Expert Details
Public Safety Communications and 9-1-1 Center Operations

ID: 728778
Florida, USA
While employed with the California Highway Patrol, he was selected and assigned to be trained as the only Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD) in the Department order to determine the feasibility of training 500+ CHP dispatchers as EMD's. He developed and produced an analysis, both operationally and fiscally of such a program, which was not implmented at his suggestion.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1990 | Degree: -- | Subject: Law Enforcement | Institution: Shasta College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to 2010 | Employer: City Of Reno | Title: Manager | Department: Regional Emergency Communications Center |
Responsibilities:Overall Manager of the 60 person 9-1-1/Dispatcher Center serving 8 Police, Fire, and Sheriff's agencies. Handled all aspects of planning, developed training, investigated complaints, initiated disciplinary actions, developed and oversaw 7M budget, and wrote long-term plans. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2009 | Employer: SHASCOM 9-1-1 | Title: Director | Department: |
Responsibilities:Head of standalone consolidated 9-1-1/Dispatch Center in Shasta County, CA. Sole executive, oversaw staff of 40, including managers, supervisors and dispatchers. Responsible for 4+M budget negotiated from Police, Fire, Sheriff and EMS agencies dispatched. Agency handled 9-1-1 calls for entire County. As head, developed and managed budget, policies, procedures, training program, quality control, disciplanary actions, hiring and was overall responsible for any actions of the Agency. Reported to a Board of Directors, served as sole negotiator with them on budget, and was also sole negotiator with dispatchers Union (two successful contracts signed). |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1974 to 2006 | Employer: California Highway Patrol | Title: Dispatcher, Supervisor, Manager | Department: Communications |
Responsibilities:32 year career with the CHP as a dispatcher, supervisor, and manager in several Communications Centers. Served as a primary and associate instructor at the CHP Academy for many years, teaching everything from basic radio skills to interpersonal relations for managers Taught dispatch classes at two community colleges. Exposed to, and participated in, all aspects of communications program development and planning, both at local, regional, and statewide levels. Also has long experience in the day to day operations of communications centers including budgeting, personnel issues, systems administration, procurement and planning, hiring, discipline, policy development and media relations. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1974 to 2006 | Agency: California Highway Patrol | Role: Dispatcher/Dispatch Supervisor/Dispatch Manager | Description: He performed all aspects of duties associated with dispatching; radio-telephone-computer (CAD) operation as a CHP dispatcher in small communications centers, including frequently working alone. As a supervisor or manager from 1984 until 2006 he handled all aspects of running a public safety communications center; training, scheduling, discipline, direct support during crisis, policy and procedure development, budgets, procurement and long range planning. |
Years: 2006 to 2009 | Agency: SHASCOM 9-1-1 | Role: Director | Description: He was the chief executive of a standalone (Joint Powers Authority) consolidated public safety dispatch and 9-1-1 center. He developed and implemented the agency's 4+M budget, negotiated 2 successful contracts with the dispatcher's union, and was the final arbiter in all decisions and plans made for the agency. He answered to, and negotiated the budget with a Board of Directors consisting of the Chief Executives of the client agencies dispatched by SHASCOM. He implemented the "Upside Pyramid" management philosophy for managers and supervisors, improving morale and employee retention. He developed and/or oversaw direct improvements to the purpose built communications facility including the remodel of the telephone and computer server rooms, addition of new UPS systems, and improvement to the kitchen facility. |
Years: 2009 to 2010 | Agency: City of Reno Information and Technology | Role: Emergenct Communications Manager | Description: Manager of the Regional Public Safety Communications Center, staffed by 60 City of Reno dispatchers and supervisors, and serving City, County and State law enforcement and fire service personnel. He successful completed the re-certification of the unit with CALEA in 2009. He re-organized the units training program, both at the Academy and Field Trainer level. He served as representative to the County's 9-1-1 Committee, and obtained new equipment for his and the other two PSAP's in the County using 9-1-1 funds. For much of the year spent here, he conducted an internal investigation of a unit dispatch supervisor and long-time employee that resulted in his work being used in a criminal investigation for felony timecard fraud and misuse of confidential database information. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Licenses / Certifications |
ENP - NENA EMD Level II - California (expired certification) |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Published an article in the NENA ENP Magazine, 2009. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Provided testimony regarding information recorded from both telephone and radio audio recordings used in public safety. Provided testimony describing and translating information contained on public safety computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems. Provided testimony regarding the performance of public safety dispatchers in relation to established policies and procedure. Provided testimony as to public safety dispatchers ability to perform job duties as established by agency. NOTE: These hearings and trials related to Expert's employment as an agency of the government agency he was working for - he was not paid as an "expert witness", as he was representing his agency and on-duty during the testimony. |
Training / Seminars |
He was an adjunct instructor at the California Highway Patrol Academy in Sacramento from 1985 through 2006. His primary experience there including training dispatchers, dispatch supervisors, and dispatch managers. The curriculum included basic telephone/9-1-1 procedures, radio procedures, disaster management, officer safety, radio system architecture, interpersonal relations, writing for trainers, Computer Aided Dispatch use, and other communications/dispatch classes. He was also assigned to the Department's Instructor Training Team, and participated in training all CHP personnel, uniformed and non-uniformed, that taught any classes to other CHP employees. He was also assigned to provide training in dispatch operations to other State Agencies, including the Dept. of Corrections. He obtained his California community college teaching credential, allowing him to teach classes at the community college level. In 1986, he taught a class in "Public Safety Dispatching" at Shasta College in Redding, CA, for a full year and served as the sole instructor. In 2004-2005, he taught Californina POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) mandated classes for new dispatchers at The College of the Redwoods in Eureka, CA. He served as the primary California Law Enforcement Telecommunications (CLETS) instructor for the CHP in Northern Division, certifying trainees in the policies relating to use of law enforcement databases and telecommunications systems from 1989 to 2005, training all CHP employees - both uniformed and non-uniformed. He served as a Subject Matter Expert in a wide variety of communications related projects with the CHP in his long career with them, including, but not limited to: Written Testing Development for Dispatchers and Supervisors Team, Computer Aided Dispatch Selection Committee, CHP Radio Dispatchers Academy Development Team (both first and second versions), Lead Developer of Field Training Program for Dispatch Trainers, Peer Support Program Critical Response Team, Special Evaluation Group - Communications Centers, WMD Training Team for Officers and Dispatchers. |
Marketing Experience |
His long experience in public safety communications centers means he has been exposed to and handled a wide variety of issues. He has worked in and managed both large (70 persons) and small (<10 persons) communications/9-1-1 centers. He is a member of NENA and APCO, and is certified as an ENP (Emergency Number Professional) in NENA. He attends and participates in industry-related events, including national level conferences held by NENA, APCO, CALEA (he led the CALEA accredited communications center in Reno, NV) and NAED. |
Other Relevant Experience |
He can provide deep analyis of your operating procedures, design of your center, scheduling methods, sick leave abuse problems, and dispatcher training and retention programs. He will throughly investigate single or serial incidents or occurrances, and provide a unbiased opinion of your staff's actions (from top to bottom) compared to policy and/or industry standards. He can show you a path to motivating dispatchers and supervisors (starting at the top) that will make your staff happier, retain good people, properly train those that need it, and remove the few that can not do the job. He can help instill a new mindset for manager and supervisors in supporting your line staff (dispatchers and call-takers) that will transform the negative environment to a more positive and enjoyable place to work. He has always been a dispatcher - he was not an officer, deputy, firefighter, or paramedic. His long experience in the chair means he approaches the issue from that view. |