Expert Details
Asset Development, Reservoir Engineering, Well Technology, and Strategic Planning

ID: 733439
His technical expertise covers a wide range of knowledge and familiarity with state-of-the-art technologies in reservoir simulation, field development, reservoir management, and operational and strategic planning. Expert has been exposed to both conventional and unconventional asset development from conceptual, all the way to implementation.
Expert is conversant with full field reservoir simulation and flow system models, as well as conventional well productivity analysis, decline curve analysis, field optimizations studies and evaluation of economic scenarios.
Expert is capable of handling complex engineering assignments and generating high-quality results. He can lead peer-based risk and resource estimation processes while ensuring internal processes compliance, seeking input from peers to ensure technical high quality. As a consultant, he can recommend, propose and incorporate best practices in planning and executing any reservoir engineering activities. His experience includes both leadership and direct involvement in estimating hydrocarbon reserves in proven or prospective fields and work with the G&G team and Reserve Auditors to ensure a thorough and rigorous technical analysis that follows best industry practices. He can contribute to portfolio creation and improvement through strategic business decisions with partners.
As asset manager, Expert has been involved and responsible for large capital infrastructure projects as asset manager, including Phase I & II CO2 projects, gas compression facilities, pipelines, water treatment plants, flow stations, and most recently in Employer, water flood facility design, and complex depletion compression facilities from scratching. He has also managed over 17 concurrent rig operations, 1.6 BScf/D and 50.000 Stb/D gas and production, 4 managers, 12 superintendents, and about 1.400 people. Alongside his 33+ years of experience, Expert has been able to mature and master managerial, technical and operational skills.
Expert is actively involved in EOR/IOR strategy optimization, including involving near-miscible displacements and water injection. His main areas of expertise include: IOR/EOR (WF, CO2), formation damage identification & prevention, reservoir management valuation and key scenario screening via VOI/VOU, well technology options for field development and enhancement, and field production rejuvenation.
Expert has published around 11 technical papers internationally. In the most recent 14 years, he has been acting as senior advisor/consultant to Employer (5 years), where he is involved in the highly complex unconventional North Kuwait fields, including Kerogen, shaly sands, tight carbonate formations, and dual /k-carbonate/dolomite systems, and as Corporate Gas Development Manager (9 years). In this capacity Expert is responsible for the short-, mid-, and long-term asset development strategies and technology plan.
In 1998 worked with PEMEX General Manager- Production in DF, as a Sr. Advisor to improved production performance in all assets nationwide
Has also worked in Colombia, Ecuador, USA as expert consultant in reservoir engineering and well technology aspects to solve specific problems related to production enhancement, well performance, asset management and EOR/IOR scenarios
In Bolivia served as government-oil industry liaison during the oil industry nationalization process dealing with a number of companies holding JV's with NOC YBPF
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1990 | Degree: Masters of Science | Subject: Petroleum Engineering | Institution: The University of Oklahoma |
Year: 1979 | Degree: Engineer | Subject: Petroleum | Institution: Universidad de Oriente |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2010 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Sr Consultant-Advisor, Chief Reservoir Engineer and Senior Planning and Reservoir Management Consultant | Department: Gas Development |
Responsibilities:As part of the staff of Employer, assigned to coordinate and timely deliver the Asset Action and Business Plan for highly complex unconventional gas, gas condensate, and volatile assets, including full cycle development and optimization of hydrocarbon units. The role involves working with a centralized planning function which will serve the various corporate business units and projects. Among the responsibilities are the undertaking and reviewing of existing versus forecasted planning, budgeting and key ratios and performance indicators in the different business units and projects, to identify, prioritize and focus on specific needs and resource allocation, providing elements for the analysis of deviation to the BOD and top management.In charged of the Reservoir engineering group focused on achieving an aggressive mid term production target in excess of 1.0 BcF/D from unconventional, dual porosity, dual permeability limestone/dolomite, Kerogen (organic) and tight formations, with sour fluids and HP/HT environment. Managing the multi-disciplinary Study Team, with responsibility to successfully assemble the full field numerical model including depletion compression and pressure maintenance sub-projects. This includes complex limestone/dolomite fractured reservoirs (Marrat Jurassic formations) and unconventional gas shale formations, (Najmah Kerogen formation) as well. The nature of these assets requires a high level technical input including state of the art technology for data gathering, data evaluation and interpretation, prior to capturing its potential and reserves into the FDP. Accountable for laboratory and field test design in aligned with business development plan data gathering needs. Responsible for reservoir management, aiming at optimizing individual well as well as asset productivity by means of energy and recovery management concurrent processes, including primary and assisted recovery processes, well placement and well architecture re engineering. Liaising with highly technical profile team for upstream key join projects involving Employer, Shell E&P and Schlumberger technical teams aiming at the acceleration of volumetric and strategic targets for the mid to long term window, comprising all aspects of the upstream value chain. This involves concept identification, definition, and feasibility studies for production facility design, depletion compression, and pressure maintenance projects with water flood and CO2/Flue gas as the main two potential options. Involved in the conceptual design for a water flood project dedicated to deep pseudo-fractured limestone formations, including concept select (stage gate preliminary screening study), feasibility study, conceptual design: fluid to fluid, fluid to rock lab tests design, single and field scale simulation model), pre FEED facility definition, well test requirements, final project proposal, project funding, pilot and field scale implementation. Accountable for key research projects with international research centers, dealing with CO2 / Flue gas utilization in GOGD assisted production, including the development of state of the art CO2 technologies as well as complex definition of the implications of thermodynamic variables into the flow displacement processes in these very complex formations/reservoirs. