Expert Details
Plant Genomics, Genetics and Breeding; Improvement of Food, Feed, Fiber, Forage and Biomass Crops; Plant DNA fingerprinting; Variety identification

ID: 732058
Georgia, USA
Consultant has 25 years professional experience including both private and public sector work and consulting experience; holds highest title available to research personnel at major US university where he is employed (Regents Professor), also serving as administrative head of his unit; has secured more than US$48 million in competitive grants and published more than 320 refereed scientific publications cited more than 18,000 times; has led or participated in numerous international teams in successful completion of ‘big science’ projects; has written or edited 5 books, 74 book chapters, 12 popular press articles, 10 patent applications, and delivered more than 200 professional presentations; has mentored more than 50 graduate students, 50 postdoctoral scientists, 120 undergrads, and 11 K-12 teachers.
Consultant has conducted and/or overseen more than 20 years of research in genome biology (largely in flowering plants but also including animals, insects, bacteria and viruses), including genetic mapping, physical mapping, genome sequencing, genome analysis and comparison. Consultant has conducted and/or overseen more than 20 years of research in genetic analysis of complex traits of agricultural importance using DNA markers in a wide range of crop plants and botanical models, including monocots and dicots, diploids, autopolyploids and allopolyploids, of economic importance for a wide range of purposes. DNA marker based studies have been a focus.
Consultant conducted and/or oversaw development of first and most detailed genetic map for cotton and its application to genetic analysis of complex traits of agricultural importance using DNA markers, followed by physical mapping, reference genome sequencing, genome analysis and comparison, and diversity analysis of cotton. Consultant conducted and/or oversaw development of most detailed genetic map for sorghum and its application to genetic analysis of complex traits of agricultural importance using DNA markers, followed by physical mapping, reference genome sequencing, genome analysis and comparison, and diversity analysis of sorghum.
Consultant has conducted and/or overseen genetic mapping of sugarcane, genetic analysis of complex traits of agricultural importance using DNA markers, and participated in physical mapping, sequencing, and genome analysis and comparison. Consultant was trained in conventional plant breeding, has trained others who now run conventional breeding programs, and works with conventional plant breeders toward development and application of DNA markers in breeding programs.
Independent consultant to Mendel Biotechnology Inc., and associated Mendel Bioenergy Seeds, later appointed to scientific advisory board of both.External Advisory Board, CGRUIB program, Southwest University, Chongqing PR China; CGRUIB program aims to genetically improve the major field and horticultural crops by utilizing abundant plant resources in mountainous regions of the Southwest China and by applying new theories, technologies and methodologies from modern plant biologyScientific advisor to Rockefeller Foundation, South Asia program on Resilient Crops for Water-Limited Environments.Scientific advisor to SUCEST: sugarcane genome initiative funded by FAPESP (state of Sao Paulo, Brazil)Scientific advisor, DNA Landmarks (startup biotechnology firm)
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1987 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Plant genetics | Institution: Cornell University |
Year: 1986 | Degree: MS | Subject: Plant breeding | Institution: Cornell University |
Year: 1982 | Degree: BS | Subject: Plant Science | Institution: University of Delaware |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Professor | Department: Undisclosed |
Responsibilities:He is both the principal investigator and administrative head of a budgetary unit focused on extramurally funded research as detailed in expertise description. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to 1998 | Employer: A respected American University | Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor | Department: Undisclosed |
Responsibilities:Initial faculty appointment, headed lab, tenured in 4 years, advanced to full professor in 7 years. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1989 to 1991 | Employer: E.I. duPont de Nemours | Title: Research biochemist | Department: Agricultural Biotechnology |
Responsibilities:Researcher |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to 1989 | Employer: Cornell University | Title: Postdoctoral scientist | Department: Plant Breeding |
Responsibilities:Research in tomato genetics and genomics. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1991 to Present | Agency: USDA | Role: Proposal reviewer and panelist | Description: Reviewed extramural proposals and internal scientific programs for numerous divisions, including leadership and formulation of scientific review panels |
Years: 1995 to Present | Agency: NIH | Role: Proposal reviewer, panelist | Description: Reviewed extramural proposals for numerous divisions |
