Expert Details
International Oil and Gas Strategy, Development and Reform

ID: 724272
Texas, USA
International executive, manager and negotiator confronting complex decision making situations specially in commercial operations, clear “management by objectives” philosophy and a “getting things done” approach. Organized and strategy designer of new operations/institutions, conceptualization of physical/financial risk identification, optimization of fixed assets utilization, long-term planning, setting-up of international joint-ventures, consistent problem-solving attitude, geopolitical and socio-economic research and analysis.
With Governmental institutions through HIBC (Houston International Business Corp.)
- PARAGUAY, new laws/regulations; set-up/reorganize institutions; contracts and negotiations for products supply, marketing and distribution; public awareness, political and macroeconomic implications.
- JORDAN, Regulatory downstream technical and institutional reform, products distribution/marketing, privatization policies/strategies, supply contracts/storage/terminals, LPG/natural gas development.
- HONDURAS, funded by CIDA from Canada and OLADE to review and design processes of qualification of companies and international bidding, control and supervision of E&P contracts in offshore areas
With business concerns directly as an individual consultant:
- SONATRACH: Investigate/follow up on current events/investments/downstream commercial possibilities on LPG, LNG and natural gas for the Algerian state owned oil and gas company in the Americas.
- Transpetrol Ltd.: Support and advice for strategy to acquire, charter, operate VLGCs -very large gas carriers- for LPG trade within the worldwide operating fleet. Research on downstream feasibilities and pricing.
- EnerSea Transport LLC.: Business development activities to implement CNG maritime transportation technologies for small natural gas markets where LNG or pipelines are not a feasible economic solution.
- GDF Suez S.A.: Study and Economic and Political Analysis of natural gas potential production and demand in Peru with the goal of expanding power generation activity in the country.
Projects funded by GIZ (German Technical Assistance Agency):
- AFGHANISTAN, (1) design and implement a Policy Unit and formulate the General Policy for Oil, Gas and Minerals (Ministry of Mines), and (2) reorganize/corporatize/privatize petroleum products downstream activities, establish/implement regulatory framework (Ministry of Commerce and Industry).
- BURUNDI, review drafts and procedures for new law for Development of Natural Resources. Direct advice to Ministry of Mines and Parliamentary Commission in charge of the corresponding sector.
- LIBERIA, review drafted legislation and write regulatory framework for natural resources development for the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy.
WORLD BANK Oil and Gas Development projects in:
- URUGUAY, Downstream sector reform activities and study of projects for products storage and distribution terminals for the country alone or in joint-venture with Argentina.
- MEXICO, review/stream-line PEMEX’s internal management procedures and corporate governance/auditing systems to become more capital efficient/effective to confront declining production.
- PAKISTAN, refinery supply and marketing programming, import negotiations/contracts, downstream policies design and implementation, pricing mechanisms, and natural gas and LPG development.
- CONGO, designing strategies/policies, institutional structure, personnel requirements/capacity building and negotiation procedures to improve effectiveness and efficiency of exports systems.
USTDA (US Trade and Development Agency) Definitional Missions to:
- MEXICO, for guidance on environmental issues in deepwater offshore exploration projects, marketing and downstream facilities, and in refining of heavy and sour crude oils.
- UGANDA, for establishing of policies and strategies to develop newly found oil and gas reserves, training programs, institutional structuring, capacity building and planning, future marketing facilities and projects, storage and distribution plants and products pricing evolution.
- LITHUANIA, for organizing feasibility studies to build an LNG regasification plant in the Baltic Sea as a means of diversification of sources of natural gas supplies to the country and the region.
