Expert Details
Materials (grain, fertilizer, rock, coal, wood chips, etc.) Handling, Storage and Processing. Facilities, Bins, Silos, Mills and Related Equipment and Processes

ID: 108162
South Dakota, USA
He has experience in the specification, design, engineering, and construction inspection of tanks. He is involved in existing tank evaluation and repair including tanks for liquids and bulk materials of all types. Expert is also experienced with industrial and agricultural plant layout and design, including structural design. He is familiar with a variety of processing plants including oilseed processing plants, corn sweetener, milk and cheese, cement, and packing plants.
He has consulted on the design and engineering of agricultural machines including all types of row crop, small grain, hay, feed processing, and fiber and food production and processing. Expert is also experienced with solid handling equipment, especially continuous solid handling methods, such as conveyors, chutes, consignors, stackers, feeders, as well as size reduction and storage of solids. He has worked with the transportation of bulk solids by truck, rail, barge, and ship.
Since 1980, Expert has worked extensively in soybean, sunflower, and canola seed processing, oil extraction and meal handling including all phases of the various processes and work on the physical plant and process equipment. He is experienced in corn, canola, sunflower, wheat, oat, and barley processing, handling, storage, and shipping. He has a special interest in soybean, sunflower, and canola processing and in corn milling and corn sweetener processes.
Expert has provided engineering evaluation, opinions, design and services for bulk materials loading at harbor terminal facilities in the USA, Mexico, Yemen, Canada, etc. involving bulk grains of all types, cement, rock, coal, carbon black, wood fuel pellets, wood chips, fertilizer, etc.
Engineering Experience, Domestic and International:
• Evaluations, Reports, Engineering and Design Services for New and Existing Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Buildings Including Pre-Engineered Steel. Hoop and Post Framed Buildings and Conventional Wooded Framed and Concrete Buildings Including Designs and Engineering for Renovation, Modification and Repair of Existing Buildings.
• Engineering Analysis, Evaluations and Designs for Bulk Materials Handling, Storage and Processing Systems, New and Existing Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Steel and Concrete Bulk Storage and Process Bins, Tanks, Silos, Wooden Cribbed and Framed Elevators and Annexes, Storage Bunkers and Buildings, Feed and Flour Mills, Pasta Plants, Ethanol Plants, Fertilizer Plants and Related Equipment Bridges, Catwalks, Towers, Tunnels, Pits, Trenches and Related Bulk Materials Handling and Processing Equipment, Related Foundations and Support Structures.
• Investigation, Analysis, Evaluation and Engineering Reports Regarding Existing Agricultural, Industrial, Residential and Commercial Facilities, Structures, Silos, Bins, Buildings, Mills and Equipment Condition, Design, Installation, Workmanship, Erection and Assembly, Function, Age and Wear/Tear Issues, Maintenance For The Purpose of Safe, Economical Operations and Efficient Repair, Renovation, Modernization, Relocation, Demolition and/or Deconstruction and Salvage and Pre-Sale Evaluations of Buildings, Structures, Facilities and Equipment.
• Investigation, Analysis, and Engineering Reports on Origin and Cause of Operational, Structure and Equipment Failures, Damages and Injuries Involving Equipment, Construction, Maintenance and Repair, Accidents, Wind, Water, Fires, Explosions and Collapse.
• Engineering, Consulting and On Site Engineering Services For Safely Working Around Facility Explosion and, Fire Damages To Safely Extinguish Fires In Silos, Bins, Mills, Buildings and Equipment, Gather and Store Artifacts, Etc.
• Engineering and Designs for Safe Demolition and Deconstruction, Salvage and For Repair or Replacement of Explosion, Fire, Collapse or Wind Damaged Silos, Bins, Buildings, Mills, Structures and Equipment
• Transport, Conveyors and Processing Equipment, Processing and Drying and Aeration Equipment and System Design.
• Engineering Design, Analysis, Opinions, Evaluations and Reports for Domestic and International Projects Involving Bins, Silos, Structures. Buildings, Processes, Machinery, Equipment, Failures, Collapses, Fires and Explosions.
• Engineering Inspection, Evaluation, Analysis, Reports, Engineering and Design on Construction and Equipment, Erection, Assembly, Installation, Workmanship and Defects, Operations, Use and Wear, Damages, Failures, Accidents and Weather Related Damages to Buildings, Structures, Machinery, Silos, Bins, Tanks, Equipment, Systems and Processes.
• Seismic Evaluation and Design for Structures and Equipment, Bulk Materials Handling, Storage, Reclaim and Processing Systems and Equipment.
• Agricultural Engineering, Evaluation, Engineering and Design of Livestock Buildings, Farm and Rural Water Systems, Septic Systems, Drainage and Liquid and Solid Livestock Manure and Waste Handling, Treatment, Spreading and Composting Systems.
• Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Machinery, Mechanical and Hydraulic Power Transmission and Process Engineering, Design and Evaluation.