Years: 1995 to Present | Agency: NSF | Role: Proposal reviewer, panelist | Description: Reviewed extramural proposals for numerous divisions |
Years: 1995 to Present | Agency: DOE | Role: Proposal reviewer, panelist | Description: Reviewed extramural proposals for numerous divisions |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1991 to Present | Country / Region: Numerous | Summary: His activities have long enjoyed a large international element -- examples of outcomes include first-authorship of the cotton genome sequence (2012) involving 74 authors from 31 institutions in 10 countries; and the sorghum genome sequence (2009) involving 39 authors from 19 institutions in 7 countries. His collaborative research activities have involved scientists from many countries, for example long being a research partner of several CGIAR centers (IRRI, CIMMYT, and ICRISAT) and serving as the Project Director of a USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab that links ICRISAT teams in India, Mali and Kenya with Jimma University (Ethiopia), the Agricultural Research Council (South Africa), and The Land Institute (KS, USA). He has also participated in international education and development oversight, serving as a scientific advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation South Asia Network for Drought-Resilient Crops; the Brazilian ‘SUCEST’ sugarcane genome initiative; and the CGIAR Generation Challenge Program (GCP) during its formation and initial granting cycle. He has |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), Genetics Society of America (GSA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI), Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America (SICNA), Professional Assn for Cactus Development (PACD). |
Professional Appointments |
Have served continually since 2003 in numerous elected offices of ICGI, including overall chair; Past elected officer and chair of US Sorghum Genome Initiative; Associate editor of professional journals: Genetics, TAG, Tropical Plant Biology, G3. Past: Plant Physiology (36 decisions), Crop Sci. (ca. 20 decisions), JPACD, Brazilian J. Genetics, JQTL.: Texas A&M Row Crops Release Committee. |
Awards / Recognition |
Cotton, Inc. Cotton Biotechnology award (lead member of a team of 5, for the cotton genome sequence). International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) Researcher of the Year ICRISAT RP-DC’s Outstanding Scientific Article Award, for Bhosale et al., BMC Plant Biology Distinguished Agriscience Scientist Award, Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation and American Farm Bureau (one of two in USA) United Sorghum Checkoff Program, Crop Improvement Committee Int’l Cotton Genome Initiative Award for Outstanding Contributions to Cotton Genomics Lamar Dodd Award, Univ GA, for internationally recognized research in the sciences. Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Agriculture, Univ. Delaware Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Cotton Genetics Research Award, National Cotton Council James Irvine Memorial Scholarship Fund, Oversight committee. Guggenheim Foundation Fellow, Plant Sciences. DOE Joint Genome Institute Community Sequencing Program User Committee. Who’s Who in Agriculture Higher Education (AcademicKeys) D. W. Brooks Award for Excellence in Research, Univ. Georgia. Cotton, Inc. Cotton Biotechnology award (inaugural recipient). Scientific advisor, Resilient Crops for Water-Limited Envts (Rockefeller Fndn). Selected as Texas A&M “University Lecturer.” "Young Crop Scientist" of the Year, Crop Science Society of America. |
Medical / Professional |
ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Training Program, 2001-2 |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has published more than 400 refereed scientific publications cited more than 60,000 times; has led or participated in numerous international teams in successful completion of ‘big science’ projects; has written or edited 5 books, 74 book chapters, 12 popular press articles, 10 patent applications, and delivered more than 200 professional presentations |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Conducted DNA fingerprinting of plant genotypes in support of intellectual property litigation |
Training / Seminars |
Consultant has presented more than 200 scientific presentations at symposia, meetings, workshops, etc |
Other Relevant Experience |
Formed and led international research teams; guided formation of new breeding programs in several crops; served as consultant to research programs for two major Chinese universities |
Fields of Expertise
genome, plant genetics, cotton fiber, sorghum, sugarcane, plant breeding, phylogenetics, stocks, genotyping, investment, genomics, plant (botanical), broccoli, restriction endonuclease, molecular genetics testing, food plant, alternative crop utilization, canola, breeding management, genetic mutation process, mutation breeding, genetic probe, peanut, cereal crop, genotype, gene amplification, gene characterization, gene, DNA, plant crop, wheat, weed, statistics, seed, seed physiology, plant molecular biology, plant biotechnology, grass, genetics, flowering plant, chromosome, cabbage, breeding, biostatistics