Expert Details
Solvent Extraction and Process Development for Separation of Metals
ID: 724862
California, USA
Expert, while consulting as an expert with IAEA, Vienna, Austria, demonstrated his developed process for the separation of neodymium from the light rare earths to Vietnam Atomic Energy, Hanoi.
Expert has extensively worked in the highly specialized field of solvent extraction (SX), a technique for separation of metals. He has successfully processed complex materials to extract the desired metal quality by optimizing various parameters such as acidity and composition of the feed solution, acidity of the scrubbing and stripping solutions, number of extraction and scrubbing stages etc. Based on the thorough knowledge of basic principles of chemistry of various metals and their interactions with various types of extractants, he prepared perfect flow-charts which have been commercially implemented. The process flow-charts have been described in his publications.
Metal separation processes designed by Expert include separation of individual rare earths such as Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Dy, Y etc. from the rare earths concentrates obtained from monazite, a source of rare earths phosphate. He has developed processes for the separation of the metals like Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Mn etc from the heterogenous and secondary sources. Expert has successfully increased the separation factors between the metals such as Mn, Ni, Co and Cu which resulted in smaller plant size. He has published this concept in “Hydrometallurgy." He has setup the plants for the separation of these metals for his clients. His processes are designed with ease of operation in mind.
Expert has innovated process for the separation of Nb from Ta. The purity of the metals achieved by his process is greater than that obtained by any other existing process. He has engineered a highly economical process for the extraction of silver entrapped in graphite without any expensive chemicals.
He has designed a cost effective SX process for the extraction of gold. This process involves the minimum number of operational stages without use of hazardous chemicals such as cyanide. This is a practically pollution free process and is ready to be implemented on an industrial scale.
Using DEHPA and PC 88A, Expert could extract radioactive Am(III). His findings have been published in “Hydrometallurgy."
Expert designs his processes with safety and economics in mind without compromising the purity and recovery of the product.
Expert once faced a challenging opportunity to create an energy saving process for the separation of Co from Ni. The client was initially using a solvent, DEHPA, which required heating to 60°C. Expert’s process involved the use of reusable PC 88A which eliminated the heating step. He has published this innovative process in “Hydrometallurgy”.
Expert’s processes involve steps to reduce pollution. Some of his processes such as gold extraction mentioned earlier are practically pollution free.
Expert has been able to troubleshoot problems. Issues such as improper flow-rates of the solvents, overflowing of extraction tanks, gel formation etc. can lead to operational nightmares and reduced quality. Once while troubleshooting at a client’s site, Expert noticed that the two phases (organic and aqueous) were not getting separated. Expert resolved this issue by appropriately modifying the organic and aqueous flow rates, without compromise.
Expert is well versed in the field of solution chemistry. His extensive study on different types of metal complex species formed with various coordinating agents gave him insight in to the structure of the metal complex. This structural behavior many a times leads to separation of metals from the solution.
Determination of Stability constants of metal complexes in solution is very important. The stability constant data can be exploited for the separation of metals. Stability constants determined by Expert for some of the metal complex reactions are published in scientific journals and mentioned in the standard volumes dedicated only to Stability Constants data.
Spectral analysis indicates the nature of the species of metal complexes. Expert in one of his publications has shown the existence of protonated complex (MHL) which was not detected by potentiometry as MHL species were not dissociated at certain pH. These species in solution could be detected only by spectrophotometry.
