Expert Details
Brazilian Ethanol Market, Sugar and Ethanol Equipment, Plants, Process and Technology.

ID: 727571
Expert has used his experience within the Brazilian transportation industry to assist clients with fleet management. His works comprehends predictive maintenance by fluid analysis, data collection and management to generate information about the best vehicle brands, best point to renew the fleet, best part brands, etc. Through his work clients could cut off about 30% of the maintenance costs.
Klim Australia and KLIMCO - He helped the client to collect information on sugar cane mills within the Brazilian Market. Client aimed to sell his products in Brazil and needed price comparison, technical comparisons, market size, competitor details, technology state, among other information.Klim Australia and KLIMCO - He helped the client to import ethanol distillation technology from Brazil, including all negotiations with supplier and follow up and quality control of every documentation and payment transfer.
He also assisted the client with other technologies involved within the sugar cane agri-industrial process, including the quest for machinery supply and process designing.SNM Co. Ltd. - He helps the client to measure the Brazilian market and understand its nuances, such as the cultural barriers, time line barriers, custom barriers among others. He also assists with market updated information, as a representative to include his client's name in the vendor list of several local companies. Other assistance is given in the communication, as his client wills to sell his product in Brazil.Interconsult Uruguay - He assisted Interconsult to participate in a bid process for an entire distillery in Uruguay, from juice treatment to final ethanol dehydration. His responsibility was to find a technology supplier in Brazil and a manufacturer, then, to compose offers in Spanish and following the bid documentation, to assist with the "strategic" aliances in Uruguay.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2001 | Degree: BS | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Director and Consultant | Department: Commercial and Management |
Responsibilities:Grupo Zema – Logistic and maintenance cost control project for a fleet of about 70 trucks used for fuel and appliances distribution. Implementation of fluid analysis for the predictive maintenance, tires wear control and research and other techniques. Data bank construction.KLIMCO (China) and Klim Australia – Market development in Latin America within the sugar and ethanol market. Development of suppliers and achievement of Ethanol Distillation technology transfer. Japaneese Turbine Manufacturer – Assistance in the local market information collection, including competitors, clients, size of market, power lines, taxation, logistics, importing into Brazil, man power, labor law, technical comparisons and formation of final price. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2008 to 2009 | Employer: Praj Jaragua Bioenergia S.A. | Title: Business Manager | Department: Commercial |
Responsibilities:Responsible for business development within the sugar cane sector, aiming to sell Turn Key, EPC, or partial projects. Responsibilities included market intelligence, client prospection, supplier development, quotations, budget supervision and cost formation, technical supervision, risk evaluation, final price composition and negotiations with clients in Brazil and Latin America.Also monitored competitors moves and prices. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2007 | Employer: Interunion Comércio Internacional Ltda. | Title: Project/Logistic Manager | Department: Turn Key Project |
Responsibilities:Turn Key Project management and international Logistic management. Exportation of an entire sugar cane processing plant in over 600 containers and about 200 bulk parts. Scope of work involved follow up of manufacturing, inland transportation, customs and shipping, up to the erection arrangements in Venezuela. Negotiations with clients in Venezuela and suppliers in Brazil. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2005 | Employer: Zema Tratores Ltda (New Holland Dealer) | Title: After Sales Regional Manager | Department: After Sales Division |
Responsibilities:Corporative management of the service area. Responsible for the strategic planning for the after sales department, commercial promotions, viability and even point analyses, procurement, cost control, logistics, partnerships with suppliers and customers, hiring, dismissing, training, commissioning, and team holiday planning. Leadership of a 31 employee team among engineers, technicians staff. Also responsible for the ABC customer classification, CRM and client feedback.Responsible for the conception and execution of projects that increased the dealership’s classification in the “Dealer Standards” program (from “C” to “A”). Savings of 50% in the compulsory tool set by local manufacturing project. Increase of 72% in the service department’s invoicing in one year and a half period. Development of service stocks, resulting in increased productivity. Experience in labor lawsuits as the legal representative of the company. Participation in legal prosecutions as a technical expert. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2002 to 2003 | Employer: Maqnelson Ltda (John Deer dealer) | Title: After Sales Commercial Manager | Department: After sales and maintenance |
