Adult Psychology, Mental Health Issues, specializing in Criminal Behavior
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Expert specializes in the treatment of mental health issues in adults with issues relative to mental health or psychological problems that present them with challenges. These adults often present with stressors that interrupt their lives and feel insurmountable. Issues range from depression and other mood disorders to everyday problems relative to work, home and family. She has spent almost 10 years treating the adult with therapy in a safe setting. She has maintained group and individual therapy in a productive setting for this time. She specializes in mood conflict, legal issues, or other impulsive thinking.
Expert specializes in the adult population with a range of mental health issues often combined with illegal behavior. Her clients often are on parole or probation and all are referred by the Court system. Patients often face legal stipulations following the arrest for impulsive or compulsive behavior. She treats the entire criminal justice client who often presents with a variety of conflicts. Her experience includes those with sexual disorders, addictions, aggressive crimes, crimes that harm others, and impulsivity. She is able to treat the criminal population through cognitive behavioral methods. She has spent almost 10 years treating the client involved in the probationary system.
Expert specializes in the treatment of adults with impulsive or compulsive disorders. She has treated for almost 10 years those with compulsive sexual behaviors including crimes against others. She offers cognitive behavioral methods to the impulsive and often inappropriate sexual thoughts. She has treated both harmful and personal sexual disorders. She has given both education and therapy to the sexually disordered client and fostered a sexually healthy adult client. She treats the client often involved in the criminal justice system. Her clients are often on probation or parole. She has been able to address legal issues and their sexually inappropriate thoughts and addressed this in a safe setting. Her use of behavioral therapy addresses the need for safe thoughts and behaviors. Sexual behaviors and sexual thoughts are consistently explored and examined to replace with appropriate behavior.
Expert offers drug and alcohol treatment to the criminal justice client as well as the self referred client. She has addressed issues regarding addiction including alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription drug abuse. She has offered effective curriculums for these clients in order to interrupt the cycle of abuse or dependence. She has over 15 years experience treating those with addictions and may or may not have legal consequences. She is familiar with the cycle of abuse that often prolongs the ability to become abstinent. She has experience and encourage participation in 12-step systems.
She has seen clients for 10 years in the criminal justice systems. This has been for a variety of services including individual and group therapy. She has maintained contact with all of their referring resources including Department of Parole and Probation or their attorney.She has interacted and provided written material to the legal community. She has completed assessments and other consultations to inmates before and after release. She has professional relationships with all legal entities including probation, the prison systems, jails, lawyers, task forces, and any other referring agencies.