Expert Details
Senior Safety

ID: 736366
Nevada, USA
Expert has served as Senior Worker Safety and Nuclear Safety Advisor for Department of Energy Headquarters and is also an award winning author for his latest book about navigating safety culture.
Areas of expertise include: development, implementation, qualification, and validation of safety management, construction, and emergency response/recovery programs; development of authorization basis and hazard analysis documentation; oversight and audits of facilities and programs; operational readiness reviews/readiness assessments; safety culture; accident investigation; root cause analysis; regulatory compliance; construction, worker, process and transportation safety; maintenance; enforcement; project management; conduct of operations; and training. Generated numerous technical papers as well as publications.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1995 | Degree: BS | Subject: Safety Engineering | Institution: Kennedy-Western University, Cheyenne, WY |
Year: 1972 | Degree: AAS | Subject: Mechanical Design | Institution: Indian Hills Community College, Centerville, IA |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2018 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:- Serve as Team Manager/Technical Lead for Independent Common Cause Analysis (CCA), evaluating implementation of cause analysis processes for Department of Energy (DOE) confidential client based in Idaho Falls, ID. Topical areas included: casual analysis, hazard analysis, incident investigation techniques, continuous improvement, and closure processes. Efforts also addressed current collective health of the company’s safety culture processes, with particular focus on employee engagement, leadership commitment, and continuous improvement.Evaluation process included incorporating guidance provided in DOE, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) documentation addressing safety culture considerations. Selected to lead close out meeting with client senior management, that summarized results, including stressors that were preventing their safety culture processes from achieving optimum results. - Also supported series of DOE/NNSA Contractors with pursuit of DOE Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) certification. Efforts also included facilitating development/deployment of programmatic level safety documentation as well as conduct of site inspections, conducting interviews with senior management team members, conducting gap analysis reviews, and development of logistics for DOE HQ VPP On-Site Review Teams. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2017 | Employer: National Security Technologies, LLC | Title: Division Manager | Department: ESH&Q |
Responsibilities:- From July 2006 to November 2017, served as OS&H Division Manager, responsible for providing senior level guidance addressing implementation of environmental, safety, health, and quality programs for Management and Operating (M&O) Contractor at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). Functional areas included: worker safety, explosive safety, industrial hygiene, radiation protection, chemical safety, quality assurance, and environmental protection. Managed approximately 100 individuals (eight direct reports) with a company comprised of approximately 2,400 personnel.Additional responsibilities included providing day to day technical guidance regarding procedural implementation, conducting occupational health and safety audits and inspections, as well as performing peer reviews for similar deliverables performed by other division personnel. Other duties included traditional activities associated with management of a large division. Examples include development of annual budgets and staffing plans, conduct of annual performance reviews, selection of personnel for merit increases and/or promotions, dispositioning employee concerns/process improvements, and coordinating disciplinary actions with Human Resources representatives. Additional duties, responsibilities, and discrete tasks during this time period include: - From 2010 to 2017, served as Chair/Co-Chair for the NNSS Site Wide DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Integrated Management Council (IMC), tasked with monitoring long-term implementation of DOE Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) and DOE Integrated Safeguards and Security Management (ISSM) criteria, as well as incorporating safety culture concepts. In addition to facilitating routine meetings with IMC participants from across the NNSS, also responsible for coordinating annual ISMS/ISSM evaluation, including development and distribution of the NNSS IMC Annual Report. Also lead annual meeting with site management team addressing results of annual review, including strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. - From 2009 to 2017, served as DOE Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) On-Site Review Technical Subject Matter Expert (SME)/Team Lead, responsible for addressing contractor implementation of DOE VPP program criteria, including Management Leadership, Employee Involvement, Worksite Analysis, and Hazard Prevention/Control. Responsibilities included performing facility inspections; conducting interviews; reviewing facility documentation, and development of presentations for subsequent DOE VPP Headquarters On-Site Reviews; coordinating entrance/exit meetings and on-site logistics; evaluation of proposed corrective actions developed to address identified challenges. Also lead performance of contractor annual reviews. - Beginning in 2009 until 2014, served as Co-Chair for a series of DOE/NNSA Operational Readiness Reviews (ORRs) at numerous facilities, including serving as Co-Chair for an ORR conducted for a Hazard Category 3 Nuclear Facility at the NNSS. Provided senior level SME support for evaluation of maintenance, conduct of operations, hazard analysis, safety basis, and worker safety programs. Duties and responsibilities included: