Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Enviro-Geotechnical Engineering; Water and Sewage Purification; Natural Energy Systems

ID: 722881 South Africa

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Expert has extensive knowledge of the design and installation of green energy systems. His field of expertise extends to the design of solar, wind, hydro, and heat energy modules as well as the hardware and software integration thereof in a hybrid system. Specialized and interesting designs he has implemented are for natural energy usage in remote living and emergency units.

Expert is expert in the design of green buildings. His knowledge applied to the design allows such structures to be heated, cooled, ventilated, and illuminated using natural resources.

Expert has specialized in geotechnical engineering fields such as active foundations, underwater trenching, and structures on and in problematic soils.

Expert has chaired, managed, and designed various geo-environmental protection and rehabilitation projects. These incorporate environmental analysis, restoration and rehabilitation, water usage, effluent control, industrial development integration, and tourist node development.

Expert J. Expert has detailed knowledge of the design, construction, and operation of solar ponds. He is currently conducting research on small-scale solar ponds design and deployment for community energy generation needs. He has developed specialized low temperature differential heat engines that can utilize the heat generated by solar ponds.

Expert has extensive theoretical and practical experience in the fields of water and effluent purification. His fields of expertise cover desalination, reverse osmosis, aerobic and anaerobic digestors, biological processes such as composting systems and wetland systems, and self contained purification plants using natural energy. He is skilled in problem solving relating to purification systems in manufacturing, municipal, and geo-environmental environments. He has designed and supervised the construction of a number of unique purification concepts.

Expert provides consulting services in using natural bio-processes such as wetlands to purify sewage and solar distillation to provide potable water.He provides consulting services in the design and construction buildings and developments that are eco-friendly and uses natural energy processes to generate electricity and allow natural HVAC systems.He provides consulting services in geotechnical investigations and designs such as specialized foundations, reinforced earth structures, earth retaining structures, low impact footprint foundation and underground structure design in ecological and environmentally sensitive areas.He is a specialist on solar ponds used to generate heat for various industrial processes and thermodynamic engines. Expert is a project leader to establish various international bio-zones and nature conservancies such as wetlands, game reserves, and wildlife sanctuaries.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1986 Degree: B. Eng. (Civil) Subject: Civil Engineering - Hydraulic Institution: University of Stellenbosch
Year: 1988 Degree: M. Eng. (Civil) Subject: Geotechnical Engineering, Water Purification Institution: University of Stellenbosch

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2001 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Managing Director Department:
Expert is responsible for the planning, management and marketing of the company. Furthermore, he is responsible for rendering expert advice in specialized fields of environmental, natural energy, geotechnical, water, and sanitation engineering.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2000 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: CEO Department:
He is responsible to maintain planning, operations and maintenance of this Internet-based ministry.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1998 to 2001 Employer: DTH Consulting Engineers Title: Director Department:
Expert was responsible for the planning, management and marketing of the company. Furthermore he was responsible for rendering expert advice in specialized fields of geotechnical, IT, civil, and water purification engineering.

Government Experience

Years Agency Role Description
Years: 1994 to Present Agency: Department of Environmental Affairs Role: Consulting Engineer Description: Expert is responsible for the civil and mechanical design and construction and monitoring of specialized water and sewage purification works in environmentally sensitive areas.
Years: 2004 to Present Agency: Nelson Mandela Metropole Role: Consulting Engineer Description: He is responsible for the design and compilation of a sewer master plan for the Metropolitan area based on environmental and geological parameters.
Years: 1991 to 1994 Agency: Department of Agricultural Development Role: Regional Engineer Description: Expert was the responsible engineer for four regional offices. He was required to supervise and assist in the analysis, design, and monitoring of the construction of geotechnical structures.
Years: 1988 to 1991 Agency: Dpeartment of Water Affairs Role: Design Engineer Description: He was responsible for the design of various large diameter pipeline schemes.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Expert is a member of SACPE.
Licenses / Certifications
He is a licensed Professional Engineer.
Professional Appointments
Expert is Chairman of the Umzi Wentaba Steering Commitee.
Publications and Patents Summary
He has seven engineering publications, numerous published articles, two patents, and numerous registered designs.

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
Expert teaches numerous life enrichment courses for youth and adult groups.
Vendor Selection
He has sourced numerous international suppliers and manufacturers of equipment and processed for projects he was appointed to design and establish.
Marketing Experience
Expert has vast experience in developing new products and marketing them on an international level. He also has vast experience in developing marketing models and implementing them for imported and exported products.
Other Relevant Experience
He is an expert on IT systems, various operating systems, and engineering and GIS packages.

He is an expert in project management, especially of projects pertaining to and in eco-sensitive areas.

He is very experienced in development planning specifically related to governmental entities, private enterprise, and international investors.

He is very experience in conducting civil and environmental investigations for potential investors, designers, and developers.

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
English He is highly proficient in all aspects.
Flemish He can read and speak Flemish perfectly; his writing skills are fair.
Dutch He can read Dutch perfectly; his writing and speaking skills are fair.
German He can read German fairly and speak it poorly.

Fields of Expertise

solar energy, alternative energy, solar technology, biofuel, energy-efficient solar water heating, green energy, solar space heating, energy-efficient space heating, geotechnical engineering, geosynthetic material, geotechnical centrifuge modeling, geotechnical failure, environmental engineering, environmental management, environmental water sample, water reuse, solar pond, anaerobic industrial wastewater digestion, drinking water treatment, boiler water treatment, closed cycling wastewater treatment, condensate water treatment, cooling water treatment, drinking water disinfection, drinking water distillation, drinking water filtration, drinking water purification, wastewater recycling, wastewater treatment engineering, activated-sludge process, aerobic municipal wastewater digestion, anaerobic municipal wastewater digestion, biological industrial wastewater treatment, biological municipal wastewater treatment, boiler feedwater treatment, chemical municipal wastewater treatment, drinking water quality monitoring, drinking water source protection, drinking water treatment waste disposal, effluent treatment, reverse osmosis water treatment, sour water treatment, swimming pool water treatment, wastewater disinfection, wastewater flocculation, water desalination, water magnetic treatment, water purification, water softening, water treatment filtration, water ultrafiltration, water sanitation, sewage purification, swimming pool construction, solar pond design, demineralized water, spa water treatment, biological treatment, distilled water, municipal water, advanced battery, solar energy application, desalination, cooling system, brine disposal, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, wastewater stripping, drinking water quality standard, cooling water, water supply, environmental protection, drinking water distribution system microbiological control, electric energy generation, drinking water treatment statute, drinking water taste control, drinking water organics control, drinking water inorganics control, water treatment, activated-carbon system, wastewater treatment, coagulation, drinking water odor control, industrial wastewater, sour water, effluent product, conventional space heating, drinking water fluoridation, drinking water, activated carbon, wastewater, water resource, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, flocculating agent, dewatering, coagulant, brine, boiler feedwater, anaerobic microbiological process, alternative fuel

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