- ROMANIA, for studying possibilities of LNG and LPG maritime importation terminals in the Black Sea, national and regional natural gas pipeline grids for increasing future supplies to Central/Eastern Europe.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1972 | Degree: MBA | Subject: Management | Institution: University of Kansas |
Year: 1969 | Degree: BS | Subject: Petroleum Engineering | Institution: Universidad de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru |
Year: 1974 | Degree: Certificate | Subject: International Development Studies | Institution: University of Sussex, England |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: International Oil and Gas Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:international oil and gas sectors reform and business developmentA) With Governmental institutions through: HIBC (Houston International Business Corp.) Paraguay, new laws/regulations; set-up/reorganize institutions; contracts and negotiations for oil supply, marketing and distribution; public awareness, political and macroeconomic implications. Jordan, Regulatory downstream technical and institutional reform, products distribution/marketing, privatization policies/strategies, supply contracts/storage/terminals, LPG/natural gas development. Projects funded by GIZ (German Technical Assistance Agency): Afghanistan, (1) design and implement a Policy Unit and formulate the General Policy for Oil, Gas, and Minerals (Ministry of Mines), and (2) reorganize/corporatize/privatize petroleum products downstream activities, establish/implement regulatory framework (Ministry of Commerce and Industry). Burundi, review drafts and procedures for the new law for Development of Natural Resources. Direct advice to the Ministry of Mines and Parliamentary Commission in charge of the corresponding sector. Liberia, review drafted legislation and write the regulatory framework for natural resources development for the Ministry of Lands, Mines, and Energy. Honduras, funded by CIDA from Canada and OLADE to review and design processes of qualification of companies and international bidding, control and supervision of E&P contracts in offshore areas. WORLD BANK Oil and Gas Development projects in: Uruguay, Oil, and gas sector reform activities and study of projects on LNG regasification and importation and products storage/distribution terminals for the country or in joint-venture with Argentina. Mexico, review/stream-line PEMEX’s internal management procedures and corporate governance/auditing systems to become more capital efficient/effective to confront declining production. Pakistan refinery supply and marketing programming, import negotiations/contracts, downstream policies design and implementation, pricing mechanisms, and natural gas and LPG development. Congo designing strategies/policies, institutional structure, personnel requirements/capacity building and negotiation procedures to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of crude oil exports systems. USTDA (US Trade and Development Agency) / RKR Enterprises Definitional Missions to: Mexico for guidance on environmental issues in deep-water offshore exploration projects, marketing, and downstream facilities, and in the refining of heavy and sour crude oils. Uganda for establishing policies/strategies to develop oil/gas reserves, training programs/institutional structuring/capacity building and planning, storage/distribution plants and products pricing evolution. Lithuania for organizing feasibility studies to build an LNG regasification plant in the Baltic Sea as a means of diversification of sources of natural gas supplies to the country and the region. Romania for studying possibilities of LNG and LPG maritime importation terminals in the Black Sea, national and regional natural gas pipeline grids for increasing future supplies to Central/Eastern Europe. B) Directly as an individual consultant: CONNEX (Group of Seven Initiative): Member of the Advisory Committee to support developing economies to negotiate and implement Natural Resources Projects with significant socio-economic impact. Texas Aromatics L.P.: Marketing strategies to expand commercial activities in international markets for products traditionally handled by the company only in USA markets. SONATRACH: Investigate/follow up and support the strategic development of investments/downstream commercial possibilities on LPG, LNG and natural gas for the Algerian state-owned oil and gas company in the Americas. Transpetrol Ltd.: Support and advice for the strategy to acquire, charter, operate VLGCs -very large gas carriers- for LPG trade within the worldwide operating fleet. Research on downstream feasibilities and pricing. EnerSea Transport LLC.: Strategic Business Development in Latin America to implement CNG maritime transportation technologies for small/medium natural gas potential markets. GDF Suez S.A.: Study and Economic and Political Analysis of natural gas potential production and demand in Peru for determining Strategic Development and expanding power generation activity in the country. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 2000 | Employer: Government of Peru | Title: Minister of Energy and Mines | Department: |