establishing ORR scope, development of ORR evaluation criteria, mentoring other ORR Team Members, serving as worker safety and health SME, leading daily de-briefs with facility personnel, and coordination development of final reports. - During 2014, selected by NSTec senior management to serve as Co-Chair and safety program management SME for DOE/NNSA Accident Investigation (AI) Board established to investigate a chemical drum explosion at a remote chemical site at NNSS. Duties and responsibilities included: training board members of AI techniques, selection of functional areas to be evaluated, directing daily AI activities, and managing daily debriefs with team members. Also responsible for managing development of final AI Report, including identification of direct cause(s), root cause(s), and contributing cause(s). Chaired AI Exit Briefing held with NSTec/DOE/NNSA senior management addressing results of AI, including recommendations to address root causes, contributing causes, and proposed corrective actions to reduce potential for recurrence. - During 2013, selected to serve as Co-Chair, and SME, for site-wide review of safety culture implementation at the NNSS in response to Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant. In this capacity, managed and directed the efforts of a site-wide review team, comprised of approximately 25 personnel. During this review, over 250 personnel were interviewed, with a total site population of approximately 3,200. Responsibilities included developing a comprehensive suite of evaluation criteria incorporating DOE, IAEA, and INPO guidance; negotiating proposed review strategy with DOE/NNSA Field Office and DOE/NNSA Headquarters representatives; establishing training for team members; coordinating overall logistics; as well as finalization and publication of the final report. Deliverable served as technical baseline of other DOE/NNSA sites tasked with conducting a similar review. - From 2012 to 2014, served on Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association (VPPPA) Board of Directors, Region IX. In addition to traditional board member duties, also assisted private sector companies with their pursuit of OHSA VPP Star certification. Other duties included serving as technical advisor to Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) officials responsible for examining options to enhance VPP processes, including performance of VPP On-Site Reviews. - During 2010 to 2014, served as Worker Safety SME and Co-Instructor for a series of OSHA Special Government Employee (SGE) Certification Classes held throughout the United States. The OSHA SGE certification qualifies recipients to serve on OSHA VPP On-Site Review Teams. Also served as an OSHA SGE for OSHA VPP On-Site Reviews at Marine Corps Logistics Base (Barstow, CA) and Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard (Honolulu, HI) facilities. - From 2008-2010, provided senior-level technical SME support to NNSA Headquarters and Nevada Field Office representatives during development of strategies to address implementation of 10 CFR 851, “Worker Safety and Health Program”. Additional responsibilities included development of detailed guidance addressing contractor submittals as well as serving as conducting peer reviews of associated deliverables by NNSA Contractors. Also served as technical process SME for meetings held with DOE/NNSA Headquarters representatives to provide insight regarding overall approach and implementation strategy. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2006 | Employer: IT Las Vegas/Shaw Environmental/Stoller Navarro Joint Venture | Title: Health and Safety Manager/Director of Safety Integration | Department: ES&H |
Responsibilities:- From 2000 to June of 2006, served as Health and Safety Manager/Director of Safety Integration, responsible for all aspects of contractor occupational safety/construction health and safety program implementation and execution as well as development of DOE ISMS continuous improvement techniques for DOE Environmental Restoration activities at the NNSS. Functional areas included: worker safety, radiation protection, explosives safety, and construction safety. Responsible for day to day activities of approximately 10 individuals for a company comprised of approximately 150 personnel.Additional responsibilities included providing day to day technical guidance regarding regulatory implementation considerations and, conducting occupational health and safety audits and inspections. Other duties included traditional activities associated with management of a large organization. Examples include: development of annual budgets and staffing plans, conduct of annual performance reviews, selection of personnel for merit increases and/or promotions, dispositioning employee concerns/process improvements, and coordinating disciplinary actions with Human Resources representatives. Additional duties, responsibilities, and discrete tasks during this time period include: - Served as company representative for the NNSS Site Wide DOE/NNSA IMC. In addition to attending routine meetings with IMC participants from across the NNSS, also responsible for coordinating annual ISMS/ISSM company evaluation, including development and distribution of internal ISMS/ISSM Annual Report. - Selected to serve as DOE ISMS Technical SME as well as leading preparation efforts for site-wide ISMS review by DOE Headquarters (HQ) Team. Primary areas of focus included leadership processes, management of change, hazard analysis/control, worker participation, and continuous improvement. Also responsible for development and presentation of extensive entrance briefing presented to review team. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 1999 | Employer: Enercon Services, Inc. | Title: Senior Technical Specialist | Department: Programmatic Safety |
