Expert Details
Automobile, Design Eng, AutoCAD Inventor, Pro E, Noise & Vibration, Matlab, Heat Transfer, PLM

ID: 724735
He implemented his applied mathematics knowledge in engineering & educational purpose. Due to the necessity of applied mathematics's good knowledge for mechanical engineering projects he has fundamental to expert level knowledge.
He is also listed as an good expert for Mathematics in Liveperson & Kasamaba.
Presently he is working in India's one of the best Automobile company & have completed many challenging projects.
He have gone through all the automobile departments for these projects and now have expertise in automobile.
He has done his master's (M.S) in thermal engineering & advance fluid mechanics.
For master's (M.S) projects, he's gone through the deep & advanced knowledge of fluid mechanics, heat transfer & refrigeration system.
Also he published technical paper in ASME in these fields.
Now as he is working in Engine Design, using these topics in simulation & analysis of engine design & development also.
He has done basic and advance course in mathematics with very good grades in his engineering.
He implemented his mathematics knowledge in engineering & educational purpose. Due to the necessity of mathematics's good knowledge for mechanical engineering projects he has fundamental to expert level knowledge.
He is also listed as an good expert for Mathematics in Liveperson & Kasamaba.
For his M.S degree project on the topic of "Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Heat flow in Porous Media Channels", he used linear equation, partial differential & numerical analysis theory for the mathematical model & Matlab & Fortron for simulation work.
He is working as an technical manager in engines design & development in R&D center of India's best automobile company.
He has very good knowledge of engine development from basic to final stage.
In his recent project he has done power train analysis(crankshaft design, connecting rod, piston, flywheel etc design) with help of Matlab programming & AVL Excite.
He is very much friendly with MATLAB programming and it's tools.
He has successfully completed many project using MATALAB software, some of them are
Simulation work of Mathematical model of M.S Degree project on the topic of "Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Heat flow in Porous Media Channels".
Power train analysis(crankshaft design, connecting rod, piston, flywheel etc design) with help of Matlab programming.
Also have done many project in GUI, Simulink etc tools of MATLAB.
He is also listed as an good rated expert for MATLAB help in Liveperson & Kasamaba
Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from world's one of best institute.
He had gone through all the basic to advance knowledge in Mechanical Engineering (Theoretical & Practical).
He completed B.S project in Mechanical Engineering Analysis & published in American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) journal.
He is also listed as an good rated expert for Mechanical Engineering help in Liveperson & Kasamaba
From last 6 years, he is working on Microsoft office software and now expert in each tool (word, excel, ppt, Frontpage etc).
For data management, presentation, web and many other works he can provide you any type of help in Microsoft office software.
High Paid Expert in "Kasamba Liveperson" with good rating & comments.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2007 | Degree: MS | Subject: Thermal Engineering & Environmental | Institution: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur INDIA |
Year: 2006 | Degree: BS | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur INDIA |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Techno Manager | Department: Engines - Engineering Research Center |
Responsibilities:Worked on advanced design & testing projects that involved mechanical design (CAD/CAM) simulation (MATLAB, ANSYS, FLUENT) & analysis work (AVL EXCITE, AVL BOOST).He is responsible for power train design. He designed and optimized the crankshaft design & engine balancing. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2002 to 2003 | Agency: NCC, India | Role: Member | Description: |
Years: 2003 to 2004 | Agency: NSS, Indian | Role: Member | Description: His responsibilities was help poor village children for education. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2006 to 2006 | Country / Region: Turkey | Summary: Presentation in ASME Student Conference on the topic of "Bond Graph Analysis and Computation of Adiabatic Gas Coefficient in Car Suspension System for Comfort condition on Bumped road surface." |