Responsibilities:started in charge of the energy regulatory agency, then the Camisea Gas Project and finally Minister of Energy and MinesMinister of Energy and Mines (1999 – 2000) Conducted policies to reform the sector making it more modern and efficient, and redirecting government as a promoter of private investments in oil and gas, energy-related and mining projects. Conducted and concluded negotiations to attract foreign investment to several long-forgotten oil and gas, energy and mining projects making them attractive and competitive in the market. Member of the Board of Directors of FONAFE (holding umbrella for all government-owned companies, banks, infrastructure projects, and investments) and of COPRI (the national privatization commission). President, Privatization Committee – Camisea Natural Gas Project (1998 – 1999) Conducted the designing of the overall structure (upstream, transmission and distribution segments; LNG/CNG/LPG development; massive use and distribution of natural gas in the country, regional pipelines, export potential, regional integration, petrochemicals), establishing bidding procedures and awarding the project first stage (gas fields, gas and liquids pipelines from the Amazon to the Pacific Ocean over the Andes, distribution concessions, processing and fractionation plants and terminals). Negotiated production sharing, transportation, distribution, and initial power and commercial contracts for natural gas, established legal requirements and regulations to create a non-existing gas industry in the country, setting-up new pricing and downstream systems to change the country’s energy matrix and to prepare it for future national and international development. General Manager/CEO, OSINERG - Energy Regulatory Agency of Peru (1997– 1998) Established procedures, organizational charts, and relationships within the government and society. Organize and set-up the institution, hire personnel and train them, find and procure funding, propose legislation for proper authority, establish strategies, responsibilities, policies, etc., managing the institution from its beginning of operations and representing it within the government. Design and implement oil products marketing regulations, pricing structures and campaigns to incentivize competition, storage, and distribution channels, consumers rights and obligations, regulatory enforcement and technical guidelines, standards depuration and proper dissemination. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 1997 | Employer: Transpetrol Ltd. | Title: Managing Director, USA | Department: |
Responsibilities:establish the company and develop oil and products business in the US and Latin America Set up the company in the USA, developing contacts and product commercial businesses with major oil companies and independent refineries, utilities and main consumers. Opened the Latin American and Caribbean markets for the company with a concentration in developing supply contracts and long-term tanker-chartering of company-owned vessels. As Managing Director for the USA and Latin America participated in analyzing investment and commercial opportunities for the group with a worldwide perspective. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1977 to 1981 | Employer: Coastal Corporation | Title: Vice-President, Latin America | Department: |
Responsibilities:develop oil supply and trading activities in Latin AmericaExpanded commercial operations throughout Latin-America, securing supply contracts for the company’s refineries and its marketing, trading, and products distribution in the USA and Europe. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1973 to 1976 | Employer: Petroleos del Peru | Title: Head, Crude Oil DIvision | Department: |
Responsibilities:In charge of crude oil import/export, supply and refining planning |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1999 to 2000 | Agency: Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru | Role: Minister | Description: |
Years: 1998 to 1999 | Agency: Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru | Role: President, Camisea Natural Gas Project | Description: |
Years: 1997 to 1998 | Agency: Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru | Role: General Manager, OSINERG | Description: OSINERG is the Energy Regulatory Agency in Peru |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2001 to Present | Country / Region: Worldwide | Summary: With Governmental institutions in: Paraguay, new laws/regulations; set-up/reorganize institutions; contracts and negotiations for products supply, marketing and distribution; public awareness, political and macroeconomic implications. Jordan, Regulatory downstream technical and institutional reform, products distribution/marketing, privatization policies/strategies, supply contracts/storage/terminals, LPG/natural gas development. Afghanistan, projects funded by GTZ (The German Technical Assistance Agency) to formulate and implement a Policy Unit and General Policy for Oil, Gas and Minerals Development in the Ministry of Mines, and with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, to reorganize/corporatize/privatize the petroleum products activities and establish and implement a downstream sector regulatory framework. Uruguay, Downstream sector reform activities and study of projects for products storage and distribution terminals for the country alone or in joint-venture with Argentina. Mexico, review/stream-line PEMEX’s internal management procedures and corporate governance/auditing systems to become more capital efficient/effective to confront declining production. Pakistan refinery supply and marketing programming, import negotiations/contracts, downstream policies design and implementation, pricing mechanisms, and natural gas and LPG development. Congo designing strategies/policies, institutional structure, personnel requirements/capacity building and negotiation procedures to improve effectiveness and efficiency of exports systems. Mexico for guidance on environmental issues in deepwater offshore exploration projects, marketing and downstream facilities, and in refining of heavy and sour crude oils. Uganda for establishing of policies and strategies to develop newly found oil and gas reserves, training programs, institutional structuring, capacity building and planning, future marketing facilities and projects, storage and distribution plants and products pricing evolution. Lithuania for organizing feasibility studies to build an LNG regasification