Expert Details
Business, IT, and Knowledge Management

ID: 721741
Expert has used e-mail, groupware and an electronic diary to work more effectively with co-workers, customers and suppliers. These tools were essential for information exchange and coordination when he was Project Manager for benchmarking, DRP (disaster recovery planning) and corporate time recording. The project teams were scattered, so physical meetings were limited (yet still essential).
Expert has designed quality work processes for a contract support team. This included simple workflow management, automated management report generation, cross-training and job sharing. His own tacit knowledge of the processes was refined, documented, implemented in a database system and made available for knowledge transfer to his team members.
Expert keeps up-to-date on developments in EDI (electronic data interchange) as a member of a community of practice. When EDI (EDI is a specialised part of e-commerce) was new, Expert was appointed to become "the expert" within his community of practice. Expert improved the quality of agenda, minutes and papers submitted for Executive IT meetings. His standards for submissions provided an effective knowledge filter for members of the Executive Team. His agenda and minutes were clear, concise and always accepted without dispute.
Expert has had practical experience with strategic planning at various organizational levels. This experience has been backed up by strategy studies as part of his MBA and DBA. Expert also has the ability to draw a clear plan from a complex situation. For example:
Within the state government water utility, major information systems were being developed separately with no plans for integration. Expert gained acceptance for the idea that customer, asset, and mapping (GIS) systems should be integrated. He discussed this with senior managers, wrote convincing reports, developed an interactive demonstration model and an initial plan for a project to achieve the goal. This led to a front-desk system for graphical identification of pipes and other assets located near customer properties.
Expert has developed computer use strategies for a number of branches and regional teams. These plans were based upon interviews with local staff and Expert's own knowledge of corporate plans and strategies.
Expert was a member of the team to evaluate tenders for outsourcing the information technology branch. He also had a specific role to negotiate for best possible conditions to be offered to affected staff. His strategy was to fully support organizational goals - except when staff issues were discussed. By clearly stating his position, he gained respect and support for his views from other team members.
Expert pioneered the use of EDI (an electronic data interchange and an early part of e-commerce)within his organization, a major state government utility (water, sewerage and drainage services). His work with EDI led him to the idea for an EDI gateway that could be used by all state government agencies. He initiated the gateway strategy and it was subsequently implemented. Expert was also a member of a team that developed EDI use guidelines and he made presentations to other agencies on EDI strategies.
Expert has managed a group supporting PC, network, hardware and software procurement and operation for sites across the state. He has managed a mainframe systems and operations group. As a project manager, Expert has been responsible for cross-functional teams where each team member also reported to a technical manager.
In terms of team building there are three key examples.
First the "Project Office": An outsource contract required a coordinating team for finance, administration, secretarial, quality standards, occupational health and safety. Expert was asked to manage this Project Office. He was set the additional task of extending the team to support other contracts. At all times, Expert involved Project Office team members in the efforts to develop their roles and responsibilities. Expert's team developed vision and mission statements to be presented to other contract managers. Expert encouraged staff to see themselves in a broad role, acting across the organization. They documented standard procedures and shared their skills. As a result of Expert's work, the Project Office team extended its services across at least seven contracts. Staff applied experience from one contract in support of others, improving efficiency and ensuring backup if someone was absent. The team worked smoothly and provided a broad range of support across several contracts, with the same small but more effective team.
Example 2 - Outsourcing: The IT branch was to be outsourced. Since this would have a major impact on existing IT staff, Expert was asked to represent views of affected staff. This included communication between staff and the selection panel. In communicating with staff, Expert presented the view that outsourcing would happen, staff could only make the most of it. Expert supported strong negotiation without aggression. His aim was to re-build team spirit and counter negative emotions. Thanks in large part to Expert's mediation efforts, staff supported the unpopular choice and moved on to continue their careers. The outsourcing contract began and continued to run successfully.
Example 3 - Property Owners Group: Expert owned a small serviced office in a block with severe financial and management problems. The strata management company had lost owner confidence and was in debt. The building itself had a number of outstanding maintenance issues. Many offices were vacant. Expert was elected as Chair of the Council of Owners. He chaired a number of stormy meetings with the management company and made a clear distinction between strata issues and individual owner issues. With more realistic expectations of performance, relations with the management company improved, issues were resolved, contracts were examined, duplication was removed, and costs were reduced. In addition, major capital requirements were identified and prioritized, major expenses were closely monitored and carefully managed. All of this resulted in positive improvements in the general appearance of the building, owner and tenant satisfaction, and financial situation of the strata company. The next year was also stormy - but there was agreement that the situation was improving and the direction was good. The "team" of owners re-elected Expert as Chair.
