Expert Details
Experienced CAD/CAM Expert: Pioneering Innovations in Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
ID: 108425
Minnesota, USA
Expert wrote and presented a paper to the Sobrocan Professional Society in Sao Paulo, Brazil, entitled, "Network Communications for Computer Aided Manufacturing," exploring the need for an international protocol for the exchange of manufacturing information through public network communication services. The X.25 standard was proposed as a candidate for the time, however the Internet later became that envisioned world wide network.
Expert has also been a member of the SME Speakers Directory for several years and been a member of the staffs of several SME educational clinic programs. Participation in these programs has provided Expert with numerous speaking engagement opportunities where he has publicly lectured on the use of various manufacturing technologies to professional audiences throughout the United States and to many foreign audiences.
Expert was elected to the founding board of directors for the Arcnet Trade Association (A.T.A.) in Chicago. The A.T.A. is a trade association formed to promote and enhance the defacto Arcnet standard computer network technology created by the Datapoint Corporation in 1976. In his role as a director, Expert participated in several working committees including the Standards Committee, working to achieve Arcnet recognition by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and others. At that time, there were over one million Arcnet nodes installed. The envisioned need was accurate; however the Ethernet standard has emerged as the local area network for the world.
In the commercial realm Expert has provided numerous lectures on the use of computers in manufacturing and engineering design from 1975 to the present. Many of these presentations have taken the form of a seminar. For example, in 1987, Expert lectured for one week on the use of Distributed Numerical Control in manufacturing at a seminar in London, England offered by Elliot, Limited, a distributor for Intercim Corporation.
Throughout his professional career, Expert has practiced as a multi-disciplined engineer involved in the application of technologies. Prior to attending college, Expert gained valuable skills in machine shop technology by completing an apprentice program for the Melpar Division of Westinghouse. Expert gained additional practical experience while attending college by working part time for the Expert Roberts Company, a manufacturer of scholastic class rings, as a tool and die maker. After graduation from Oklahoma University with a BSIE degree, Expert began employment with Jostens Inc. as a tool and process research engineer. During his ten-year employment with Jostens, Expert was responsible for numerous innovative manufacturing systems and processes involving the application of new and emerging technologies. One of these processes involved the automated setting of gemstones in jewelry. Expert and Jostens received several patents for his work in this area. Jostens hired Expert for his assistance in combating the growing demand on the marketplace of the baby boom in an industry characterized by Old World European hand skills. Expert successfully applied Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) to the process of designing and creating tooling for the manufacturer of scholastic jewelry. The concepts of CAD/CAM demonstrated by this pioneering effort in 1970 are in common use today. In 1969 while employed by Jostens, Expert co-founded his first entrepreneurial venture, an electronic music instrument manufacturer, marketing their products in the educational field. Expert designed and engineered the product line for this organization, which consisted of mechanical electronic and computer technologies. Several patents were issued to Expert for his efforts during the ten years prior to the sale in 1979.
Expert left the employ of Jostens in 1975 and joined National Computer Systems, Inc. as Vice President of the C/DM Division. There, Expert founded the first commercial venture in the field of CAD/CAM to provide turnkey systems for the design and fabrication of tooling. Expert was responsible for the sale of several of these early CAD/CAM systems to pioneering buyers such as IBM and Xerox Corporations. National Computer sold a major portion of C/DM, which was renamed CAMAX Systems, Inc. CAMAX was later sold to SDRC Corporation. National Computer Systems has now been sold to Pearson, plc, of the UK and CAMAX was sold to Seimens.
In 1979 Expert left National Computer Systems and became a contract product developer. To carry out the development activities, Expert formed (undisclosed) and provided design and development services for proprietary products using microcomputer and electronics technologies. Some of these development projects included a diagnostic system for the General Motors automotive engine control computer for a patented medical device to provide early warning of impending heart attack for use in open heart surgery for the Medical Division of Possis Corporation; a computerized control system for the automatic manufacture of electric motors used in tools and appliances for the Motor Equipment Division of Possis Corporation; a farm tractor mounted computer system for the distribution of liquid fertilizers and pesticides for Hiniker Corporation; and a patented computerized instrument for use on earth moving equipment to control the angle of grade or slope for the Slope Meter Corporation. In 1982 Expert co-founded a business whose purpose was to create new business opportunities.
(Undisclosed) provides products in the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) marketplace. Using company resources, Expert conceived the (undisclosed) product line and was responsible for many of the initial development activities as well as initial system sales. His mechanical and electronic engineering background combined with his knowledge of computer systems, software development and networking communications were all assembled in one entrepreneurial endeavor. (Undisclosed) offers a product line which is aimed at networking diverse manufacturing equipment on the factory floor with CAD/CAM systems used in design and manufacturing coordination in order to improve general manufacturing productivity through the use of electronic communications and the minimization of paperflow. (Undisclosed) are used both locally in captive manufacturing organizations and remotely over dial up telephone lines. Expert has assisted in the founding of seventeen Minnesota corporations in his sixty year residence. Of the seventeen, (undisclosed) is the only public corporation having offered its stock for sale through the national over-the-counter market (NASDAC) at its time. Expert initially assumed the position of Vice President Research and Development and later became President and Chief Executive Officer. With the broadening of the company through three acquisitions in fiscal 1988, Expert became Chairman of the Board and Chief Technical Officer. (Undisclosed) was sold, who was later purchased by a Swedish company.