• Technical Documentation Review, Evaluations, Opinions and Writing for Repair, Operation and Safety Manuals and Safety and Operation Instruction Labels for Equipment, Structures and Processes Including Evaluations and Engineering Opinions on Industry and Trade Custom and Work Practice, Standards, Codes and OSHA Regulations.
Services Offered
Engineering Services, Construction, Equipment and Process
• Schematic Design
• Design Development
• Construction Documents
• Review, Bidding and Negotiations
• Construction and Administration
Building Design, Modification and Modernization
• Pre-engineered
• Post Framed
• Steel Framed
• Stick Framed
• Masonry
• Hoop
• NOTE: Referral to Architectural
• Assembly Line Modification
• Tool. Jig, Fixture Design and Certification
• Crane and Hoist
Investigation and Forensic Engineering
• Construction
• Commercial
• Residential
• Industrial
• Construction Defect
• Cause & Origin
• Damage Assessment
• Fire Damage
• Storm Damage
• Engineering Repair Estimates
• Identification of Damage
• Identification of Cause of Damage
• Consulting services for Underwriting Evaluation
Construction Services
• Inspection observations for compliance with drawings and specifications.
• Inspection for workmanship and quality assurance.
• Contract administration for scheduling, completion percentages and pay requests.
General Engineering Work
• Bulk Materials Handling
• Storage and Processing
• Corrugated Steel Bins
• Bolted and Welded Steel Tanks
• Slipform Silos
• Jumpform Silos
• Bunker Storage
o Wood
o Steel
o Concrete
Foundation Design for:
o Silos
o Bins
o Tanks
o Bunkers
o Pre-Engineered Buildings
o Conventional Buildings
o Post Framed Buildings
• Agricultural, Construction and Industrial
• Damage Investigation
• Design, Repair and Modification
• Vehicle
• Damages
• Fire and Failure
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1972 | Degree: B.S.Ag.E. | Subject: Agricultural Engineering | Institution: University of Nebraska |
Year: 2020 | Degree: Continuing Education, Attend and Teach | Subject: Agricultural and Industrial Bulk Materials Handling, Storage and Processing, Including Systems, Processes and Equipment | Institution: Engineering Societies and Professional Groups |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1980 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consulting Engineer | Department: Consulting Engineer |
Responsibilities:Engineer Providing Analysis, Engineering and Design Services for Silos, Bins, Buildings and Related Machinery, Structures and Processes. Engineering Investigations, Analysis, Evaluations, Reports, Cause and Origin Opinions. Engineering Expert Services for New Construction and Repair Recommendations. Designs for Owners, Contractors, Architects, Engineers, Insurance Companies, Lawyers, Factories, Farms, Livestock and Agricultural Processing Industries, Industrial Process Industries, Homeowners and Government Agencies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1978 to 1980 | Employer: TCI Power Products/GEHL Manufacturing | Title: Project Manager | Department: Engineering |
Responsibilities:Product Engineer for Equipment and Power Transmission System Design, (Chain, Belt, Shaft, Gear). Design of Hydraulic Systems for Construction Loaders and Forklifts. Machine Design for Loaders and Forklift Structures. Fertilizer Transport and Spreader Carts and Wagon Design. Fertilizer Bin, Mixer, Conveyor Equipment and Overhead Support Structure Design. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1978 | Employer: Henke Machine, Inc. | Title: Plant Engineer | Department: Engineering |
Responsibilities:Plant, Industrial and Design Engineering for Livestock Feed Mill and Bulk Grain Handling Systems. Bulk Materials Handling, Storage and Process Design. Design of Mass Flow, Drag, Belt and Screw Conveyors, Screening Equipment and Systems, Mixers and Blender Systems. Grain and Livestock Feeding Wagon, Cart and Truck Box Design. Design of Hammer, Burr and Roller Mill Equipment and Pneumatic Conveyor Systems. Square and Round Bin and Tank Design for Mills and bulk materials storage. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1973 to 1976 | Employer: URS/Ken R. White Company | Title: Engineer | Department: Engineering |
Responsibilities:Project Engineer for Dust Abatement and Collection Design, Design of Bulk Materials Handling, Storage and Processing Equipment and Systems. Storage Silo, Bin, Tank and Related Structure Design. Design of Conveyor, Cement Kiln, Blender and Mixing Equipment. Design of Plumbing and HVAC Systems for Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings and Systems. Investigation of Grain and Coal Dust Explosions. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1972 to 1973 | Employer: Gooch’s Best Flour and Feed Mill/ADM | Title: Engineer | Department: Milling |
Responsibilities:Plant and Sales Engineering. Design of Livestock Feed Storage Bins and Tanks, Delivery Tanks and Wagons, Blenders and Mixers. System layout of grinder, screening and conveyor systems |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1962 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Farm Ownership | Department: |
Responsibilities:Farm Ownership, Labor and Maintenance Involving All Types of Row Crop, Small Grain, Grain Handling and Storage Equipment and Structures, Hay and Livestock Equipment. Swine Confinement Systems, Cow-Calf operations and Cattle Feedlots Including Work with Manure Handling Storage and Processing, Excavation Work. Residential and Light Commercial Construction. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1992 to Present | Country / Region: Central and South America | Summary: Expert consults on bulk materials handling, storage and processing, silos, bins, conveyors, and mills including bulk handling and processing equipment such as elevator legs, conveyors, hammermills, grinders, roller mills, etc. Work also involved oil seed processing equipment. |
