Expert Details
Human Factors: Human Error and Accident Reduction, Performance and Safety into Complex Systems, etc.
ID: 724966
Virginia, USA
Supported DOT NHTSA in the research on stoplight design effects on accidents. Demonstrated that the single high mounted stop light reduced the probability of being involved in a rear end collision by 54%. Also for NHTSA conducted a series of investigations on daytime running lights effects on accident potential. Also for NHTSA conducted an effort to design a standard control panel for cars, buses and trucks.
45 years experience in behavioral science research for spacecraft, aircraft, ships, offshore oil well drilling platforms, nuclear power plants, weapon systems, consumer products, systems and devices for the disabled and aged, information systems, process control systems, manufacturing systems, and robotic systems.
Evaluation of the design of human-machine interfaces for drill ships and offshore platforms for BP/AMOCO, and development of recommendations to correct deficiencies.
Studied human error potential in nuclear power plants, spacecraft, aircraft, Navy and commercial ships, military weapon systems, medical systems, and consuner product systems, and developed concepts to reduce the incidence of errors and to make systems error tolerant.
Conducted human factors engineering for design of human-machine interfaces for spacecraft, aircraft, nuclear power plant control systems, Navy and commercial ships systems, consumer products, systems for the aged, automotive systems, robotic systems, air traffic control systems, and advanced information technology.
Information technology design for usability, readability, reliability, and quality.
Human-machine interface design and evaluation for spacecraft systems, aircraft systems, air traffic control systems, nuclear power plant control systems, robotic systems, ship systems, weapon systems.
Safety analysis for ship systems, aircraft systems, spacecraft systems, consumer products, control systems, and weapon systems.
Ship manpower reduction, human performance and safety enhancement, improvement of crew habitability, and ship survivability.
Accident investigation for Navy ships and submarines.
Workload assessment on Navy ships and commercial offshore platforms to reduce workload and manpower requirements.
Program Manager - human factors engineering design of the MSH ship, task order contract with NAVSEA 55W5,contract N00024-85-D-4373, Task 1, Naval Sea Systems Command, 1985-86Program Manager - human factors engineering design of the MSH ship, task order contract with NAVSEA 55W5,contract N00024-85-D-4373, Task 1, Naval Sea Systems Command, 1985-86Program Manager for development of methods for measuring and assessing human performance reliability of Army systems during DT&E, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command, Contract DAAKN-78-C-0079, October 1978Program Manager – Development of HSI inputs to the preparation of the Specification of Performance Document, for NAVSEA 03, HSI Directorate, 2005.Principal Investigator - Human Systems Integration (HSI) Support to the Naval Collaborative Engineering Environment (NCEE), Chief Engineer of the Navy, contract N00178-98-D-2023, 1999-2001.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1964 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Experimental Psychology | Institution: Fordham University |
Year: 1962 | Degree: MS | Subject: Experimental Psychology | Institution: Fordham University |
Year: 1958 | Degree: BS | Subject: Experimental Psychology | Institution: St Joseph's University, Philadelphia |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 2008 | Employer: Carlow International Inc. | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Responsible for overall management of contract programs and for advanced development within the corporation. Also served as program manager/principal investigator for specific efforts, with special emphasis on efforts to reduce the potential for human error incidence and/or efforts to make systems error tolerant. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1971 to 1982 | Employer: Essex Corporation | Title: VP, Director of Behavioral Sciences | Department: Behavioral Sciences |
Responsibilities:Responsible for the direction of programs in the Behavioral Sciences Division, including the areas of human factors engineering; human resources development; human performance research, test and evaluation; crew systems development; space systems; training research and development; and human factors for energy systems |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1965 to 1971 | Employer: URS Matrix | Title: VP, Director of Human Factors | Department: Human Factors Branch |
Responsibilities:Developed and evaluated technology for NASA, Navy Sea Systems Command, Army Human Engineering Laboratory, U.S. Air Force Space Command, Exxon Oil Company, and Government Intelligence Agencies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1963 to 1965 | Employer: Grumman Aerospace | Title: Head, Crew Systems SDimulation Group | Department: Apollo Lunar Module |
Responsibilities:Managed and conducted computer based simulation studies of lunar module rendezvous, docking, landing, powered descent and abort. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1986 to 1987 | Agency: U.S. Army | Role: Principal Investigator | Description: Development and application of human factors engineering technology to Army communications and electronics systems, U.S. Army Human Engineering Laboratory, Contract DAAA15-86-D-0005, |
