Expert Details
Agroforestry, Tree-Crop Interactions, Improvement and Management of Indigenous Agroforestry Trees
ID: 729577
United Kingdom
One consultancy mission for the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO), Ethiopia, to Southern Sudan in April 2008 as a forestry and agroforestry expert in a multidisciplinary consultancy assignment aimed at assisting the Government of Southern Sudan to prepare a detailed fast track watershed management projects for Lau Watershed in Maiwut County, Upper Nile State, Southern Sudan.
Two consultancy missions for ENTRO to Sudan in February and April 2007 as a forestry and agroforestry expert in a multidisciplinary consultancy assignment aimed at assisting the Government of Sudan to prepare a detailed fast track watershed management projects in three target areas, namely Lower Atbara (El Damar Locality), Ingessana (Bau Locality) and Dinder National Park. One consultancy mission for SIDA, Sweden to West Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali and Ghana) in July 2006 to evaluate the achievements of Phase 4’s SIDA support to the African Network for Agroforestry Education, ANAFE. Two World Bank consultancy missions for the Centre for Arid Zone Studies, UK to Ethiopia in November 1997 and September 1998 to develop undergraduate degree programme and curricula in dryland forestry at the University College of Mekelle. Two World Bank consultancy missions for Centre for Arid Zone Studies (CAZS), UK to Ethiopia in September 1995 and April 1996 to develop curricula for the teaching of agroforestry and silviculture at the University College of Mekelle.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1990 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Agroforestry | Institution: Edinburgh University, UK |
Year: 1980 | Degree: MSc | Subject: Forestry | Institution: Peshawar University, Pakistan |
Year: 1976 | Degree: BSc | Subject: Biology | Institution: Addis Ababa University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior lecturer | Department: School of Environment, Natural Resources & Geography |
Responsibilities:Teaching, research, development (to present) and course director of MSc Agroforestry (1997-2010). Teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate agroforestry modules covering aspects such as the role of trees in livelihood improvement, amelioration of the environment and mitigation of climate change, and the management of trees in the farming landscape for optimising productivity. Research focusing on tree-crop interactions and improved management and utilisation of indigenous agroforestry trees. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 1986 | Employer: Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia | Title: Head of the Department | Department: Forestry |
Responsibilities:Inventory and management of natural forests and industrial plantations, rehabilitation of degraded catchments (watershed management), establishment of peri-urban fuelwood plantations and management of several other bilateral and multilateral forestry projects assisted by organisations such as SIDA, FINIDA, DANIDA, World Bank, FAO, UNSO, WFP, and GTZ. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1980 to 1985 | Employer: Minsitry of Agriculture, Ethiopia | Title: Senior forester | Department: Forestry |
Responsibilities:Responsible for the planning and implementation of nation-wide community forestry and agroforestry programmes involving on-site research and development of forestry on farmers' lands with the main objective of helping farmers to plant trees on their farms by intercropping with crops or as small woodlots or shelterbelts for the production of wood for domestic use as well as a source of cash income and at the same time protecting the farming environment. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1978 | Employer: Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia | Title: Silviculturist | Department: Forestry |
Responsibilities:Responsible for the planning and implementation of research in silviculture including tree species and provenance trials and plantation management techniques in central and northern highlands of Ethiopia for rehabilitation of degraded catchments. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Member of Commonwealth Forestry Association, Member of Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society, Fellow of the Linnaean Society of London. |
Professional Appointments |
1) Member of Editorial Board (associate editor) of the international journal Agroforestry Systems. 2)Member of Policy and Programme Advisory Committee of TREE AID. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has 43 publications in peer-reviewed international journals. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
Being a senior lecturer in agroforestry, the courses that he teaches are developed by him. He was also responsible for the curriculum development of the MSc Course in Agroforestry at Bangor University. |
Vendor Selection |
His research in ecophysiology of agroforestry requires several instrumentation and equipment which are sourced and procured by himself. These include, for example, light, temperature, moisture sensors, and data loggers. |
Marketing Experience |
One of his research on indigenous fruit trees involved development of improved processing technology of shea butter as a means of value addition to this product. Shea butter, which is a product of the fruit of an African tree called Vitellaria paradoxa, is widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. |
Other Relevant Experience |
He is a programme and policy advisor to a charity organisation called Tree Aid. He is a member of the editorial board (associate editor) of the international journal Agroforestry Systems. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
French | He has good working knowledge. |
Amharic | This is his mother tongue |
Fields of Expertise
afforestation, agroforestry, biology, crop ecology, deforestation, diameter measurement, enrichment, evaporation, forest, forest product, forest-use environmental impact, forestry, growth, land use, osmosis, physiological process, reforestation, renewable resource, silviculture, soil amelioration, tropical reforestation, vegetation ecology, wood forestry, indigenous tree, micro irrigation, husbandry, mitigation, farm management, abuse, crop genetic engineering, agricultural biotechnology, fragmentation, plant (botanical), agronomic, fire fighting, agricultural production, mitosis, agricultural development, agriculture future studies, environmental management, mechanization, wood science, forest products industry, forest products industry wastewater treatment, farming, alternative crop utilization, cropping system, plant density, landscaping, cattle, destruction, degradation, harvesting, agricultural crop, animal crop, plant crop, animal, physical process, oxygen consumption, livestock, irrigation, irradiation, infiltration, horticulture, farm crop, crop management, liquid cavitation, domestic cattle, animal science, animal nutrition, alternative crop, agronomy, agriculture