Expert Details
Behavioural and Molecular Genetics, Circadian Biology, Neurodegeneration, Statistics
ID: 729794
United Kingdom
He was involved in defending a patent over several years for Glaxo.He was involved as a consultant for planning new developments at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories in New York.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1973 | Degree: BSc | Subject: Psychology | Institution: University of Birmingham |
Year: 1978 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Behavioural and Population Genetics | Institution: University of Sheffield |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Professor of Behavioural Genetics | Department: Genetics |
Responsibilities:His responsibilities include teaching genetics (evolutionary, developmental, medical) to both biological science and medical students. He also runs a large research laboratory. He has also been Head of Department. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1984 | Employer: University of Edinburgh | Title: Research Fellow | Department: Psychology |
Responsibilities:He ran an independent research laboratory. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1978 to 1981 | Employer: Brandeis University | Title: Postdoctoral Fellow | Department: Biology |
Responsibilities:He was a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr Jeffrey Hall |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1978 | Employer: University of Edinburgh | Title: University Demonstrator | Department: Psychology |
Responsibilities:His main responsibility was teaching Psychology to undergraduates as well as maintaining his research laboratory. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1991 to 2011 | Country / Region: Italy | Summary: Visiting professor, University of Padova, |
Years: 1995 to 1995 | Country / Region: Italy | Summary: Visiting Professor, University of Lecce |
Years: 2001 to 2010 | Country / Region: USA | Summary: Visiting Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, New York |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences since 2000; Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Fellow 2002-2007; Society for Research in Biological Rhythms - Associate Editor of Society Journal; Behavior Genetics Association - Associate Editor of Journal; Genetical Society of Great Britain; Genetical Society of USA. |
Professional Appointments |
Editor of Journals of Biological Rhythms and Behavior Genetics; Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship Committee. |
Awards / Recognition |
Aschoff's Rule 1998- award of Society of Research in Biological Rhythms for outstanding achievement. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has over 100 primary publications, many in the very best general journals, and about 50 reviews. He also regularly writes for the Times Higher Educational Supplement. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He has been used as an expert in a number of patent law cases, where his statistical skills were used to successfully defend a patent. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert has give a huge number of invited seminars all over the world in the last 35 years as well as a number of specialised international postgraduate courses in the USA, Italy and India. |
Marketing Experience |
Expert has been mostly involved as an expert in patent defence. |
Other Relevant Experience |
He is frequently asked to appear on TV and radio programmes discussing various scientific issues, including more ethical/moral dilemma, such as the teaching of creationism in schools. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Greek | He was a native Greek speaker before learning English. His Greek is still passable |
Italia | He can get by |
French | He can get by |
English |