Years: 1992 to Present | Country / Region: China | Summary: He consulted on livestock feedmills and grain facilities including bulk handling and processing equipment such as elevator legs, conveyors, hammermills, grinders, roller mills, etc.. |
Years: 1992 to Present | Country / Region: Canada | Summary: He consulted on grain bins and silos including bulk handling and processing equipment such as elevator legs, conveyors, hammermills, grinders, roller mills, etc.. |
Years: 2002 to Present | Country / Region: Middle East | Summary: He consulted on grain bins and silos including bulk handling and processing equipment such as elevator legs, conveyors, hammermills, grinders, roller mills, etc.. |
Years: 1985 to Present | Country / Region: Mexico | Summary: He consulted on grain bins and silos including bulk handling and processing equipment such as elevator legs, conveyors, hammermills, grinders, roller mills, etc. Work also involved oil seed processing equipment. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a member of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (Loads on Bins and Silos 20/4), the American Concrete Institute (Bin and Silo Committee 313), and the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. |
Licenses / Certifications |
Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas. At one time had engineering PE licenses in about 30 States, all of which, Expert has not been renewing, as he is in the process of selling the business to the younger engineers who have licenses in most States now. |
Professional Appointments |
American Concrete Institute (ACI); ACI 313 Code and Standards Committee member for Bins and Silos; American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE); Grain Elevator & Processing Society (GEAPS), American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert is the author of several publications on the design of bin panels, bin foundations, storage bin discharges, safety devices for bins, and emergency response. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Investigations, analysis, evaluations and reports regarding fires, failures and collapse of buildings, structures, silos and bins, materials handling equipment and support catwalks and towers, agricultural equipment, feed and flour mills, etc. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert presents and teaches at seminars and professional meetings each year on subjects related to bulk materials handling, storage, reclaim and processing, agricultural equipment accidents and failures, fires and collapses. |
Vendor Selection |
He has experience locating vendors of: bulk material handling equipment; storage and process equipment; bins, silos, and mills; and storage and process equipment repair. He has access to the following resources: extensive files; a database; and international contacts. |
Marketing Experience |
Expert regularly provides evaluation and engineering design services for agricultural and industrial bulk materials industries including grain, coal, cement, frac sand storage, harbor and river terminals, rail terminals, feed and floor mills, farm agricultrual equipment |
Other Relevant Experience |
Has a staff of engineers and technicians to provide support. |
Fields of Expertise
bulk materials handling, grain elevator, hopper, material storage, silo, solid material handling, storage facility, storage tank, tank design, food plant layout, agricultural machine, agricultural engineering, disk harrow, farm equipment, farm machine, hay, continuous solid handling machine, conveyor, conveyor design, screw conveyor, solid handling equipment, solid material handling engineering, solid transportation, solids unloading, solid storage, storage, seed oil extraction, soybean meal, sunflower oil, flour storage, food storage, grain drying, grain mill, grain storage, wheat storage, failure analysis, marine shipping, engineering, barge, harvest machinery, tank bottom corrosion, tank bottoms, septic tank, structural design, bulk mixing, engineering specification, bulk liquid, bulk material, soybean processing, cement plant pollution prevention, cement plant pollution, cement plant, agricultural safety, fluid tank engineering, oil tank corrosion, oil tank, hopper car unloading, hopper car loading, freight car, hopper car, wheat milling, barley milling, corn milling, oat milling, cement kiln, soybean seed, agricultural accident investigation, sunflower, power take-off device, oilseed processing, railroad train, grain handling, construction inspection, storage equipment, handling equipment, materials handling equipment standard, materials handling equipment, materials handling, safety, grain-milling machinery, closed-tube belt conveyor, long-distance conveyor, air odor control, industrial plant design, building design, size reduction, magnetic conveyor, foundation, mechanical conveying, animal feed, pollution control, conveyor standard, storage process, harvesting, agricultural crop, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment, processing, construction, power, machinery, repairing, oil, milling, harvester, tractor, liquid storage, steel, solid mixing, rock crushing, railroad shipping, plant layout, oilseed, oat, millstone, grain milling, hammer mill, grinding mill, gravity conveyor, food processing equipment, fertilizer, feeder conveyor, ethanol, drying, corn, concrete, chain conveyor, cement, bucket conveyor, bin, belt conveyor