Expert Details
Paint, Coating Consulting, Failure Analysis, Laboratory Testing, Inspection, Expert Witness

ID: 723900
Florida, USA
Expert is familiar with most USA and European surface preparation standards.
Expert's company a complete array of accelerated testing cabinets for the testing and evaluation of coatings, and for assessing corrosion. Expert is knowlegeable of the advantages, and disadvantages of accelerated testing, and the parameters that lead to realistic assessments of such testing.
Expert is a specialist in coating failure analysis, and his company has a state of the art in-house analytical laboratory (SEM-EDS, GC-MS, FTIR, AA-AE, HPLC, more) and an in-house physical testing laboratory (salt-fog, QUV, Kesternich, Clevland Condensing, Instron tensile, slip/creep, abrasion, adhesion, more). Expert also has in-house enclosed blast-cleaning and painting facilities for the preparation of test panels.
Expert is knowlegeable in the chemistry and properties of common anti-corrosion coatings, including those comprising epoxies (amine, polyamide, novolac, cresol, other resin combinations), polyurethanes (moisture-cured, two-package), silicones, silicates (polysilicates and polysiloxanes), polyureas, alkyds, and other generic types of coating materials and resins.
Expert has been the chair, and has participated in SSPC and NACE surface preparation committees regarding paint. He is the USA delegate to ISO TC35 SC12 "Surface Preparation prior to Paint Application". Expert is familiar with most USA and European surface preparation standards. Expert is familiar with, and his company is a major world wide distributor of field equipment and instrumentation used to measure blast-cleaning surface profile. KTA-Expert, Inc. inspectors are trained and skilled in the use of such equipment.
Expert has been on the Board of Directors of NACE; has been a section chirman, and has served as the Technical Committee 6 "Coating and Linings" chairman. He presently is active as a TG chair, and is a member of a number of NACE committees. He is a regular speaker at many NACE national and local functions, and publishes occasionally in MP.
Expert has conducted over 300 on-site coating condition surveys and failure analyses at various locations throughout the USA, Canada, and the Middle East. The surveys included those in the chemical process, shipboard, marine offshore, petrochemical, pipeline, and other industries, and the coatings investigated were applied over steel, concrete wood, galvanize and other substrates.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1963 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Chemical Engineering | Institution: Lafayette College |
Year: 1968 | Degree: MBA | Subject: Business | Institution: Columbia University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1968 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Chief Executive Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities:He is the CEO of KTA-Expert, Inc., headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA. Besides strategic positioning and sales, Expert does consulting on high-profile coating failure projects, and utilizes the resources of his company for laboratory testing, physical testing, and specialized expertise. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2006 to 2007 | Agency: EPRI | Role: Contractor | Description: Expert was the project manager on two EPRI projects on nuclear coating aging (coatings within primary cotainment). The first involved a survey of the nuclear industry regarding coating useage and coating condition; and the second project was involved with an industry survey and development of case histories of comparable coating systems in industrial environments. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2006 to 2006 | Country / Region: Kuwait | Summary: Assessment of internal coatings in an existing 16 km oil pipeline that was being relined using pigs. |
Years: 1990 to 2000 | Country / Region: Saudi Arabia | Summary: Assessment and failure analysis of coatings on various projects including those at the HAJ airport terminal, a seawater plant, and within large petroleum storage tanks |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a registered professional engineer in FL, PA, CA, MI. He is a member, and has served on the Board of Directors of NACE International (the Corrosion Society) and SSPC (the Coatings Society). He is the USA delegate to ISO TC35 SC 12, and is the Convenor of WG-5. He is a member of ASTM, AWWA, and FSCT. and has written numerous techical articles and has a number of technical publications. |
Licenses / Certifications |
P.E. in PA, FL, MI, CA |
Publications and Patents Summary |
1 patent; numerous magazine publications regarding coatings; Chapters in ASM Handbook 5 and Handbooks 13 A, 13B. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has considerable experience in federal and state courts in expert testimony before judges/juries regarding coating (paint) failures and problems. |
Training / Seminars |
KTA-Expert, Inc. offers an array of coatings courses regarding coating quality control, use of inspection instrumentation, quality coating application, specification preparation, failure analysis, and other practical aspects of coatings technology and coating work. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | Expert is fluent in this language. |
Spanish | Expert can read general spanish, albeit somewhat slowly and poorly. |
Fields of Expertise
abrasive blasting, blast cleaning, field painting, organic coating process, surface preparation, accelerated testing, chemical-resistant coating material, anti-corrosive coating failure analysis, high-performance protective coating, organic coating defect, anti-corrosive coating material, organic coating material, painting, painting system, high-performance paint, blast-cleaning surface profile, NACE International, coating inspection, coating adhesion, stray, lead paint, lab testing equipment, laboratory testing, corrosion rate, resin chemistry, underfilm corrosion, corrosion cost, hydroblasting, surface protection, corrosion removal, thermal spray coating material, pipeline corrosion, metal coating corrosion, polymer degradation, chloride corrosion, rust protection, rust prevention, salt-fog testing, wastewater treatment corrosion, salt-atmosphere test, surface coating corrosion, flame-spray coating process, thermal barrier coating material, corrosion measurement, degradation, corrosion, corrosion protection, corrosion control, uniform corrosion, underwater corrosion, thermal spray coating process, rusting, polymer selection, metallizing, marine corrosion, corrosion prevention