Expert Details
Agriculture Marketing, Planning, Business Development, Financial Consulting, Irrigation, Greenhouses
ID: 729545
Expert is a co-founder at a leading strategy and management consulting firm that works alongside entrepreneurs.
and top management individuals to help them successfully expand and grow in international markets. AraZim specializes in four core industries:
Renewable Energy, Water, Agriculture, and Aquaculture.
Prior to his current positions, Expert worked for several years as Marketing Director for Netafim Ltd., a world leader in smart irrigation solutions. There, he was head of marketing operation in the Asia and Pacific regions. During his overall 7 years with Netafim,he served as the greenhouse division director in APAC and as the corporate greenhouse division agronomist. He has 13 years of experience in the agro business including 5 years
with Fertilizers and Chemical (ICL).
Feasibility Study for greenhouse project in the Persian Gulf. The study included market analysis, operations&maintenance evaluation, agronomic consultancy, Agro-Planning and Business Planning for growing wheat using irrigation facilities in arid areas. Feasibility study for a project in middle Asia: growing vegetables in greenhouses.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1997 | Degree: B.S | Subject: Agriculture Science | Institution: Hebrew University in Jerusalem |
Year: 2004 | Degree: M.Sc | Subject: Agriculture Science | Institution: Hebrew University in Jerusalem |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2008 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: co-founder | Department: |
Responsibilities:Senior consultant for Agriculture projects.Preforming Agro-Planning for various projects, Business Development, Agro Marketing. Agronomy consulting for growing substrates, greenhouses, vegetables, herbs, fertilization and irrigation. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Managing Director USA-Canada | Department: Marketing |
Responsibilities:Formatting and managing the strategy and newly operation structure. The firm specializes in the production and marketing of coco coir based substrates. They specialize in the following three main sectors: 1. Soil-less and hydroponics culture based on coco coir for professional growers in greenhouses. 2. Potting soil and mixture companies. 3. Home gardening and DIY markets. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Co-Partner | Department: |
Responsibilities:Growing quality vegetables, the firm deploys modern agriculture technology together with integration of modern agro practices and management in places where the traditional agro culture is dominant. They develop and manage Farms: advance agro greenhouse projects, producing quality products:green, healthier, safer and testier produce. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2009 | Employer: Netafim Ltd. | Title: Marketing Director, Netafim Ltd. Asia and Pacific (last position) | Department: Marketing |
Responsibilities:Expert's work in his last position at Netafim included develop and implement marketing strategies, among them; partner programs, re-branding, Agro know-how management, training programs.Develop the regional co-services company to deliver agronomic and technical services chargeable to farmers. Develop "Family Greenhouse Solution" for Japan and Korea national agro- reconstruction (2009)Manage the regional business and competitors intelligence synchronized with company strategy and CI policy. Manage the lobbying and public relations tasks across the region through government bodies, academia, UN institutes. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2005 to 2009 | Country / Region: Asia& Pacific, CIS, Gulf countries, Middle East | Summary: Managing the marketing policy of Netafim Ltd., a global leader in smart water solutions for agriculture and landscape, in Asia and Pacific, CIS, Middle East and the Gulf countries, with total revenue of approximately US$120M. |
Years: 2009 to Present | Country / Region: USA | Summary: Formatting and managing the strategy and newly operation structure a firm in North America. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | Fluent |
German | Fluent |
Hebrew | Mother Tongue |