Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

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Expert Details

Concentrated Apple and Fruit Juice Production & Plant Management, Process Design, R&D

ID: 731948 Argentina

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M.S. degree in chemical engineering,

27 years of experience in R&D, process design, quality systems and plant management mainly for concentrated apple and pear juice production, but also grapes and peaches.

Responsible for processing more than 1.3 billion tons of apples and pears, this is 40 million gallons of juice concentrate for the US market since 1989.

Trained in ISO 22000 standards and HACCP plans. Nine years of experience managing the process juice producing companies in Mexico. 16 years of experience working as process manager, plant manager, for the biggest apple and pear juice producing company In Argentine. Familiar withg quality standards of most of single strength juice producing companies in the U.S.

Expert has managed production and process operations in juice industries during the last 24 years, (more than 1.3 billons tons of apples and pears for juice production) planning production annual budgets, advising on process control and technical improvements, being part of different management committees. He has been responsible for managing environmental issues and institutional relationships with state authorities. He has been intensively trained in HACCP and ISO 22000 standards, and has taken the plants under his management to comply with these standards. Expert has been responsible for R&D, and Process Engineering activities along his career, being trained in some of the biggest U.S. and Argentine Apple juice producing companies. He has provided technical support and coordination to production and quality areas.

Some of the activities expert performed:

Providing new predictive tools for process control such as plant simulation software for performing mass balances, etc, Improvement in plant layout design, Development of new products such as cloudy juice, Development of methods for testing and selection of new ingredients, Waste water treatment evaluation for plant design, Enhancement of essence and juice recovery yield, Increase of plant production capacity and yield
Development of specific techniques for enzymatic treatment, and decanters operation and control.

Development of prediction methods for ultra filtration performance evaluation, enhancement of filtration flow rates by manipulation of process variables and cleaning techniques. Identification and solving a broad spectrum of quality related problems such as final product stability problems, eradication of microbiological undesirable issues like TAB’s ( Thermo acidophilic bacteria’s ). Proposal and implementation of a development project, which culminated in the creation of software capable of predicting the color deterioration of the final product, throughout its shelf life, under different conditions of transport and storage. Particularly useful in the areas of logistics, commercial and quality. Also for setting the production targets of color for final product. Modeling of the DBO/ DQO generation in all the facilities in order to simulate different working conditions for each plant, for the selection of proper waste water treatment. Responsible for the study, recovery, and starting up of an adsorbent resin column system. Participation in the design of a juice transfer station at port of Wilmington, USA, including procedures, manuals, HACCP Plan, etc. Contact person for customers and trade issues in USA. Responsible for all engineering needs, including proposal, development and execution of the expansion of plant capacity, and yield optimization. Responsible for proposals and implementation of building and layout improvements, changes in processing operation, G.M.P’s, etc., for insertion of a company into the international market for juices. Adviser for commercialization issues of apple and pear essence. He also participated and assisted in the development of red Concord grape and peach concentrated juice production in Mexico. He was technical responsible for long term technical assistance agreement with the Tree Top Company at the USA. Expert has participated in developing capability of Gas Chromatography analysis for pesticides at the plant laboratory.

He was also responsible for hiring and training of new personnel in the operation of equipment, process and quality control techniques in different facilities.

Other Relevant Information: Participation to IFT and US Apple Association meetings, Visits to most well known clients in the USA. Technical training at Tree Top Plants in Washington State

Plant and process evaluation design and optimizationQuality issues araisedCost evaluationPlant simulation, Mass and Energy BalancesNew products development


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1987 Degree: Masters Degree Subject: Chemical Engineering Institution: Universidad Nacional del Sur, Conicet Argentine
Year: 1983 Degree: Bachelor of Science Subject: Chemical Engineering Institution: Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentine
Year: 1981 Degree: Chemist Subject: Chemistry Institution: Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentine

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1998 to 2016 Employer: Sower S.A. / Jugos del sur Title: Plant Manager Department: Industrial
He is manages production and process operations.
He is responsible for planning of production annual budget
He proposes improvements and advices on process control and technical issues
He is member of the management committee
He is responsible for environmental issues and institutional relations with state authorities
He is member of HACCP team He is responsible for R&D activities
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1989 to 1998 Employer: Confrutta S.A. Title: Process Manager Department: Industrial
He was responsible for process engineering and plant supervision
He was shared responsibility for for quality control
He was technical responsible for technical assistance agreement with Tree Top in U.S.A. between 1989 to 1997.
He advised and assisted on Concord grape juice and peach juice projects development. He started up operations and control of such processes.
He was interpreter of commercial and quality related activities with clients in U.S.A.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1987 to 1989 Employer: Plapiqui ( CONICET),( National Research Council for Scientific Activities)ARGENTINE Title: Support Engineer Department: Engineering support to industry
He was part of a task engineering group responsible for scientific-engineering support to local food and petrochemical industries.
He participated in the process design plant layout, construction, and equipment supply for an apple juice plant in Mexico. He trained process supervisors and laboratory technicians'
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2017 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Operation Manager Department: Plant Management
General Plant Management, Process Manager

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 1989 to 1997 Country / Region: MEXICO/CHIHUAHUA Summary: process adviser and production manager for apple juice processing plant
Years: 1990 to 1996 Country / Region: U.S.A./ WASHINGTON STATE Summary: Technical training in Tree Top Cashmere/Yakima Plant for process engineering issues related to apple juice production

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
Training of plant supervisors laboratory technicians and operative personnel in process control issues, ultrafiltration, enzymatic treatment, food safety, quality, etc
Vendor Selection
Specific enzymes development for apple and pear juice treatment with companies such as DSM Add Food, Valley research, Genencor, Novozymes, etc.
Development of activated carbon suppliers suitable for apple juice production equipment such as UF membranes, etc. and safety issues such as arsenic content, etc
Development of buyers for final products such as apple and pear essence
Marketing Experience
Mainly in enzymes developments for decanters technology in juice productions

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
spanish It is his native language
english 9 years of study in Argentine, one year of residence in England, continuous usage of English for commercial and quality related issues since1989. More than 20 business visit to the U.S.A.

Fields of Expertise

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