Expert Details
Compostable Packaging, Phase I ESA and Sustainability/Environmental Audits, Environmental Chemistry

ID: 712031
Montana, USA
Expert was contracted to develop a formula(s) and procedure(s) to produce biodegradable and compostable packaging. In particular he was to develop food trays, cups and other food service related packaging. He also was to develop techniques for the use of this material to produce packaging items for transport of breakable items. This project was begun in 1999 and is still ongoing in 2010. Expert was granted two US and one international patent for this work. Two US patents are pending and at least one additional US/international patent is to be submitted at this time. Expert was contracted to perform a due diligence review of an additive for enhanced treatment of waste water. This project was for an international investment group. Expert reviewed the science behind the product, the process for production of the product and the projected usage and growth of product sales. A detailed report along with recommendations was prepared at the end of the project. Expert was contracted to perform a forensic examination of an oil field accidental death. This investigation was part of a wrongful death suit in which the oil company claimed that the death was an accident exacerbated by neglect on the part of the person who died. Expert was able to show that the death was caused by a sequence of events including improper equipment provided by the Oil Company, improper health and safety procedures that were in place at the time of the accident and lack of secondary safety equipment. A key finding was that the oil company did not provide a safety training session before on site work began. A technical report was prepared for trial but the suit was settled out of court Expert was contracted to develop a biological marker for the calibrating of specific gel chromatographic columns. This material was derived from bovine serum albumin. The product has been sold by biochemical reagent suppliers since 1985. The product was used in experiments onboard the NASA Space Lab Project. Expert developed a conceptual project in 1984 to use proprietary fluoresce markers in negotiable bonds and currency paper. This project would use nano-technology and micro tubules to hold proprietary markers in the matrix of the paper. The specific markers and ratio of markers could be programmed into bank teller level scanners to detect counterfeiting.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1971 | Degree: Post Doctoral Research Fellowship | Subject: Lipopotein Biochemistry | Institution: University of Florida School of Medicine |
Year: 1968 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Enzyme biochemistry | Institution: University of North Dakota School of Medicine |
Year: 1965 | Degree: MS | Subject: Biochemistry of Genetic Diseases | Institution: University of North Dakota School of Medicine |
Year: 1963 | Degree: BS | Subject: Chemistry and Biology | Institution: Adams State University |
Year: 1961 | Degree: Associate of Science | Subject: Chemistry/Biology | Institution: Fort Lewis College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior Scientist and Principle Partner | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert is the founding partner of the company, which has operated several business divisions over its 34-year history. In addition an organic food company was formed in 1996. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1977 to 1980 | Employer: Science Applications International Corporation | Title: Staff Scientist | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert was an adjunct scientist to several divisions within the company and as such worked at several locations including Oak Ridge, TN, LaJolla, CA and Durango, CO. He traveled extensively to assist ongoing projects. Projects included low level nuclear waste disposal, acid rain problems, safety decision trees, environmental chemistry and the stratgic petroleum storage facillity. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1971 to 1978 | Employer: Louisiana State University | Title: Assistant Professor of Biochemistry | Department: Biochemsitry |
Responsibilities:Expert taught biochemsitry courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels. He was awarded 5 year NIH and NSF research grants. He mentored several graduate and undergraduate students and served on many doctoral committes. He developed an entirely new curriculum for per-med and biochemistry programs. He was on the design committee for a new 7-story biochemistry/chemistry research and teaching building. He also served at the safety officer for this new building. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1968 to 1971 | Employer: University of Florida School of Medicine | Title: National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow | Department: Biochemsitry |
Responsibilities:Expert was in charge of a research group while its director was on leave. He performed research, wrote research papers and taught medical students. The specific areas of reserach were lipoprotein biochemsitry and genetic diseases. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1961 to 1963 | Employer: Adams State University | Title: | Department: Chemistry |
Responsibilities:He was in charge of stockroom operations, taught some organic chemistry lectures and served as a research assistaint for one of the professors. Performed contract analysis for DDT for a spruce/pine beetle control project. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1959 to 1961 | Employer: | Title: Solution Chemist | Department: |