Responsibilities:- Provided senior-level consultative support DOE-HQ during development of Departmental Standards Identification/ISMS initiatives; Enhanced Work Planning, DOE VPP and Behavior Based Safety (BBS) programs; and implementation of nuclear safety criteria promulgated via 10 CFR 830, “Nuclear Safety Management”.- Participated in self-assessment program evaluations through the DOE complex, including facilities at Hanford, WA; Savannah River, SC; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA; Brookhaven National Laboratory, OH; Upton, NY; and Battelle Columbus, Columbus, OH. Reviewed contractor program performance in the functional areas of internal oversight, corrective action processes, emergency response management, training, and worker/facility safety. - Served as mentor to a series of DOE facilities supporting development and implementation of process improvements addressing environmental, safety, and health programs. Functional areas included hazard analysis, leadership communication, configuration management, environmental protection, worker safety, radiation safety, and incident reporting. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to 1997 | Employer: Roy F. Weston, Albuquerque, NM/Rockville, MD | Title: Technical Manager | Department: Programmatic Support |
Responsibilities:- Served on DOE Headquarters Steering Committees (e.g., Safety Analysis Report Secretarial Office Working Group [SAR SOWG] and Rule Implementation Steering Committee [RISG]), tasked with addressing implementation of safety basis/authorization basis, nuclear safety, and seismic safety programs. Additional responsibilities included participating in reviews of site safety basis processes, including conducting onsite reviews of safety basis implementation by contractors.- Provided technical support to a series of DOE-HQ programmatic representatives. Discipline areas included: nuclear safety, safety basis, occupational safety, hazard analysis, process safety, safety culture, accident investigation, conduct of operations, seismic safety, training, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Oversight Pilots. - Participated on a series of DOE Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) Working Groups, including serving as voting member. Topical areas included hazard analysis, DOE ISMS, safety culture, enforcement, and lessons learned. - Provided independent investigator support for confidential client. Duties included investigating concerns (complaints) filed by current or past employees regarding health and safety or environmental issues. Reviewed facility documentation and regulatory articles in support of concerns. Conducted interviews and evaluated facility safety programs and worker safety controls. Generated final reports in accordance with site guidance and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements. - Responsible for development of a DOE Readiness Assurance program, based upon governing criteria contained in DOE O 5480.31, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities, and DOE-STD-3006, Planning and Conduct of Readiness Reviews. - Served as Lead Author for development of an Auditable Safety Analysis (ASA) safety basis document, based upon the governing criteria contained in DOE-EM-STD-5502, Hazard Baseline Documentation, and 40CFR302, Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification, Subpart B. This approach resulted in significant cost avoidance being realized versus development of a traditional Safety Analysis Report, based upon DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports. - Provided programmatic level health and safety support addressing contractor implementation of construction safety, fire protection, worker safety, hazard analysis, industrial hygiene, medical surveillance, and record keeping functional areas at DOE Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) facilities located throughout the Southwestern United States. - Served as Lead Health and Safety (H&S) Auditor, responsible for conducting H&S audits of DOE UMTRA construction sites located throughout the Southwest United States to determine contractor compliance with conduct of operations, construction safety, worker safety, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, transportation safety, fire protection, emergency response and recovery, training, and maintenance functional areas. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to 1993 | Employer: WASTREN, Inc. | Title: Deputy Project Manager | Department: Regulatory Compliance/Oversight |
Responsibilities:- DOE ORR team member responsible for evaluation of maintenance, fire protection and conduct of operations functional areas of the Thermal Stabilization Process at the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP), located at the Hanford Site. Supported DOE ORR processes for conduct of operations, maintenance, and occupational safety functional areas at numerous DOE Sites, including Hanford Tank Farms and DWPF/ITP, and the Savanna River Site.- Served as SME for Technical Safety Appraisals (Tiger Teams) of selected facilities across the DOE Complex. Duties and responsibilities included evaluation implementation of regulatory criteria addressing the functional areas of worker safety, construction safety, emergency response and recovery, process safety, hazard analysis, maintenance, and training. Also assisted TSA Team Leaders with facilitating reviews of the draft report by team members, including compilation of the final report. - Supervised/trained in excess of twenty (20) personnel in all aspects of a self-assessment regulatory compliance methodology program, including preparation of systems identification reports, MORT Decision Tree, and governing checklists to assess facility compliance. Completed deliverable supported “state of readiness” determinations, including tracking of open action items until closure. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 1991 | Employer: Westinghouse | Title: Senior Conceptual Design Engineer | Department: Design Services |
