Adult Psychiatric Issues in Criminal and Civil litigation
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Expert is board certified in Psychiatry and Neurology with a sub-specialty in psychiatry. He has more than thirty years of experience testifying in State and Federal Court, primarily in Iowa, in virtually every imaginable type of Civil, Criminal, and Workers Compensation litigation. His past experiences include being a staff psychiatrist at several mental health services, medical centers and hospitals. His publications have included original papers on Lithium use in manic-depression and intraperitoneal Lithium administration for biopolar affective disorder in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. He currently runs a private practice focused primarily on Forensic Psychiatry, providing consultation and services in his area of expertise.
As a psychiatric expert, Expert's extensive experience in the field qualifies him as a consultant for various litigation cases in which his expertise and time is very respected. For this reason, the expert is willing to provide his experience, expertise and time for consultation -- NOT his opinion on various psychiatric issues.