Expert Details
Building Related Energy Use, Low Carbon Strategic Design Advice

ID: 729017
United Kingdom
Expert can provide advice on the best opportunities for saving energy and carbon in new build, refit and refurbishment and buildings in operation. On both very large and small projects, she will analyse the project needs, look for the best fit of technologies and passive design opportunities and suggest a range of viable and economical measures. Expert works with clients and design teams to provide technical and procurement support in implementing the recommendations.
She can also advise on the best opportunities for renewable and low carbon technologies such as heat pumps, building scale CHP, solar hot water, solar photovoltaic, biomass boilers and building scale wind turbines.
Expert has experience of trouble shooting buildings which are failing to meet expected energy consumption or performance and finding causes and remedies.
She has a particular interest in procurement processes for sustainable buildings and has written many sets of tender documents and/or performance specifications for the sustainability and energy requirements for projects.
She is an experienced auditor of existing buildings providing reports, action plans and paybacks for viable measures. Expert evaluates both the building systems energy use and the organisational and behavioural aspects of energy efficiency to maximise benefit.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1982 | Degree: BSc | Subject: Builidng Services Engineering | Institution: Northmbria University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Managing Director | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is a working director of this busy energy and sustainability consulting company |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Principal Consultant, then associate | Department: Energy Technology |
Responsibilities:Expert was a consultant and is still a self employed associate of BRE, advising and researching on building energy and sustainability |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to 2000 | Employer: Capita | Title: Associate Director | Department: |
Responsibilities:Managed team of Buildign Services Design Engineers |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Member of Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers - MCIBSE, Chartered Engineer C.Eng, BREEAM AP, Accredited Carbon Trust Consultant ( Design Advice, Opportunities Assessment and Low Carbon Building Strategic Design Advice) |
Licenses / Certifications |
BREEAM for Offices, Education, Bespoke, EcoHomes, Multisidential |
Professional Appointments |
Member of CIBSE Council, Member of Worcestershire Diocesan Advisry Committee and Heating Advior to the Diocese. |
Awards / Recognition |
Expert has been the sustainability advisor for two award winning buildings. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Contributor to Urban Land Institute " Retrofitting Office Buildings to be Green and Energy Effficient", numerous magazine articles and published research including "sustainability in PFI" |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
She has undertken expert witness work in relation to heating systems |
Training / Seminars |
Expert has delivered many seminars and training in relation to low carbon design of buildings, procuring sustainable buildings, BREEAM assessments, BREEAM and LEED comparisons, application of EPCs and L2 Building regulations, energy efficiency, passive design, saving energy in healthcare builidngs, saving energy in education buildings. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has experience in writing specifications for technology and projects related to energy effciency and low carbon buildings, in evaluting tenders and advising on suitable suppliers and contractors. |
Marketing Experience |
Expert is very experienced in understanding client and design team drivers and the current state of the construction industry in the UK in relation to energy use, energy efficiency, compliance with reated legislation and carbon issues. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Sustainability assessments including LEED, BREEAM, DREAM and related assessment methods. |
Fields of Expertise
building energy management, conservation of energy, energy, energy conservation, energy consumption, energy efficiency, energy efficiency analysis, energy efficiency evaluation, measurement & verification, energy efficient building design, energy-efficient building, energy-efficient design, energy-efficient heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system, alternative energy, Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement software, energy-efficient electrical system, energy-efficient electrical metering, energy-efficient drive control, energy-efficient drive, energy-efficient district heating, energy-efficient condensate return system, energy-efficient chiller, energy-efficient fan, energy-efficiency measurement system, energy-efficiency analysis system, energy-efficient lighting device, energy-efficient lighting system, energy-efficient heating ventilating and air conditioning control, energy-efficient energy management system, energy-efficient energy recovery system, energy management