Expert Details
Hazardous and Solid Waste Management, Waste to Energy, etc.

ID: 724611
She has governed operation of direct landfilling, landfilling after treatment, solidification /stabilization, and incineration .
Expert research and doctorate work also focuses on hazardous waste solidification/stabilization. She has worked on different waste streams received at TSDF site. She has governed hazardous waste stabilization operation on commercial scale. She was responsible for the characterization of waste and deciding cost effective solidification/stabilization method.
Stabilization of hazardous waste was her research topic. She has publication on the performance evaluation of hazardous waste stabilization in peer reviewed journals. She has worked on physico–chemical, leaching parameters. She has tested performance of stabilized product matching international standards.
Expert has worked for major cities like Bangalore, Indore for development of plan for management of municipal solid waste (MSW). MSW quantitative and qualitative characterization studies were completed for these two cities. The disposal and management suggestions made by her are implemented in these cities for the management of MSW.
Expert has a strong analytical background. She has worked on water, waste-water, air, soil, hazardous and municipal waste analysis. Fuel proximate and ultimate analysis. Biogas generation and analysis from different waste was also performed.
She has experience of industrial, commercial and residential environmental monitoring and regulations. Expert has done environmental baseline data creation for TSDF site. This data generation involve surface, ground water analysis, air quality, noise, soil analysis. A useful conclusion can be drawn on the impact of particular activity on environment. The analytical procedure used comply Indian and International standards and regulations.
She has worked on consultancy projects for water quality analysis and performance of effluent treatment plant.
Air quality analysis of residential, commercial and industrial area were also performed at different stages of her career. Lead levels investigations due to vehicular pollution in air, soil and blood levels in Indore city is a appreciated work done by her.
Solidification/stabilization of hazardous waste from Pharmaceutical, Engineering, textile, oil and refineries industries. Waste containing heavy metals, organics and volatiles were treated before landfilling.
Comprehensive analysis and consultation of industrial waste was helpful to many industries to trace functional problem in their industrial plant. for example. A heavy metal reported by Expert in the waste was out of process flow. Waste bearing dye from note press was stabilized before landfilling. Outdated pesticides and insecticides were disposed off. This work was done for governmental firm.Batteries were disposed off under special condition to comply with all regulation and disposal criteria. A cost effective technique of macroencapsulation was designed for bulk disposal of about 10MT waste. Municipal solid waste qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed for Bangalore and Indore, India. The study and suggestions made for final treatment and disposal of waste are implemented in the treatment and disposal facilities of the city. Many researcher contact Expert for environmental and hazardous waste analysis. The leaching and analytical procedure developed are used at different TSDF sites of India. Air water, soil and other environmental regulatory analysis work was guided by Expert for the preparation of baseline data and environmental monitoring.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2005 | Degree: Ph.D | Subject: Energy and Environment, Hazardous waste management | Institution: School Of Energy and Environmental Studies, Devi Ahilya University , Indore |
Year: 1999 | Degree: M.Phil | Subject: Energy and Environment, Hazardous waste management | Institution: Energy and Environmental Studies, Devi Ahilya University , Indore |
Year: 1998 | Degree: M.Sc. | Subject: Environmental Science | Institution: Institute of Chemical Science , Devi Ahilya University, Indore |
Year: 1996 | Degree: B.Sc. | Subject: Science | Institution: Devi Ahilya University, Indore |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Principal Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:She is advising on Energy and Environmental related issues of the firm.Advised firm on the development of project for newly organized Bangalore City Municipal Corporations waste management studies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to 2007 | Employer: Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd. | Title: Manager | Department: Waste Management Division |
Responsibilities:She was consulting different industrial units on waste characterization and disposal issues.She was managing wastes from Pharmaceutical, Textiles, Steel, Chemical, Engineering, Oil and Petroleum Industries. She was managing a team of Assistant Manager, chemists, and analysts for time bound, accurate characterization and disposal of hazardous waste from different industries. She consultanted for monitoring environmental parameters of the waste disposal site on a day to day basis to ensure compliance to discharge standards. She was extending technical support to marketing operation teams and concerned local authorities. She was advising on planning for overall development of laboratory with respect to R&D and new equipments. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2005 | Employer: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research | Title: Senior Research Fellow | Department: Energy and Environment |
Responsibilities:Research work on Solidification/stabilization.Geochemical modelling. Geopolymer development and its utilization as building material. Consultancy on water, waste water and fuel characterisation and feasibility studies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to 2003 | Employer: Devi Ahilya University | Title: Lecturer | Department: Energy and Environment |
Responsibilities:Environmental Regulation and law.Environmental Audit. Energy, Environment and Microbiology. Biomass laboratory. Solar laboratory. Environmental laboratory |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Part of team formed for supporting legal expert for Public Interest litigation (PIL) against upcoming landfill. Site won the case and PIL was dismissed. |
Marketing Experience |
Hazardous waste management. Hazardous waste Transfer Storage Disposal Facility establishment operation and maintenance. Monitoring of the environmental parameters of the waste disposal site on a day to day basis to ensure compliance to discharge standards. Advise different industrial units on waste characterization and disposal issues. Management of wastes from Pharmaceutical, Textiles, Steel, Chemical, Engineering, Oil and Petroleum Industries. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Municipal Solid Waste Characterization and Quantification study for Bangalore and Indore City Concept development for treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste, Bangalore city. |
Fields of Expertise
hazardous waste, hazardous waste solidification, hazardous waste stabilization, hazardous waste treatment, solid-waste management, hazardous waste storage, municipal solid waste management, garbage dump, environmental analytical chemistry, environmental monitoring, building noise control, waste disposal management, environmental science, hazardous waste remediation, municipal solid waste management technology, solid waste treatment, environmental regulation, environmental management, environment-related assessment, environmentally hazardous-chemical analysis, hazardous waste related equipment, industrial solid waste, mixed hazardous waste, hazardous-waste storage equipment, hazardous waste monitoring equipment, combined hazardous waste treatment, hazardous-waste encapsulation, hazardous-waste disposal, hazardous waste analysis instrument, municipal solid waste composting, hazardous-waste management, hazardous waste precipitation process, hazardous waste packaging process, hazardous-waste source reduction, hazardous waste material substitution, quantitative chemical analysis, qualitative chemical analysis, hazardous waste treatment facility design, hazardous waste treatment facility, hazardous chemical, environment, hazardous waste recycling, hazardous waste transport, municipal solid waste, hazardous waste management regulation, hazardous wastewater treatment system, hazardous waste treatment system, hazardous waste treatment organic chemical, hazardous waste treatment inorganic chemical, solid waste incineration system, hazardous waste surface impoundment, solid waste, hazardous waste microencapsulation, metal analytical chemistry, hazardous waste landfilling, hazardous waste management incineration, hazardous waste incineration, hazardous waste removal operation, hazardous waste materials reuse, hazardous waste landfill, hazardous waste fixation