Aryavart Chemicals (pvt.) Ltd. appointed Expert as a Consultant from 2000 to 2006 for developing the solvent extraction process for the separation of cobalt from the heterogeneous and secondary sources and for complete setting up the chemical plant for full production. Expert was entrusted to develop the analytical methods (chemical) for the analyses of raw material and the finished purity product.Shalina Laboratories appointed him in 1996 as a Consultant for the development of the process for the separation of cobalt, copper and zinc from the heterogeneous source.Modisom private Ltd. appointed Expert in 2006 as a Consultant for the development of a process for the separation of silver from the graphite crucibles.Indian Rare Earths Ltd., a Government Organization, appointed Expert as a Consultant from 1994 to 1996 for the development of solvent extraction processes for the separation of individual rare earths from rare earths concentrates.International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, appointed him in 1995 and 1996 as an Expert (UNDP) to Vietnam Atomic Energy, Hanoi for the separation of neodymium.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1970 | Degree: Ph.D.. | Subject: Chemistry | Institution: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India |
Year: 2005 | Degree: LL.B. | Subject: Law | Institution: Dr. Ambedkar College of Law, University of Mumbai |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1959 to 1994 | Employer: Government of India | Title: Head, Rare Earths Extraction Section | Department: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India |
Responsibilities:He was involved in the process development for the separation of metals. He had developed processes for the separation of individual rare earth metals from rare earth concentrates obtained from monazite. He also developed methods for the separation of niobium, tantalum, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc etc. and published papers in scientific journals of repute and international conferences. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1994 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1959 to 1994 | Agency: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India | Role: Scientist | Description: Expert was involved in developing the processes for the separation of metals. He developed many processes which could be implemented in industries. Separation of individual rare earths from the rare earth concentrates obtained from monazite could be achieved by solvent extraction processes developed by Expert. Besides this he also developed processes for the separation of cobalt copper, nickel zinc etc. which could be implemented in industries. Many of these processes have been published by him in international journals of repute. |
Years: 1994 to 1996 | Agency: Indian Rare Earths Ltd., Mumbai | Role: Consultant | Description: To develop solvent extraction processes for the separation of individual rare earths from the rare earth concentrates |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1995 to 1995 | Country / Region: Hanoi, Vietnam | Summary: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, an organ of United Nations Organization, appointed him as an Expert (UNDP) to Vietnam Atomic Energy, Hanoi for the separation of neodymium from the rare earths concentrate. He also delivered lectures before Vietnam Scientists. |
Years: 1996 to 1996 | Country / Region: Hanoi, Vietnam | Summary: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, an organ of United Nations Organization, appointed him again in 1996 as an Expert (UNDP) to Vietnam Atomic Energy, Hanoi for the completion of the project of the separation of neodymium. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
1.Member, New York Academy of Sciences - 1997 (Approx.) 2.Life Member, Indian Association of Analytical Scientists 3. Member, Indian Institute of Metals - 1987 (Approx.) 4. Fellow, Indian Chemical Society - 1984 (Approx.) |
Professional Appointments |
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna appointed Expert as expert under UNDP at Hanoi, Vietnam Atomic Energy for the separation of neodymium and praseodymium.(in 1995 and 1996) |
Awards / Recognition |
Mumbai University had given him a recognition as a Guide for M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemistry when he was working as a Scientist in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has more than 66 publications including international and national conferences and seminar proceedings. Most of the publications are concerned with separation of metals by solvent extraction technique. . |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
In seminars he has delivered lectures on the chemistry of rare earths and the principles involved in the separation of rare earths. Some of the lectures have also been published in the proceedings. |
Marketing Experience |
To utilize his skills and knowledge in chemistry he was appointed as an expert under UNDP by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (a unit of United Nations Organization). He was appointed in Vietnam Atomic Energy, Hanoi, for the separation of neodymium and praseodymium from rare earth concentrate by solvent extraction. |
Other Relevant Experience |
He has an insight to optimize the chemical process by varying controlling parameters. Utilizing his skill the quality of the product is improved and the process time can be reduced. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | His all college education was in English medium. His all published work is in English. He delivered the lectures, even in international conferences, in English. |
French | He has completed one year course of French Language conducted by Alliance Francaise de Bombay at Mumbai. |
Marathi | All his primary and secondary school education was in Marathi. |
Hindi | He has completed courses of Hindi language. He can speak, read and write fluently in Hindi |
Fields of Expertise
chemical process, chemical process development, chemical process troubleshooting, chemical processing, chemical-process flow chart, process chemistry, separation, solvent extraction, solution chemistry, solvent separation, chemical process design, titration, inorganic base, calcium tungstate, calcium fluoride, tantalum oxide, molybdate, chemical separation, atomic absorption spectroscopy, quantitative chemical analysis, qualitative chemical analysis, analysis technique, qualitative inorganic chemistry, trace analysis, metal analytical chemistry, inorganic synthesis, inorganic chemistry, inorganic acid, chemical analysis, applied inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry