Expert Directory
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Tires: Purchasing, Transportation Trends, Rubber Selection, Business Analysis, Outsourcing, etc.
Expert is managing M&A for a great tire manufacturer located in France and work as business analyst. Before he was the Worldwide OE Business Director for the same global tire manufacturer based in France. He manages the operational and sales…

Rubber Compounding, Compression, Vacuum and Injection Molding, Rubber Extrusion, Elastomer Selection, Nanoaditives for Rubber Application
Expert's comprehensive experience involves: Definition of the correct compression molding procedure. Production of rubber compound, or its adaptations to that one already known, to meet the process requirements, less energy consumption and better productivity. He also knows systems of flash…

Rubber Plantation sector: Seeds to Sheet
Expert, a retired project coordinator of Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. He has earned a B.Sc. (honours) degree from Scottish Church College, University of Calcutta (1969), M.Sc. in Agriculture from…

Rubber, Silicone, Urethane Manufacturing Related to Molding and Rubber Rollers Applications
Expert has worked in the rubber manufacturing area for 40 years with hands on experience in rubber molding, cast urethane, mill-able gum urethane (formulas for Xerox and Pitney Bowes applications), LSR silicone, urethane spray, compression transfer and injection molding. This…

Corrosion, Materials Selection, Fabrication
Expert has worked in the area of sulfuric acid plant corrosion and materials selection for the past 18 years and has been involved in the materials selection of some of the worlds largest sulfuric acid plants. Expert has performed failure…

Medical Device Engineering
He worked on hazard analysis of medical devices such as biochemical sensors. He worked on packaging processes of medical devices such as implantable catheters. He worked on packaging materials of medical devices such as plastic packaging. He worked on manufacturing…

Rubber Compounds Development (Formulations), Adhesives, and Processes
A proven management professional, Expert has accrued extensive technical experience in the rubber industry. His specific focuses have included automotive, aerospace, military, agriculture, construction, oil fields, industrial products, medical and hearing aid components. Expert's special skills include formulating, compounding, technical…

Laboratory Management and Development: ISO and Internal Audits, Statistical Process Control, Sampling and Process Improvement
LABORATORY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT: Expert managed and developed an analytical laboratory from department side service for basic soil analysis to independent profitable Laboratory unit for soil, plant and water analysis. The laboratory supported research and also performed testing services for…

Meat Science, Meat Color, Packaging, Food Science
ADVISING RESPONSIBILITIES: - Undergraduate Advisees: average of 21 for the last 5 years - Graduate Students Supervised: Graduate Student Committees: - 20 Masters Students - 66 Masters - 10 PhD Students - 28 PhD - Coordinate student-company relations for employment…

Plastics Processes: Extrusion, Injection Molding, Blow Molding, Structural Foam Molding, and Training
Expert F Expert has over 55 years of plastics processing experience. His main focus has been extrusion processes using extruders -- twin or single screw -- for compounding, film, sheet, and profile. He has extensive experience with feed screw design…