Expert has consulted on Project Management and Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP). He reviewed and simplified existing DRP framework documents. Additionally, he successfully delivered Disaster Recovery Plans for major service areas. Expert accomplished more in four months than others had achieved in the previous fourteen.He has conducted report preparation and process improvement. Expert designed documents, spreadsheets, and a database for regular reporting to a major client. He implemented procedures to streamline monthly report preparation. Expert also reduced group time spent on routine tasks. Expert is an experienced negotiator. He has managed the relationship between senior corporate managers and local contract managers, in order to gain maximum benefit from local use of corporate systems. He has also been on the selection panel for outsourcing of IT. His role included mediation between affected staff and the selection team.He is knowledgeable in business analysis and strategic IS planning. Expert worked with an irrigation management group in its bid for an automated system of water ordering, delivery, control, and billing. He provided scope definition, cost analysis, evaluation of potential packages, and handover to a development team. Expert has consulted on concept and system development. He developed from concept to prototype, a system to manage workplace safety, incident management, and injury rehabilitation.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1995 | Degree: PGD | Subject: Science and Technology Policy | Institution: Murdoch University |
Year: 1985 | Degree: MBA | Subject: Business Administration | Institution: University of Western Australia |
Year: 1976 | Degree: BBus | Subject: Information Processing | Institution: Curtin University of Technology |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert combines independent consulting with university studies for a DBA(IS). His consulting concentrates on knowledge management, e-business and the IT/business interface. Expert also co-owns and manages a small number of rental properties. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 1999 | Employer: GE Capital IT Solutions | Title: Project Office Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert managed the contract support group as it expanded its services across several outsourcing contracts. This involved staff development and a major emphasis on team building. He was also responsible for preparation of the monthly contract management report. Expert improved and documented the report preparation processes and then delegated them to members of his team. Another of Expert's responsibilities was to negotiate with corporate managers on the adaptation of the corporate time recording system for local use. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 1997 | Employer: GE Capital IT Solutions | Title: Business Analyst | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert was project manager for several projects, including benchmarking of all services provided within an outsourcing contract and DRP (disaster recovery planning) for those services. He managed several customer satisfaction surveys from survey design to implementation to analysis and reporting of results. He then documented the process so that it could be done by others. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1994 to 1996 | Employer: Water Corporation | Title: Senior IT Consultant | Department: Information Technology |
Responsibilities:Expert provided internal consulting services. He documented and implemented a standard project initiation process using reports, presentations, and a system model to gain acceptance for a system integration strategy. He developed a branch computer use strategy. He also pioneered EDI within the corporation and generated the idea for an EDI gateway for use by all state government agencies. His final responsibility was as a member of the tender selection panel for outsourcing of the IT branch. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1994 to 1994 | Employer: Work Cover WA | Title: Consultant | Department: Scheme Development Operations |
Responsibilities:Expert spent four months on a unique project with the state's occupational safety and rehabilitation organization. He developed a working prototype of a system to manage incident/accident reporting and rehabilitation management. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1992 to 1994 | Employer: Water Corporation | Title: IT Consultant | Department: Information Technology |
Responsibilities:Expert provided internal consulting services to groups within the corporation. A major role was the initiation - working closely with the client - of various information systems. Expert prepared and wrote the successful business case for upgrading the mainframe network to networked PCs, did a post-implementation review of corporate quality initiatives, and supported the strategic IS plan for the irrigation management group. Expert also revised and refined procedures for the IT Executive Committee. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to 1992 | Employer: Water Corporation | Title: End User Support Supervisor | Department: Information Technology |
Responsibilities:Expert was 2IC in the End User Support section. He was responsible for day to day supervision of staff providing full IT support. He also provided support, specializing in Small System Development and Strategic IS Planning for various groups. When the section Manager was away Expert would act in the Manager's position. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1988 to 1996 | Agency: Water Corporation of Western Australia | Role: Various | Description: Expert joined the state's water, sewerage, irrigation and drainage utility as an End User Support Supervisor. His group supported all IT within the corporation. Expert's subsequent promotions involved him in initiation of several information systems projects, process development and improvement, business analysis, small system development, mainframe computer management. He worked with a variety of groups and with a range of employees and staff. His responsibilities included dealing with suppliers and with other government agencies. Expert's final role was in tender evaluation for outsourcing of IT. He then, as a direct result of the outsourcing, returned to private enterprise. For more detail see under "Work Experience". |
Years: 1994 to 1994 | Agency: Work Cover WA | Role: Consultant | Description: For four months Expert worked on a special project with the state's occupational safety and rehabilitation organization. He developed a working prototype of a safety and rehabilitation management system. The system was a joint venture between Work Cover and the state Chamber of Commerce and Industry. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: to Present | Country / Region: Australia | Summary: Expert has always worked and lived in Australia. Some of this work has been with U.S.-based multinationals, so he is able to appreciate both Australian and U.S. business perspectives. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a member of the Australian Computer Society (MACS); and an Australian Institute of Management Member (AIMM). |
Licenses / Certifications |
PCP (Practicing Computer Professional). This is certification from the Australian Computer Society in recognition of Expert's current studies to maintain and upgrade his professional expertise. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
As the result of his current studies, Expert has written one conference paper. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
Expert has lectured at the university level in programming, database, systems analysis and design. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert was a member of a team that selected a company for outsourcing an IT branch. He has evaluated tenders for document management and an EDI agreement. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert has had training in mediation and in group problem solving. He has used both of these skills in a variety of work situations. |
Fields of Expertise
knowledge management, strategic planning, team building, mediation training, disaster recovery planning, business continuity planning, business analysis, emergency management, business, ecommerce, business strategy, business management, organization redesigning, process planning, knowledge worker productivity, quality improvement, business system design, Internet, knowledge, project planning, information management, electronic data interchange, business process re-engineering