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2010 | Employer: PDVSA GAS | Title: Corporate Gas Development Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:With direct line with PDVSA GAS board of directors, successfully managing the mid to long term corporate development plan and business portfolio. Managing a very dynamic, multicultural and multidisciplinary organization of nearly 120 specialists including a wide variety of skills ranging from petroleum and reservoir engineers, to geoscientists, surface facilities and administrative personnel. Leading 14 concurrent multi cultural, multi tasks & multi disciplinary complex reservoir simulation studies, using VIP and Eclipse commercial simulators in both black oil & compositional model, to achieve the optimum characterization for statics, dynamics and integrated models, as well as correct prospects evaluation translated into a sound operational plan and business portfolio. Additional targets were; to support the technical & strategic viability of all activities related to reservoir management and full cycle for business development and optimization of the Eastern Venezuela onshore volatile oil, gas condensate and gas assets, to establish the optimum mid to long term exploitation plan, as well as the operational, strategic and technological portfolio.Accountable for the implementation of the classical and conventional geoscientist (including geophysicists, geologists, sedimentologists, and petrophysicists ), engineering as well as numerical modeling activities oriented to achieve the optimum development and exploitation plan and hence optimum integrated corporate business portfolio. These activities included the simulation model implementation, results analysis and optimization to support the yearly business and development plan. Full coordination of well drilling candidates, the insertion and execution of new technologies, the incorporation and growth of fresh reserves to the strategic portfolio, and the identification of the necessary data capturing activity planning, and EOR or assisted production projects. Responsible for the timely growth and support of the corporate PDVSA GAS Oil & gas reserves portfolio via the identification of sweet spots, re exploratory options, and step out wells. Also by the concurrent revision as a result of the ongoing drilling, completion, and W/O campaign. Successfully positioned the company as per production requirements needs, leading the organization to significantly boost its hydrocarbon production potential, increase NPV, reduce operating costs and deferred non cost effective capital projects. Accountable for the substantial increase in gas and oil production from the Anaco Gas District PDVSA, with initial production in 12/2002 of some 860 MMSCFD and 12 MSTBD respectively. By June 2003, this production was sharply improved and increased to more than 1.400 MMSCFD and 22 MSTBD. By the year 2004, stabilized production accounted for 1.700 MMSCFD and 35.000 STBD. Responsible for the successful implementation, drilling and completion 14 well prospects in shallow, highly interbedded and shally gas sands and the development of over 220 MMSCFD of gas production potential by means of the application of novel drilling and completion strategies and technology. (Published in Petroleum Magazine). These Wells render as much production as conventional Wells, but half the cost per unit volume produced. Accountable for the development and evaluation at laboratory and numerical modeling scale of novel EOR technologies in near miscible displacements, applied to the removal of retrograde liquid banks by the cyclic injection of supercritical CO2. Reporting to the Gas Development Manager: Manager of Integrated Studies, Manager of Gas Exploration Planning and Manager for Special Projects. Total manpower assigned 168 geoscientists and reservoir engineers. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2004 to 2006 | Employer: PDVSA GAS (Eastern Venezuela Gas Assets) | Title: Asset Manager | Department: Undisclose |
Responsibilities:Responsible for oversight of Operations in the large Anaco Gas & Volatile District, with annual budgets of approximately USD$250 millions and including approximately 620 staff in associated with operations and management. Responsible for timing and results of execution of entire budget, monitor the progress of the proposed work programs and make adjustments to both the work program and the related timing to ensure that all Key Performance targets are met for the appropriate calendar year. In charge of overseeing and managing both; short term operational activities for the full asset (operational district Anaco eastern Venezuela) to ensure volumetric, reserves and business targets as well as the mid to long term corporate business portfolio, including an aggressive revamping of multi million dollar infrastructure facilities, appraisal and re exploratory activities aiming to optimize and reengineer business performance for the production asset.This included a total of 17 rigs (9 drilling and the rest for W/O activities), 12 production facilities and 8 slick line units. This resources were oriented to increase available gas and crude oil production potential within budget constrains and improving key performance indicators (KPI´s) for the business cycle. A total of 6 superintendants reporting to the technical manager including infrastructure, quality control (HSE), reservoir engineering, production optimization, budget control, Drilling audit (VCD) and Integrated Studies. Total production commitments included some 1600+ MMSCF/Day and 42+ MSTB/D gas and crude oil production. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2002 to 2004 | Employer: PDVSA GAS (Eastern Venezuela Gas Assets) | Title: Integrated Studies Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:As integrated study manager. Expert was responsible for up to 14 concurrent full field reservoir simulation studies, with multi disciplinary teams, each one conformed by different expertise; geologies, geophysics, petrophysicists, sedimentologists, petroleum and reservoir engineers. The studies included from data gathering plan to full field surface to subsurface production forecasts under different scenarios, each one ending with specific economic evaluation. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2006 to 2006 | Agency: Bolivia YBPF | Role: Adviser | Description: Worked closely with government institutions during the nationalization of the oil industry |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1998 to 2002 | Country / Region: North and South America | Summary: Reservoir engineering consultant and advisor to PEMEX, Corelab, Schlumberger |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Spanish | Native |
English | Fluent |
Arab | Basic |