Expert Details
Pavements, Asphalt, Concrete, Transportation Engineering, Highway Safety, Surface Defects, and Materials

ID: 731997
California, USA
experience. His expertise includes pavement design,asphalt pavements, concrete pavements, asphalt, concrete, materials, maintenance, preservation, rehabilitation and construction. He has strong expertise in construction specifications, construction materials, construction disputes, construction defects, construction quality control & quality assurance (QC/QA), pavement cracking, premature failures, concrete cracking, asphalt properties, failure analysis, forensic investigations, inspection, surface condition assessment, roadway surface defects in relation to vehicle, bicycle and motorcycle accidents, friction, skid resistance, potholes. road hazards, pavement edge-drop off, site development.
Expert has extensive public works experience including working at California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and has provided professional and legal support to contractors.
He taught at Califonia State University and at National University and provided training to contractors and public agency personnel. He has participated on national and international expert groups. He is a member of the Forensic Expert Witness Association. He published many technical papers and chaired major conferences. Expert is currently working as a consultant and he is president of his engineering consulting firm.
Expert has extensive experience in traffic engineering and transportation engineering as well as in pavements. He has over 25 years of professional experience. He has strong expertise in highway design, traffic safety, standards, specifications, geometric design manuals, traffic manuals, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, MUTCD, control devices, traffic engineering plan, roadway surface defects, passenger vehicle accidents, bicycle accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck loading, truck configuration, friction, skid resistance, crash cushions, potholes. road hazards, recovery areas, sight obstruction, roadside hazards, speed requirements, highway curves and superelevation, highway drainage, maintenance, pavement design, materials, code violations, site inspection, guardrail, utility cuts, pavement defects, and pavement edge-drop off.
Expert has extensive public works experience including Caltrans and FHWA. He taught at Califronia State University and at National University and provided training to contractors and public agency personnel. He has participated on national and international expert groups and is a member of the Forensic Expert Witness Association. He published many technical papers and reports.
Expert provided pavement management services to the County of Sacramento. This work entailed pavement network evaluation of pavement distress, prioritization, strategy selection and budget allocation for various scenarios. Expert provided evaluation of premature concrete pavement distress, identified causes and assisted the contractor successfully in a dispute resolution process resulting in $5 million dollar savings to the contractor. Expert assisted an attorney as an expert witness on a major automobile accident case on a California urban freeway. Expert reviewed the accident site, evaluated opposing testimonies, review technical documents, reviewed safety manuals, plans and specifications. His efforts resulted in a substantial multimillion dollar settlement.He provided expert witness services on a variety of cases involving motorcycle accidents that related to highway safety and hazardous conditions. Expert provided evaluation of various innovative pavement technologies and assisted clients in their value propositions.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1990 | Degree: Ph.D. | Subject: Civil Engineering - Pavements and Transportation Engineering | Institution: University of Arkansas |
Year: 1985 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Civil Engineering - Construction Engineering/Management | Institution: San Jose State University |
Year: 1982 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Civil Engineering - Transportation, Structures, Water Resources, Geotechnical | Institution: California State University, Sacramento |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2010 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert manages the operations of the company and has provided expert witness services. He performs studies and investigations as well as conducts pavement evaluations, analysis and design services to contractors and public agencies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 2010 | Employer: California Department of Transportation - Caltrans | Title: Transportation Engineer/State Pavement Engineer/Division Chief | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert garnered experience in pavement design, highway design, asphalt, concrete, materials, maintenance, preservation, rehabilitation and construction. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to 1999 | Employer: California State Unvirsity, Sacramento | Title: Adjunct Professor | Department: Civil Engineering |
Responsibilities:Expert taught transportation engineering design, traffic engineering, roadway design, traffic safety, geometric design, pavement design, materials (asphalt, concrete and soils). |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1991 to 2010 | Agency: California Department of Transportation - Caltrans | Role: State Pavement Engineer-Division Chief | Description: Expert was responsible and had leading roles in the development of specification, design standards, rehabilitation and maintenance of pavements and Construction QC/QA. |
Years: 1989 to 1990 | Agency: Federal Highway Administration-FHWA | Role: Research Fellow | Description: Expert conducted research on pavement performance and materials. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2010 to 2011 | Country / Region: Japan | Summary: Expert provided consulting services in Japan on pavement recycling alternatives. |
Years: 2011 to 2011 | Country / Region: China | Summary: Expert provided consulting services on roadway stabilization technologies. |
Years: to Present | Country / Region: Dubai | Summary: Expert provided consulting services on the construction of test sections for the Municipality of Dubai. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Member of the Forensic Expert Witness Association; Chaired the American Society of Civil Engineer's Education Committee (Sacramento); Chaired the International Conference on Pavement Preservation; Served on Several National Expert Task Groups; Served on the National Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP) Technical Panels; Chaired the California Rock Products Committee; Chaired the Pavement Preservation Task Group; Chaired the Construction QC/QA Committee |
Licenses / Certifications |
Expert is licensed Professional Engineer in California. |
Professional Appointments |
Appointed at the Career Executive Assignment (CEA III) Level at Caltrans. |
Awards / Recognition |
Leadership in Transportation and Quality Pavements Award (2010); Individual of the Year Award (2008) for outstanding contribution to pavement preservation activities in California; Director’s Superior Accomplishment Award (2006) for outstanding accomplishments in pavement preservation; Director’s Award in Innovation (2004) for outstanding contribution to pavement warranties; Excellence in Transportation Award (2003) from District 7 Director for outstanding contribution to the first long life rigid pavement project on I-10 near Pomona and the successful use of fast-setting hydraulic cement and dowel bar retrofit; Long Life Pavement Award of Excellence (1999) for outstanding contribution to the 710 long life pavement projects; Dwight Eisenhower Transportation Research Fellowship (1989-1990) |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert has 50 professional publications in journals and conference proceedings. He has many technical reports covering forensic investigations, evaluations, design, specifications and manuals. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has provided expert testimony and legal support to many attorneys dealing with a variety of cases. Examples, construction claims, construction quality, contracts, safety, road hazards, friction, pavement surface irregularities and defects, potholes, highway design standards, traffic engineering, pavement design and rehabilitation, pavement maintenance,a asphalt, concrete, vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, trip and fall and ADA requirements. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert has taught undergraduate and graduate course in transportation engineering, traffic engineering, safety standards, highway design standards.and pavement design and materials. Additionally, expert has presented at numerous seminars and conferences. He has conducted many workshops and training related to construction quality and design standards. |
Marketing Experience |
Expert has been active in industry groups and provide consulting services to contractors, public agencies and private entities. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert has strong theoretical background as well as extensive practical experience. He has worked in government public agencies and in private industry. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Engilish | He is very fluent in the English language. |
Arabic | He is very fluent in the Arabic language. |
Fields of Expertise
asphalt, concrete, construction, highway construction, highway maintenance, pavement construction, pavement design, asphalt paving material, paved surface, paving material, asphalt emulsion, construction material, recycled tire rubber, rubberized asphalt, pavement monitoring, product evaluation, pavement evaluation, transportation construction, bituminous cement, monitoring, road construction, polymer-modified asphalt, highway, highway sight distance, road, road traffic safety, traffic, traffic engineering, transportation engineering, highway design, concrete failure, concrete failure analysis, construction claim, construction contract, construction defect, construction deficiency, construction design deficiency, construction engineering, construction failure, construction material deficiency, expansive soil, fault analysis, flaw detection, road defect, defect