Responsibilities:- Responsible for development of generation of conceptual piping and equipment placement layout drawings in support of radioisotope encapsulation program. Activities included performing document reviews, code case evaluations, and consulting with project engineers to finalize design strategy.- Initiated drawing scale factor selection matrix and color/layer/line type standardization mythology to expedite generation of CAD drawings. - Guided efforts of approximately six designers and/or drafters during final design and detailed fabrication drawings generation. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 1989 | Employer: Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station | Title: System Engineer, Readiness Project Engineer | Department: System Readiness |
Responsibilities:- Conducted design reviews of code data packages for safety systems, pressure power piping systems, piping supports, and appurtenances to determine compliance with ANSI/ASME code requirements (e.g., ASME Section I, III, VIII, and XI; ANSI B31.1, B31.7). Performed visual inspections of installed safety systems, including verification of load settings for pipe supports and snubbers, configuration of set point devices, geometry of whip restraints, and integrity of pressure boundary weldments.- Supervised/trained approximately 40 personnel in all aspects of piping system/mechanical equipment acceptability walkdowns (e.g., system turnover). Verified acceptability of systems and mechanical components in accordance with governing site criteria and coordinated maintenance activities during room turnover to maintain system boundary integrity. - Initiated tracking system addressing completion of multi-process piping restraints and interfaces with associated Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs). Supervised load balancing of piping systems, including monitoring capability to meet safety basis requirements. - Supervised hydrostatic testing of fire protection systems and monitored hot functional testing of safety systems and power piping systems to verify performance within specified safety boundaries. Verified final load settings for safety systems and power piping supports (e.g., spring can, constant, and snubber). - Responsible for reviewing and providing corrective action recommendations for safety issues identified in facility Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs). Activities included reviewing design drawings, associated safety basis documentation, and performance of field verifications. Coordinated development of associated work packages and subsequent field activities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1983 to 1984 | Employer: Diablo Canyon Nuclear Station | Title: Senior Field Engineer, Readiness Project Engineer, Code Data Review Team Lead | Department: Regulatory Compliance |
Responsibilities:- Provided field engineering support during installation/upgrade of piping systems and associated piping support. Interfaced with design authorities to disposition required revisions address field interferences. Inspected completed weldments for compliance with governing American Welding Society (AWS) codes, including D1.1, Structural Welding Code-Steel.- Initiated document review task force to validate code piping data packages, including supervising and training of approximately 50 personnel. Developed/revised governing procedures addressing implementation of ANSI B31.1, B31.7, ASME Section XI, and 10 CFR 850, Appendix B. - Interfaced with Harford Steam & Boiler Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and ASME Quality Engineers to resolve interpretational differences. - Initiated internal audit program of completed code data packages to monitor compliance with site procedures. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 1983 | Employer: Florida Power and Light | Title: Construction Completion Turnover Manager | Department: Construction Completion |
Responsibilities:- Supervised/trained approximately 125 personnel is all aspects of turnover process. Initiated fastener back qualification process in accordance with AISC structural code requirements to evaluate “as installed” conditions for more than 15,000 bolted connections.- Responsible for initiating internal audit program, in addition to ensuring M&TE equipment (e.g., mechanical and hydraulic torque devices) were maintained in accordance with site quality assurance criteria. - Interfaced with utility and cognizant NRC field representatives to demonstrate viability of process, including traceability of records documenting results of field activities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 1982 | Employer: Zimmer Nuclear Power Station | Title: Senior Field Engineer | Department: Field Engineering |
Responsibilities:- Provided support engineering for approximately 20 pipefitters during installation of piping hanger systems and retro-fit of existing components in primary containment. Performed walkdowns of work packages to confirm installation viability prior to release to field crews.- Generated design change drawings and inspected completed hangers for compliance with AWS welding codes and mechanical installation tolerances. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1982 | Employer: Multiple Contractors | Title: Lead Field Engineer | Department: Field Engineering |
Responsibilities:- Served in numerous capabilities supporting installation and testing of SSCs for numerous facilities. Examples include: design of large and small-bore conduit supports as per contract specifications and nuclear standards. Performed walkdowns of existing supports and generated as-built drawings and prepared conduit support work packages for construction group. Also supervised approximately 30 pipefitters during installation of fire protection system and monitoring of subsequent cold-hydro functional testing. |
Career Accomplishments
Licenses / Certifications |
Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), Indianapolis, IN (current) Certified Lead Auditor, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, Exemplar-Global, Milwaukee, WI (current) |