Expert Details
Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical & Geotechnical Surveys and Exploration Mineral Exploration
ID: 724908
General term for folding, faulting, and other processes resulting from shear, compression, and extension of rocks. Deformation is a tectonic event and many mineral deposits are associated with deformation. With his vast experience in structural mapping he has identified potential mineralization zones for further exploration. He has used his experience and knowledge in identifying mineral deposits, particularly base metal deposits
A branch of geology that focuses on the chemical composition of Earth materials. Understanding geochemistry of elements and minerals is a very crucial aspect of mineral exploration. Geochemical surveys and exploration are one of the principal tools of mineral exploration. A separate branch of Geochemical exploration is bore hole geochemistry which uses the geochemical dispersion halos of elements to discover mineral deposits with a very economical and cost effective exploration program. He is expert in bore hole geochemistry and used his knowledge in minimizing drilling and cost savings for the exploration programmes.
Geological mapping is the first stage of any mineral exploration(including fossil fuels. Geological mapping brings out the lithology, stratigraphy, structure and tectonic history of the area and is useful in identifying target areas for further detailed surveys and studies for mineral exploration. in fact no exploration program can proceed with out geological mapping. He has vast experience in mapping and identified base metal mineralized zones in the Zangam Raju Palle - Varikunta belt of the Cuddapah Basin for further exploration
Transportation is part of weathering process of geological activity. Many placer deposits like tin, diamond, radioactive minerals (beach sands) etc are associated with transportation of material from the primary source to the secondary source. His experience of working in various geological terrains has given him a clear understanding of the weathering process and using this knowledge he has identified a few areas of chrysoberyl occurrences for further exploration in the Trivandrum and Quilob districts of Kerala State.
Geology is the science that deals with the earth. Its chief objective is mineral exploration. An expert in all aspects of Geology he has produced numerous geological reports which were subsequently used by many others as basic documents for mineral exploration, geological history, stratigraphy, structure and tectonics of the said areas.
A branch of geology that focuses on the physical composition and parameters of Earth materials. In a way geophysics, like microscope is the hand tool of geology. The physical and mechanical properties like seismosity, gravity, magnetism, electricity and resistivity of rocks and associated minerals is tested and explored for identifying possible centres of concentrations which are targeted for further exploration in mineral exploration.
Gold mining is the mining of gold deposits. These deposits can either be primary(ie. associated with the rocks in which the mineralization originally taken place) and secondary, where the primary deposits are weathered and the gold mineral, chiefly in its native form, is transported and deposited in favorable locations.
A coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock with at least 65% silica. Quartz, plagioclase feldspar and potassium feldspar make up most of the rock and give it a fairly light color. Granite has more potassium feldspar than plagioclase feldspar. Usually with biotite, but also may have hornblend;
A general term for intrusive igneous rocks that look similar to granite but may range in composition from quartz-diorite to granite. All granitic rocks are light colored; feldspar and quartz are visible in hand specimen.
The science that deals with water on and beneath the Earth surface. Through hydro geological surveys, coupled with geomorphology and structural features of the terrain underground water sources also called aquifers can be located.
A mineral is naturally occurring chemical compound or limited mixture of chemical compounds. Minerals generally form crystals and have specific physical and chemical properties which can be used to identify them. Minerology is the study of minerals. The formation of minerals. New minerals may be added to fractures and empty spaces in a rock or by replacing preexisting minerals with different ones. Mineralogy plays an important part in mineral exploration
All mining is a destructive activity of earth environment. This activity affects the earth environment, soil, water and air and pollutes it. The study of this polluting impact is necessary to lessen the damage it causes to the environment.
Mining activity creates enormous quantities of waste material. This is because out of the quantity that is mined only the economic part, ie, the part that contains valuable minerals, ores, metals is used and the rest is discarded as waste. The disposal, treatment and utilization of this waste has an enormous impact on the viability and sustainability of the mineral exploitation.
A mineral deposit that can be mined at a profit.
Al exploration activity is to identify the ores of various minerals that can be exploited profitably. It has a direct bearing on the price of the metal. An ore which cannot be profitably mined today can be economically viable when the price of the metal goes up.
The study of rocks. It is one of the important aspects of mineral exploration
Sampling is the systematic collection of rock, soil, water and biological material which is a representative portion. The analysis of these will give an idea of the concentration of the mineralselements present. Sampling is the most important aspect of mineral exploration.
Sedimentary rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks or pieces of once-living organisms. They form from deposits that accumulate on the Earth's surface. Sedimentary rocks often have distinctive layering or bedding.The study of these rocks is sedimentology. Sedimentalogical studies tell us the history and process of sedimentary rocks and their diagenesis. This study is an important aspects of mineral exploration of many sedimentary deposits like coal, limestone, iron ore, etc.
Seismic interpretation is the study of the data and results obtained from the seismic exploration. This study gives an idea of how the rock formations are disposed in an area and what are the structures associated with them . This survey is used extensively in oil exploration
Sedimentary rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks or pieces of once-living organisms. They form from deposits that accumulate on the Earth's surface. Sedimentary rocks often have distinctive layering or bedding.The study of these rocks is sedimentology. Sedimentalogical studies tell us the history and process of sedimentary rocks and their diagenesis. This study is an important aspects of mineral exploration of many sedimentary deposits like coal, limestone, iron ore, etc.
Stratigraphy is the study of the order of disposition of the geological strata. it gives the geological and tectonic history of the area and is important in mineral exploration as certain mineral deposits are associated with cetain stratigraphic horizons.
Surface mining is also called open cast mining. The ore is mined rom the surface with out any underground activity.
Weathering includes two surface or near-surface processes that work in concert to decompose rocks. Both processes occur in place. No movement is involved in weathering. Chemical weathering involves a chemical change in at least some of the minerals within a rock. Mechanical weathering involves physically breaking rocks into fragments without changing the chemical make-up of the minerals within it. Mechanical weathering includes processes such as water in cracks freezing and expanding, or changes in temperature that expand and shrink individual minerals enough to break them apart.
Many placer deposits of gold, precious stones etc are a direct result of weathering.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1973 | Degree: M.Sc(Tech) | Subject: Applied Geology | Institution: Andhra University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1975 to 1997 | Employer: Government Of India | Title: Senior Geologist | Department: Geological Survey of India |
Responsibilities:Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical SurveysMineral Exploration Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Studies Borehole Geochemistry |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2003 to 2005 | Agency: KRWSSA | Role: Consultant | Description: Groundwater Exploration |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert witness in Medical Geology (concerned with pollution control) |
Vendor Selection |
Can get and arrange mining licenses(prospecting) in India |
Marketing Experience |
Mineral Exploration |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Kannada | Kannada |
English | |
Telugu | |
Hindi |
Fields of Expertise
coal, deformation, geochemistry, geotectonics, geologic mapping, geological transportation, geology, geophysics, gold mining, granite, aplite, hydrogeology, mineralogy, mining environmental impact, mining waste, ore, petrology, rock sampling, sedimentology, seismic interpretation, sedimentology, stratigraphy, surface mining, weathering, oil geology, geomorphology, ore mining, environmental geophysics, governmental relations, governmental investigation, forensic geology, underground mining, uranium mining, phosphate mining, coal mining, environmental geology, fuel, geography, hydroelectric energy, renewable energy source, geothermal energy, crude oil, bitumen