Responsibilities:He prepared solutions for laboratories, assisted in laboratory classes. Organized new stockrooms and assisted where required within the department. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2007 to 2009 | Country / Region: Germany | Summary: To verify, for a US client, the effectiveness of proposed German made process equipment. To observe processes and equipment for a client. To approve German made equipment for purchase. To attend technical meetings and technical trade shows for the selection of process equipment. To perform hands on testing of process equipment. Attend an equipment auction and purchase for a client over $250,000 of process equipment. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a member of the American Society of Biological Chemists [acceptance requires peer review, publications and professional recommendations. He has had other memberships in the past including AAAS, Americal Chemical Society, FASEB, American Scientific Affiliation and various scientific organizations. |
Professional Appointments |
Expert has been an officer and board member of several charitable and nonprofit groups. He is the editor of an environmental newsletter and editor of a Christian writers newsletter. |
Awards / Recognition |
Expert is an Eagle Scout, a member of Sigma Xi [research honor society], The College Honor Society and is listed in the American Men and Women in Science. He is also a member of Alpha Chi Sigma [National Society for Chemistry] |
Medical / Professional |
Expert was selected as a National Institutes of Health Pre-doctoral Fellow [a five year undergraduate appointment]. He also was a National Institutes of Health Post-Doctorial Fellow [a three year post graduate appointment]. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert has published 17 peer reviewed research papers, 22 abstracts of oral presentations of his research, has written chapters in three books, co-author of a laboratory manual, co-editor of a book on mine land reclamination and author of a graduate level laboratory manual. He has three patents and two patents pending in the area of biodegradable and compostable packaging. He also co authored an edicational booklet on water quality which is in its third printing. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has performed research, report/trial preparation and testimony/deposition before Federal [Environmental Protection Agency], district and local courts in the areas of: the effects of pesticides on biochemical processes, Methane in domestic water wells, effect of excess fertilizer on crop production, forensic investigation of an unattended death at a natural gas well site, source of waste water flowing onto a real estate development and source of dry cleaning solvent in an adjacent property. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert setup and ran a national conference on mine soil reclamination, Prepared and presented seminars on regulations and conditions associated with real estate transactions. He has also prepared and presented numerous seminar sessions concerning aspects of fiction writing. Presented numerous training and safety seminars associated with laboratory operation. Presented walking seminars on environmental concerns and problems. Verbal presentation of interperation of technical reports prepared by himself. He also has extensive experience in the setup and operation of trade show booths. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has hands on experience with all aspects of vendor location and qualification for the manufacturing of biodegradable and compostable packaging products. He also sourced and qualified vendors for laboratory and research chemicals, equipment and supplies. Expert has experience in locating and securing national and regional experts for target [brain trust type] seminars. |
Marketing Experience |
Expert has a wide ranging knowledge of the many aspects of biodegradable and compostable packaging, including market development, analysis of competition and competitive products. and direction of applied and basic research |
Other Relevant Experience |
He has experience in preparing white papers on specific aspects of developing industries. This includes interpretation of environmental audits and aspects of due diligence verification and reporting for lenders and investors. |
Fields of Expertise
analytical test, biochemistry, biodegradability, biodegradable material, biodegradable packing material, composting, device, environment-related assessment, environmental chemistry, environmental due diligence investigation, environmental effect, environmental monitoring, environmental sampling, environmental science, environmental site auditing, environmental water sampling, environmentally friendly packaging material, food packaging material, fossil fuel environmental effect, nonhazardous solid waste composting, office environment, soil sampling, water pollutant, sustainability, biodegradable system, environmental forensics, environmental condition, biodegradation test, environmental compliance, soil amendment, lipid chemistry, environmental sample, environmental data, environmental management, soil conditioner, biodegradation, plastic biodegradation, biodegradable plastic film, environment, bioremediation, biodegradable plastic, plastic environmental effect, ecosystem assessment, compost, soil biodegradation, biocompatible polymer