Years: 1987 to 1990 | Agency: U.S. Army | Role: Principal Investigator | Description: Development of operator cognitive models and concepts and criteria for soldier-robot interfaces required with supervisory control of Army robotic systems, U.S. Army Human Engineering Laboratory, contract DAA15-87-C-0058, 1987-90 |
Years: 1989 to 1989 | Agency: Navy | Role: Program Manager | Description: Development of draft OPNAV and SECNAV instructions on Manpower, Personnel, Training, Safety, and Human Engineering in the Navy in response to DoD Directive 5000.53, MPTS in Defence Systems, OP-11B, Contract N00024-85-D-4373, 1989 |
Years: 1988 to 1989 | Agency: Consumer Product Safety Commission | Role: Principal Investigator | Description: Cognitive modeling of riding mower users and development of human engineering design requirements for riding mower controls, Consumer Product Safety commission, contract CPSC-C-88-1222, 1988-89 |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1990 to 2001 | Country / Region: Irish Republic | Summary: Ran Carlow Associates Ltd, a human factors engineering consulting company |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Fellow - Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Fellow-Washington Academy of Sciences ASNE SNAME |
Licenses / Certifications |
Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional |
Awards / Recognition |
• President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - 1992-93 • Selected as a member of a special Sciences Advisory Committee to assess the adequacy of the NASA Integrated Research and Development Plan - 1991 • Awarded the Alexander C. Williams Award by the Human Factors Society for outstanding contribution to the design of a major operational system, the center high mounted automobile stop light - 1989 • Selected as a member of the NASA Space Sciences Technical Advisory Committee on Technology Requirements for Human Performance on Long Duration Space Missions, 1989-90 • Elected as the First Chair of the Systems Development Technical Group of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1985-86, and serves as the current Chair. • General Chair of the 1985 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, October 1985 • Named a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society in 1983 • Named a Fellow of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 1981 • Selected by the NRC to lead an investigation into the role of human factors engineering in the Three Mile Island accident, 1979-80 • Recipient of the John C. Niedermair Award for Outstanding Technical Paper at the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command's Association of Scientists and Engineers Annual Technical Symposium, in 1997 and 1999. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Over 200 publications |
Fields of Expertise
accident analysis, automotive human factors engineering, behavioral science, commercial vessel, human error rate, human factors engineering, information technology, man-machine interface, safety, ship, shipping accident, work load, offshore accident, accident reduction, human rights, bus manufacturing, experimental psychology, auto accident investigation, nuclear weapon safety, nuclear safety, personnel transfer basket, lifting device accident, pleasure craft, accident causation, automotive transportation, command, control, communication and intelligence, consumer product ergonomics, knowledge management, fixed offshore structure, disaster recovery, information content, Occupational Safety and Health Administration lead standard, marine shipping, airborne avionics equipment, medical informatics, information delivery, office ergonomics, child product safety, information network, product information management, decision aid, building safety, medical expert system, marine industry, health care management, medical ergonomics, medical device safety, health care industry quality management, international shipping, National Institutes of Health standard, astronaut safety, hand-tool ergonomics, information storage and retrieval, ergonomic tool design, ergonomic tool, military logistics, information technology management, air defense system, military defense system, industrial design, cockpit information management, comfort, confined space safety, automotive ergonomics, home health care, electronic display device development, decision analysis, Occupational Safety and Health Administration standard, machinery-related accident, boating accident investigation, boating accident, consumer product design, automotive research and development, medical device design, aerospace life support system, information, diving accident investigation, accident reconstruction, Department of Defense, information storage, cargo ship, aerospace vehicle, decision-making, accident, occupational safety, workplace environment engineering, robotics, railroad safety, product safety, nuclear reactor safety, medical equipment, management information system, management decision-making, information science, information management, health care system, ergonomics, ergonometrics, decision support system, construction safety, clinical medicine, chemical safety, biomedical engineering, avionics equipment, automotive safety, anthropometry, accident investigation