Years: 2007 to 2007 | Country / Region: China | Summary: Presentation in ASME International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nano-systems on the topic of "Analysis of Micro Fluid Car Suspension System (MFCSS) and effect of this on comfort factor and life of system." |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
• Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) • Associate Member of ASME's Research Committee on Energy, Environment and Waste • Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG). |
Publications and Patents Summary |
• Analysis of Micro Fluid Car Suspension System (MFCSS) and effect of this on comfort factor and life of system " published in International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nano-systems Organized by Institute of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Jan 2007, China. • "Bond Graph Analysis and Computation of Adiabatic Gas Coefficient in Car Suspension System for Comfort condition on Bumped road surface” for ASME STUDENT CONFERENCE: TURKEY Organized by ASME Student Section at Yeditepe University May 26-28, 2006 Istanbul, Turkey |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
PROFESSIONAL TRAININGS • On the job training on Financial Training for Non-financial people, Pune, Dec 2007. • Professional training on Product life Cycle Management (PLM) by Siemens & UGS at Pune, INDIA. • On the job training on Value Engineering, Pune, November 2007. • Out Bond Training, Panchgani Pune September 2007 |
Marketing Experience |
SUMMER INTERNSHIP: •MUKAND INDUSTRIES LMTD, THANE The work included the study of process used in wire drawing and to give suggestions for the improvement of the system. His project in the company was “STUDY AND SCOPE OF IMPROVEMENT OF SHUMAG MACHINES FOR COLD WIRE DRAWING OF BRIGHT BARS." DURATION: - 2nd May – 25th June, 2005 (8 weeks). |
Other Relevant Experience |
• Engineering: MATLAB/SIMULINK, FLUENT, ANSYS, AVL EXCITE, AVL BOOST • Design: Pro E (Wildfire), AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Mechanical Desktop • Mathematical: MATLAB, Mathematica, Engineering Equation Solver • Programming: C/C++, FORTRAN, HTML, DHTML, Java Script, XML, UML, Microsoft Excel • Graphics & Animation: Graphical User Interface (GUI) using MATLAB and VISUAL BASIC, VRML, Adobe Photoshop |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | |
German | |
Hindi |
Fields of Expertise
applied mathematics, automobile manufacturing, automotive design, Bernoulli equation, computational heat transfer analysis, engine heat transfer analysis, fluid mechanics, fluid thermodynamic property, heat conduction, heat convection, heat engine, heat exchanger, heat flow, heat loss, heat transfer, mass transfer, mass transfer operation, nonequilibrium thermodynamics, refrigerant property, refrigeration thermodynamics, thermodynamics, differential equation, linear equation, mathematics, numerical analysis, partial differential equation, quadratic equation, engine design, machine design, power train analysis, Matlab, mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering analysis, Newton's formula, Microsoft Office software, heat transfer equipment design, heat flux, cam design, chemical engineering thermodynamics, mathematical theory, radiant heat transfer, machine shop, machine installation, composition analysis, calculator, mathematical analysis, crane design, ideal gas law, adiabatic equation, brake cooling, van der Waals' equation, truck design, parametric equation, mass, adiabatic, force ratio, finite-volume method, machinery design, bearing design, biological heat transfer, heat transfer experimentation, competitive analysis, electrical equipment heat transfer, force analysis, industrial machine design, Fourier analysis, gas-liquid heat transfer, turbine design, compressor design, fluid mechanics mathematical modeling, machine design review, mathematical modeling, mathematics software, machine safety, fluid-power transmission, food heat transfer, motion equation, equation, heat sink, dynamic balance, heat transfer modeling, reaction-rate equation, boundary element modeling, mechanical device design, conveyor design, gas-liquid mass transfer, gas-gas mass transfer, condensing thermodynamics, fluid-solid mass transfer, machine, heating, statistical mechanics, statistical data analysis, spring, solution thermodynamics, numerical optimization, numerical modeling, Navier-Stokes equation, multiphase heat transfer, manufacturing heat transfer, heat radiation, heat pump, harmonic analysis, gear, gas dynamics, Eulerian equation, equilibrium thermodynamics, state equation, environmental modeling, energy conservation, electrochemical thermodynamics, dynamic heat transfer, clutch, climate control, cam (device), pulley, boiling thermodynamics, AutoCAD, adiabatic process