Expert Details
Flame/Torch Brazing
ID: 729749
United Kingdom
EABS (European Association of Brazing and Soldering). Typical projects include consultancy, training, brazer approvals to standards, trouble
shooting, developing customer applications. He has completed projects in UK, Europe, North America. Industries include the automotive,
aerospace, and general metal joining.
Expert has been specifically involved in Torch/Employer aluminium since 1991, which is unique from Employer copper, brass and steels
in many ways.
Brazing is a time temperature process. The temperature comes from the heat source--whether it be FLAME, FURNACE, INDUCTION, RESISITANCE--each process has their own advantages and disadvantages when applied to a particular application. It is essential that the process is AUDITED properly to ensure best practice. He works closely with EABS (European Association for Brazing and Soldering) and has formulated with EABS methodology to audit brazing processes.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1979 | Degree: BSc | Subject: Gas Engineering | Institution: University of Salford |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Owner | Department: |
Responsibilities: |