Responsibilities:After sales and service commercial management. Team leadership, customer contact, service planning and coordination.Developed commercial strategies according to industry seasonality and peculiarities. Started and developed a new branch, where recovered clients and the brand image in the region. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2002 | Employer: Votorantim Cimentos (Cement industry) | Title: Junior Engineer | Department: Industrial Project Management |
Responsibilities:Responsible for project time line definition, resource employment, quotations, supplier development, project follow up and commissioning. Used tools such as PERT and CPM in the TPM and NOSA (National Occupational Safety Association) environments.Responsible for projects in 23 cement factories. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2001 | Employer: Udinox Equipment for Food Industry | Title: Trainee | Department: Engineering - Commercial |
Responsibilities:Responsible for equipment designing, engineering calculations and manufacture follow up. Accomplished drawing and documentation quality program.Company produced equipment for food processing, such as tomato sauce, ham plants, sausage processing, etc. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to 2000 | Employer: Peixoto Wholesaler | Title: Trainee | Department: Fleet Management |
Responsibilities:Responsible for fleet maintenance control, programming truck stops for periodic maintenance according to operational availability. Responsible life extension of parts, unitary costing, drawing cost curve, cost of sets (engine, gearbox, etc.) and for definition of optimal point of vehicle disposal.Control of about 1500 trucks located at the headquarters and branches all over Brazil. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Associated to CREA - Conselho Regional de Engenheiros e Arquitetos (Regional Council of Architects and Engineers) |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has one publication on agricultural machinery maintenance. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Participation on labor process in behalf of the company Zema Tratores; Participation on commercial process as a technical representative of Zema Tratores; Participation on labor environment inspections in a law suit, as Zema Tratores’ representative. |
Training / Seminars |
1. Ethanol Summit – São Paulo (2008); 2. Tax Planning – São Paulo (2008) – CIESP; 3. Fermentation and distillation – “The Praj Method” – Sorocaba (2008) – Praj; 4. Generic Fermentation and Distillation – Sorocaba (2008) – Praj; 5. 9ª CBA – Agroindustrial Brazilian Seminar – “The Plant of Achievements” (technology updating in fermentation, distillation, co-generation, and agrigulture technology) – Ribeirão Preto - 2008; 6. Relationship Marketing – MBA subject – Ribeirao Preto (2007) – FGV; 7. Turn Key Project Management – Ribeirao Preto (2007) – CIESP; 8. Trader – Negotiation, marketing, competition and globalization - Ribeirao Preto (2006) - Export Manager Trading School; 9. International Trading - Ribeirao Preto (2006) - Export Manager Trading School; 10. Sales improvement – Sao Paulo (2005) – SEBRAE; 11. Financial analysis and planning – Sao Paulo (2005) – SEBRAE; 12. Enterprise development – Sao Paulo (2005) – SEBRAE; 13. CS 660 – Technical Sales Presentation - Uberaba/ MG (2004) – Case New Holland; 14. After Sales Advanced Management - Curitiba (2004) – Case New Holland; 15. After Sales Technical Meeting - Curitiba (2004) – Case New Holland; 16. After Sales Management - Curitiba (2003) – Case New Holland; 17. Negotiation – Sao Paulo (2003) - Catho on-line; 18. Jacto Uniport 2000 Sprayer maintenance and sales – Itumbiara (2002) - Jacto S.A.; 19. John Deere Tractor maintenance - Itumbiara (2002) - John Deere; 20. “Starting a little Big Deal” – Sao Paulo (2002) - SEBRAE – Brazilian Support Service to Small Businesses; 21. "Leadership Development Program” - Itau de Minas (2002) – Votorantim Cimentos; 22. Industrial Painting - Itau de Minas (2002) – Sherwing Williams; 23. Oils and Lubricants - Uberlandia/ MG (2000) –Texaco; |
Vendor Selection |
At Praj Jaragua, Expert was responsible for forming a vendor list for each item of a turn key project. Contacts with each major supplier for each component of an ethanol plant was established. At Interunion Expert supervised manufacturing at about 100 suppliers in Brazil, also negotiating lead times and prices. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | He lived in England for about 18 months, where studied English and worked at many professional positions, including telemarketing phone operator. |
Spanish | He studied Spanish for 4 years in Brazil and became fluent before spending 2 months living in Spain and travelling to Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Uruguay. |
Portuguese | Native. He has been living in Brazil for 35 years, where he was educated in first line schools and universities. |
Fields of Expertise
ethanol fuel, ethanol fuel production, industry, technology transfer, atmospheric distillation, azeotropic distillation, automotive maintenance, fleet maintenance, fleet management, truck fleet maintenance, sugarcane, vinasse, bus maintenance, harvest machinery, importing, tax, biodiesel technology, cogeneration boiler, steam processing, alternative energy, agricultural waste, fermentative ethanol production, export regulation, distillation equipment, agribusiness, biomass-fired boiler, management, agricultural crop, bagasse, harvester, export packaging requirement, ethanol, continuous distillation, cogeneration, alternative fuel