Expert Details
Advanced Heat Exchangers and R744 Air Conditioning
ID: 724755
He has thorough theoretical knowledge and practical expertise in steady and transient heat transfer. His excellent understanding of the processes and mathematical modeling capabilities, together with innovative and creative approach has enabled him to solve and improve various heat transfer problems in the areas of convective heat transfer, heat transfer resistances, phase change heat transfer, refrigeration thermodynamics, transient heat and mass conduction, surface condensation, humid air and drying processes, heat transfer augmentation, air side heat transfer surface improvement, wet surface heat transfer, etc.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1999 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Heat and Mass Transfer | Institution: University of Belgrade |
Year: 1994 | Degree: MS | Subject: Heat and Mass Transfer | Institution: University of Belgrade |
Year: 1991 | Degree: MS | Subject: Mechanical Engineering | Institution: University of Belgrade |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: | Department: Faculty of Applied Ecology |
Responsibilities:Lectures Thermodynamics, Heat&Mass Transfer and Ecosystem Technologies.Research and engineering work in the area of heat transfer processes and natural refrigeration fluids. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2007 | Employer: Visteon Germany | Title: | Department: Advanced Heat Exchangers Development |
Responsibilities:He conducted various research and development projects in the area of automotive heat exchanging equipment and air conditioning systems (both for R134a and R744 refrigerants).He identified improvement potentials of various heat exchanger concepts and initialized adequate projects. He has been following the scientific developments and trends in the field, and communicated with external companies and universities. He was providing technical leadership, information, design guidance and training to the engineering community. He developed cross-sectional theory-and-test based heat exchanger models and simulation tools. He designed and built prototype hardware to support laboratory and vehicle testing. He was granted around 20 international (US, Germany, Japan, England and France) patents in the area of heat exchangers and R744 automotive air conditioning. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2003 | Employer: | Title: Research and Development Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:He participated in and conducted development projects in the area of carbon-dioxide based automotive air conditioning and heat-pump heating. Based on his thorough theoretical knowledge and practical insight in the area of Thermodynamics / Heat&Mass Transfer and inventive way of thinking a several relevant improvements in different development stages of Automotive R744 air conditioning system were introduced. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to 1999 | Employer: University of Belgrade | Title: | Department: Faculty of mechanical Engineering |
Responsibilities:Taught Thermodynamics and Heat and Mass Transfer. Participated numerous research and engineering projects. Mentored several Diploma-Theses. Conducted research on heat and mass transfer of drying processes. Focused on modeling and numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer of combined conductive-convective drying. Managed the development of the packed bed tower heat and mass transfer facilities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2000 | Employer: | Title: Postdoctoral Fellow | Department: |
Responsibilities:He conducted the research project on fouling of heat exchanger elements exposed to warm, humid and particle loaded air streams. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
He has been lecturing following courses: Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Ecosystem Technologies. He is invited author of chapter on Automotive heat exchangers of "Lexikon Motorentechnik" (GWV Fachverlage, Wiesbaden, Germany, year 2004 and 2007). |
Marketing Experience |
Advanced heat exchanging equipment and automotive climate control systems. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Innovative and advanced technology solutions and patent proposals. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
German | Fluent |
Serbian / Croatian | Fluent |
Russian |
Fields of Expertise
automotive heat exchanger, heat exchanger, air-cooled heat exchanger, heat transfer, heat exchanger failure, refrigerant property, transient heat transfer, heat loss, heat exchanger design, heat exchanger failure analysis, double-pipe exchanger, heat transfer fluid, energy-efficient plate heat exchanger, thermodynamics, plate heat exchanger, heat exchanger fouling, heat convection, heat conduction, evaporator, convection heat exchanger, condensing heat exchanger, heat exchange condenser