plant in the Baltic Sea as a means of diversification of sources of natural gas supplies to the country and the region. Romania for studying possibilities of LNG and LPG maritime importation terminals in the Black Sea, national and regional natural gas pipeline grids for increasing future supplies to Central/Eastern Europe.Americas in general for SONATRACH: Investigate/follow up on current events/investments/downstream commercial possibilities on LPG, LNG and natural gas for the Algerian state owned oil and gas company.Worldwide for Transpetrol Ltd.: Support and advice for strategy to acquire, charter, operate VLGCs -very large gas carriers- for LPG trade within the operating fleet. Research on downstream feasibilities and pricing.In Latin America for EnerSea Transport LLC.: Business development activities to implement CNG maritime transportation technologies for small natural gas markets where LNG or pipelines are not a feasible economic solution. In Peru for GDF Suez S.A.: Study and Economic and Political Analysis of natural gas potential production and demand with the goal of expanding power generation activity in the country. |
Years: 1973 to 2000 | Country / Region: Peru and Latin America | Summary: Government of Peru / Ministry of Energy and Mines 1997 – 2000 (Lima, Peru)Minister of Energy and Mines (1999 – 2000) Conducted policies to reform the sector making it more modern and efficient, and redirecting government as promoter of private investments in oil and gas, energy related and mining projects. Conducted and concluded negotiations to attract foreign investment to several long forgotten oil and gas, energy and mining projects making them attractive and competitive in the market. Member of the Board of Directors of FONAFE (holding umbrella for all government-owned companies, banks, infrastructure projects and investments) and of COPRI (the national privatization commission). President, Privatization Committee – Camisea Natural Gas Project (1998 – 1999) Conducted the process of designing the overall structure (upstream, transmission and distribution segments; LNG/CNG/LPG development; massive use and distribution of natural gas in the country, regional pipelines, export potential, regional integration, petrochemicals), establishing bidding procedures and awarding the project first stage (gas fields, pipelines from the Amazon to the Pacific Ocean over the Andes, distribution concessions, processing and fractionation plants and terminals). Negotiated production sharing, transportation, distribution, and initial power and commercial contracts for natural gas, established legal requirements and regulations to create a non-existing gas industry in the country, setting-up new pricing and downstream systems to change the country’s energy matrix and to prepare it for future national and international development. General Manager, OSINERGMIN - Energy and Mines Regulatory Agency of Peru (1997– 1998) Established procedures, organizational charts and relationships within the government and society. Organize and set-up the institution, hire personnel and train them, find and procure funding, propose legislation for proper authority, establish strategies, responsibilities, policies, etc., managing the institution from its beginning of operations and representing it within the government. Design and implement oil products marketing regulations, pricing structures and campaigns to incentivize competition, storage and distribution channels, consumers rights and obligations, regulatory enforcement and technical guidelines, standards depuration and proper dissemination. TRANSPETROL,Ltd. 1982 – 1997 Group Vice-President/Managing Director-USA (New York) Set up the company in the USA, developing contacts and product commercial businesses with major oil companies and independent refineries, utilities and main consumers. Opened the Latin American markets for the company with a concentration in developing supply contracts and long-term tanker-chartering of company owned vessels. As Managing Director for the USA and Latin America, participated in analyzing investment and commercial downstream opportunities for the group in a worldwide perspective.COASTAL Corp. 1978 – 1981 Vice-President, Latin American Supply (Houston, Texas) Expanded commercial operations throughout Latin-America, securing supply contracts for the company’s refineries and its marketing and distribution needs, both in the USA and Europe as well as trading within the region and to and from Europe, the Far-and Middle East. PETROPERU 1973 – 1977 Head, Crude Oil International Division (Lima, Peru). Participated in setting up commercial contracts and administrative procedures. In charge of all international crude oil negotiations and operations. Member of government missions overseas to negotiate purchase/sales of crude oil and to finance infrastructure projects with international institutions. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert serve as expert witness in international oil and gas trading related issues. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert participated in seminars, conferences, lectures regarding international oil and gas strategic development in forums and universities in US, Canada, Germany, Venezuela, Mexico, Afghanistan, England, Peru, Bolivia, |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Spanish | native |
Portuguese | conversational |
Fields of Expertise
business development, corporate strategic planning, developing country natural gas market, globalization, governmental relations, international investment, international organization, international trade, natural gas industry, organization redesigning, organizational development, strategic planning, natural resource economics, economic market development, crude oil consumption, energy market development, world crude oil prices, energy economics