In 19XX, he received the International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in dairy foods processing presented by the American Dairy Science Association. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert has 105 scientific and technical publications, 4 patents, has edited two books on food proteins, 1 book chapter on dairy processing and has given 30 conference presentations. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Participated in 3 Federal fraud cases by serving as an expert witness for the Crown. There were 2 cases in which I served as an expert witness for the Federal Government of Canada. One case dealt with the illegal importation of skimmilk powder into Canada. The powder was seized ($4.0 M) and in the end the product was held so long that it was not suitable for food use and the importer ended up suing the Federal Government. The case went to trial and I testified on behalf of the Crown. In the end the case was dismissed and the Government was exonerated of any liability. In another case a B.C. company was importing a filled (non-dairy fat) fluid product with contravened the Canadian Federal Food & Drug regulations. Pilot plant preparation and sensory evaluation was completed in my lab and it was demonstrated that it was difficult to distinguish this product from regular fluid milk. In the end the case was settle out of court and importation was terminated. The third case dealt with the processing technology to separate alpha lactalbumin for beta lactoglobulin from whey. A Toronto firm was accused of used patented technology to separate these two components but in the end it became clear the Toronto firm had different technology and the suite was dropped. The whey protein products you see on the self of many health food stores and pharmacies in Canada originated from this Canadian company. |
Training / Seminars |
Delivered workshops on ricotta production, pH measurement, and whey utilization. |
Fields of Expertise
bifidobacterium, dairy processing, dairy product, porcine immunoglobulin, probiotics, ricotta cheese processing, whey, Jerusalem artichoke flour, Jerusalem artichoke, filled milk, tofu, dairy product functional ingredient, cheese processing, nutraceutical, casein protein, animal feed, process cheese, cultured dairy product, cheese, dried dairy product, dairy microbiology, bovine milk, swine nutrition, spray drying, food spray drying, lactose, immunoglobulin, fluid dairy product, condensed dairy product, cheese technology