In 1990, Expert returned to focus his attention to the development of a previous company on a full time basis. (Undisclosed) is providing innovative product design and development services to established companies and private entrepreneurs on a contract basis. It acts as a contract “skunk works” utilizing the area's private contracts, and providing the leadership and technical guidance to assure successful project completion. Expert is currently president, and it’s only employee. It has been in continual development of interesting and innovative industrial and consumer products since 1990. Among these developments are; up-dates to previous client projects, components of a state-of-the-art video surveillance system, an instrument for remote measurement and transmission of liquid tank levels, an indoor/outdoor wireless pet containment system using 900MHz radio, an IBM 5250 protocol network communications controller using FPGA technology, and the engine of an automatic vending machine for the production of new or replacement lock keys. To compliment the lock key machine development project, Expert co-founded an LLC.
Expert has also, as a company project, patented and is developing a new and novel fluid metering device for liquid and/or gas dispensing. For this venture, he has formed a start up company to pursue commercialization of the meter. One market, the Utility industry, has expressed interest in the safety, accuracy and remote control functions of the device. Another market, the irrigation industry, is interested in low cost, automated flow management to equalize the dynamic and ever changing water distribution needs of irrigation systems.
Expert entered into a venture with his next door neighbor to design and manufacture a motorized storage lift devices for heavy tools or toys. Expert has designed the products and directed the contract manufacturing of the products both in the US and in China.
His most recent venture is the design and development of an electronic automotive ignition controller for vintage Chrysler Muscle Cars. His client is a collector car restoration company. It includes an adjustable over speed limit control for preventing engine damage. It also is proving to be one of the highest performing ignitions available for this collector and racing market. The patent was awarded “best new product of the year”, by the Mopar Collectors Guide Magazine.
At the date of this writing, Expert holds over fifty US patents on both design and utility functions of his career creations. Nearly all of his career projects have demonstrated creative and innovative thinking, leading to patent and/or copyright pursuit by his employer or client partners or by himself.
AUTOMATION. Much of Expert's career has been devoted to computer or microprocessor automation of both products and manufacturing processes. His product automation experiences include: automotive diagnosis, medical diagnosis, and LAN products. His process automation experiences include: electronic motor manufacturing, n/c & robotics manufacturing, and CAD/CAM.
ELECTRONIC DESIGN; ELECTRONIC DEVICE. During Expert's career, he has been a founder of six start-up companies, and all involving electronic devices that he has created. He has 25 years of experience designing analog and digital systems for manufacturability and durability, many including communications, microprocessor, and ASIC technology.
CAD/CAM. Expert's career includes the application of CAD/CAM to tool and die design and fabrication processes, as well as the founding of a CAD/CAM company known today as Camax Systems. Today, Expert's company, Perception, Inc., has both mechanical and electronic CAD/CAM systems and uses the technology daily in product design and development.
NUMERICAL CONTROL (N/C). Expert's career includes the application of n/c to tool, die, and product fabrication and the founding of an n/c automation company known today as Intercim Corporation. He has successfully applied n/c to the manufacture of jewelry, printing equipment, and medical devices. He is a past president of the Numerical Control Society, a worldwide group.
ENGINE DESIGN. Expert's experience includes the design and development of diagnostic equipment and concepts for internal combustion engines controlled by electronic systems. A thorough understanding of engine design and emissions is required for what has proven to be one of the most successful engine diagnostic products currently on the market.
PRODUCT DESIGN. Along with 25 years of electronic and mechanical product design for his own interests, there is a ten-year span focused on contract design for the benefit of others. Through the years he has demonstrated a unique ability to creatively apply new technology to the product needs of a business.
PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY; LOGIC. Expert has gained a level of competence in evaluating current market offerings and matching them with potential applications. He has successfully applied several families of PAL's and the Xilinx FPGA to new electronic products.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1978 | Degree: | Subject: Various Technology Continuing Education Courses | Institution: University of Michigan & Wisconsin |
Year: 1964 | Degree: BSIE | Subject: Manufacturing Engineering | Institution: Oklahoma University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to 1990 | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Chairman - Board | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to 1988 | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President & CEO | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1983 to 1986 | Employer: Undisclsoed | Title: Co-Founder, Vice President of R & D | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1980 to 1983 | Employer: Micronix Incorporated (Perception, Inc.) | Title: Founder | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1965 to 1975 | Employer: Jostens | Title: Process Research Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1961 to 1964 | Employer: John Roberts Company | Title: Tool & Die Maker | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
He is a long-time member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers/CASA, and was a long time member of the Numerical Control Society and IEEE. He has also been a member of the SME Speakers Directory, and was elected to the founding board of directors for the Arcnet Trade Association (ATA). |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert holds several patents in mechanical, electronic and software concepts. He has published numerous technical papers on computers in manufacturing and engineering design. |
Fields of Expertise
automation technology, computer-aided design, electronic device, electronic device design, engine design, numerical control, product design, programmable gate array, market potential, electronics, design for assembly, new product assessment, computer-aided electric machine design, graphics-hardware architecture, alarm system design, computer-aided mechanical design, particle-size measurement, medical device manufacturing, internal combustion engine, stress measurement, strain measurement, software engineering systems design, design for manufacture and assembly, engineering design standardization, computer-aided geometric design, automated machine design, field-programmable gate array, function logic diagram, conductor jointing, electronic cable, electric contact, cabling process, manufacturing control, legal patenting, computer interpreter, vacuum molding, industrial engineering, computer hardware, computer numerical control, wire stripping, vibration pickup, torch cutting, systems engineering, spark-ignition engine, soldering, small engine, wiping contact, robotics, research management, relay, rapid prototyping, propane engine, printing machinery, polymer machining, plastic injection molding, cathode-ray oscilloscope, ohmic contact, metal machining, manufacturing, electrical lead, gasoline engine, factory automation, electronics testing, electrolytic capacitor, electrical connector, digital numerical control, die making, conventional machining, computer vision, compiler, circuit breaker, AutoCAD